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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. A reminder to all, trolling is an instaban offense, and if you argue with one you could become a troll yourself, and also be banned. Use the Report button. Otherwise, Ignore trolls, Do Not Feed them. -myrmaad
  2. The standard rule of thumb is:


    All mods go into your Data folder. When copying them into that folder, you may get a prompt asking if you would like to "overwrite". In this case, the answer is always "yes".


    This is a standard rule of thumb, that means in most cases this is the rule, the readme should say otherwise if it deviates from this rule.


    Fizz's mods all comply with this standard.



    For example:


    When you open the archive containing the mod you should see at least three items:








    Select all three of these and extract to


    ..Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\




    Double check for a common error:

    Use Windows Explorer to browse to your Data folder and check to see if it contains an extra Data folder inside. That's not accessible, thus useless.


    ..Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Data\Data\(crap that can't be used) <- This is wrong


    You can move that crap back to the original Data folder and then delete the Now Empty extra data folder if you wish.


    **If you're confused at this point, ask until you understand before doing anything else**


    Next you can check for another common error by using windows explorer to go up one level until you reach the


    ..Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas


    If it contains a folder called Data (which it should!) and also has folders called "meshes" and "textures" in it, those meshes and textures folders were installed to the wrong place. Just delete them or move them to inside the Data folder.


    Do not go willy nilly throwing folders into random places as you described above. That will not help.

  3. We're not discussing the Daedric armor in Vvardenfall, though, we are discussing the amount in Tamriel, during the Oblivion crisis, or in other words, the Daedric invasion. Not that I care, seriously if this is your primary complaint against Oblivion, then I see it as total win.
  4. I was plagued for years from about 16 through age 24 by recurrent theme dreams. Each dream contained either a snake or many snakes, and after the point when I was inevitably bitten, I'd wake up.
  5. Actually having lived my entire life around bikers of all varieties, I find that a validating argument for the opposite. They may have crappy houses, but many times a good bike is the only thing a real biker actually owns. My father and mother were both bikers, I'm a second generation woman rider.
  6. The thing is you guys are completely blowing it out of proportion. Do you realize how often music artist's instrumentals are completely covered and reused by other artists? They're always redistributed for free to prevent such lawsuits. The same applies just in a far smaller way.


    Wrong again.



    And it's clear to me you are not yourself, and do not have any close friends or family, in the actual music industry.

  7. I believe it's properly "dragonborne". The one the dragon bears. That could mean in flight or through birthright. Or both.


    Someone please give me multiple sources for the timeline between Morrowind and Oblivion, if it's even possible.


    Finally, like it or not, Oblivion counts. There was no aberration, no substitute developer, no third party development team, Todd Howard was at the helm.

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