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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Yea importing an oblivion horse can either illegal or Expensive. Keep an eye out for and horse models under some kind of free to use and whatever copyright and post it here. May be a good start.



    Most of those horse mods linked used the Bethesda Oblivion Horse base models and anims and if they appear here, the uploader will be banned for copyright infringement.

  2. First, I would like to thank everyone that was kind enough to post, vote, PM, or otherwise respond to this poll and question. Without you guys, the Nexus would wither and die (or at least the forums would).

    I understand that some of you have opinions which are very deeply entrenched, and that you are unlikely to change your minds, but I would like to point out that most other people on this site ALSO have very deeply entrenched ideas, opinions, and feelings. It is not our task to change someone's mind for them, but merely to present the facts in a polite, considerate manner so that they can make their own minds up.

    As this thread has the possibility to get out of hand, and because I don't want to see anyone who posted here get strikes, or even banned, I am hereby requesting that the moderators lock this thread. Once again, I would like to thank all those who responded and/or voted.



    Be happy to oblige.

  3. This is the official New Vegas Mod Detectives thread, and this is how it works:


    It's pretty simple. If you can't find a mod, you post a description or a screenshot of it here, and have the mod detectives find the mod for you!



    :excl: Do not ask 'Does this mod exist?'. Only post here if you know the mod you want exists, but you can't find it. :excl: For New Vegas mod requests post here.

    Mod Sites

  4. So what is with the Argonian females in Oblivion?
    This old saw again. :rolleyes:


    About the Argonians breasts, as a biologist I have been thinking about this. The Argonians really do remind me of the first mammals that evolved - aka "proto-mammals" or "stem-mammals". Check out the Synapsides, and the undergroups of it to find out more. I just like to see things from an evolutionary point of view, and I think this is the most "realistic" view of the Argonians - that they're early mammals and not reptiles at all. :)




    You Win!

  5. I don't play Dragon Age, but I do play Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and New Vegas and I use the free utility "Total Commander" to make backups of my files as well and put them on external media (I have 1Tb Mybook, and 500 gig HP PMD), and I do the same thing as RustyBlade. After I upgraded to W7 I did have to install the executable files and the game files but after all the DLC and python, wrye, obmm/fomm and mash/bash/flash were installed I just copied my backups over and Voila, ready to play.
  6. KD, have you lost your mind? The way to do this would have been to write to Lon and make your case. I know him and he would hear you out.


    But you know as well as I do that bringing it on the forums is a way to try to undermine authority and campaign for the outcome you want rather than to reason it through in a discussion. I do not understand how you can believe this kind of underhanded manipulation could possibly help your cause.

  7. I was wondering how you got all four of the Bonus Packs. I only got the Tribal Pack, and I didn't even download it yet, because I would have rather got one of the others.
  8. I don't know if DA:O is set in England, but Oblivion, most definitely, is not. Historically, people who eat native foods have healthy (white) teeth. Note that sugar was imported to England first as a rare delicacy, then later as a cheap staple that significantly ruined the diet and health of the population (including their teeth). Cane sugar is not a native food to Europe. I could argue that sugar is one of the most evil poisons on earth.
  9. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=228864&view=findpost&p=2039479


    My suggestion in this case is to do the work yourself rather than getting the staff here to do it. Sounds silly; people who work here not wanting to do it, but we do have better things to do like working on the site or keeping the place clean and tidy.


    If you don't have a disposable email account at yahoo or google or MSN or something then set one up and register a new account with the name you want. Once done PM a moderator and inform them you have made a second account because you no longer liked your old username and request your old account be banned. In the PM remember to include your old account username so it can be banned.


    Done; you have your new username!


    Banning an account takes about 10 seconds and 2 clicks. Changing a username takes anywhere from 2 minutes to 2 days if the username requested already exists and is about 8 clicks...of which a lot of time is spent waiting for the site to finish searching 1.75 million members in the database for possible name conflicts.

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