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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. "the lunatic is in the grass.."


    Oops, let's start again.


    "Harmlessly passing your time in the grasslands away

    Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air

    You'd better watch out

    There may be dogs about..........."

  2. Spamming the chat:


    # Cammen

    teehee daddadaadaaaadadqdaddadadaddadadaddadaddadddadadadadadaddadadaaaaaaaa


    # Cammen

    im not


    # Cammen

    ** U R LAME **


    # Cammen


  3. Yes, it's been a pain when you type HGEC and don't get body models but 500 bathing suits.


    Dark0ne's idea will work perfectly especially if it's searchable, for example, I often search for OBSE dependent mods. It may be easier now that we've been working on the tag system but it would be great if there was just a sub-category for OBSE dependent mods, maybe.

  4. Nimbrethil banned.


    According to our terms of service, which you agreed to upon signing up for membership here, you are not free to criticize a modder or their mod freely, but only in the most constructive and positive terminology possible. If you cannot do that, you should move along without a word to something you do like.


    Your post has been removed from the thread.



    Er, sorry. I can understand why someone would not be thrilled to have their hard work criticized, but to actually ask people to not say anything if they don't have anything nice to say is about as childish and entitled as you can get.


    You are NOT entitled to freedom from negative comments. Part of being an adult is accepting that not everyone is going to like what you do, and not everyone is going to coddle your ego by letting you only ever hear good things about your work. Besides that, do you honestly expect to improve and grow by shutting yourself off from any comments that aren't in praise of your work. Sorry, darlin, but your work is NOT perfect, and it is not your best stuff ever, no matter how hard you worked on it. And yes, it does indeed hurt to have people say they don't like something that you spent many hours of time and effort on.


    I write, so I know this all too well. But the fact is, working hard on a project and being personally proud of it is no reason to stick your fingers in your ears and demand that people only say good things, or nothing at all. Not if you expect to be taken seriously, and not if you want people to treat you like a mature adult.



    Most of your posts do illustrate you do not understand the concept of constructive criticism, nor how you are trolling in your inflammatory posting style.


    Another reference post here.

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