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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. We had a case where we were so fed up with a banned member we decided not to host their mods here, and removed them -- and the modder was incensed we took them down. I think it was a first. Arthmoor, you seem to ask this same question periodically, and the answer is always the same: as a courtesy we will leave them up unless we are asked to delete them. If you think it would be best if we delete them instead, then you are free to open a discussion centered on that issue. I will support you in that cause.
  2. I've been staying away from this topic, but as a woman who struggled with infertility for years, only to have two miscarriages in a row, I'm deeply offended by this line of discourse, and frankly, well I just don't think much of it.


    You can windbag a topic to death.

  3. In your blogs link to the mods rather than uploading them and hosting them yourselves. If they disappear from here or elsewhere, contact the author for permission before publicly uploading them. It's as simple as that.
  4. wolfe075 banned.


    Personal attack and continued trolling on a mod release thread.




    Posted 01 March 2011 - 01:49 PM

    An odd choice for a mod, I know many atheists but this is just silly. What's the point of this? To see the ghouls kill them or something? If you're not an atheist then you're a Protestant I'd assume? Oh well, it took some work to set them all up that way I suppose. So for that I congratulate you; for you managed to spend a great deal of time on spreading hatred and intolerance! Huzzah for the Spanish Inquisition! Huzzah for the Atheist Soviet Gulags! Huzzah for the Coliseum! Wait...are we all wrong?


    Perhaps it's simply humanity's depravities.





    Posted Today, 11:04 AM

    Lol, you're not privy to sarcasm are you? I tried to ENDORSE the file! I was mocking religious zealots, not acting like one!


    Also, the Inquisition was Catholic, the Gulags Athiest and the Colosseum was Pagan. You apparently didn't read the entire comment.


    EDIT: I just reread the entire post, and I have to say that not one thing there was a direct insult. Was it the Protestant thing or something? I'm an agnostic myself, so you can see why you're confusing me here.



    Alt account Victor570 now also banned - TVD.

  5. I have met transgendered people but furthermore I also know people who consider themselves "genderless" or as they sometimes term it, with the similar anguish "asexual". I've had long conversations with these friends so I've had an ample time and several years to think it over.


    First off, people are people, social creatures who have surmounted the incredible insufficiency of being born fur-less and tool-less by banding together in social groups to accomplish great works, such as building cities, defeating whales in battles at sea, all technology we have created tends to serve some socially connective purpose, whether it's feeding a family (stuff in your kitchen) or feeding a great many (land and ocean highways), or getting a message to a friend (phone) or a great many (tv).


    Social creatures we are, we use each other to make sense of our world. If you've read Nathaniel Hawthorne you can see clearly the influence of neighbors and friends on the characters in his books, and they make a great sociological microcosm in which to examine this social phenomenon humans tend to rely upon. It doesn't excuse bad behavior, for example we are horrified at the idea that young girls were burned as witches in Salem, but at the time it's why that was allowed to happen. It was socially acceptable in that community to behave that way (burning 'witches'). Now it's not socially acceptable to behave that way, therein lies the source of my hope.


    We can change it.


    That said, there are many people who do not "believe in" transgenderism. What I mean is, they don't understand, and thus can't believe that anyone could possibly feel transgendered; in this kind of thought pattern the idea that follows is that there must be some other reason, some ulterior motive that makes the person want to "act" transgendered.


    And these are my own thoughts about it: I am a woman who takes great delight and much passion in being a woman. I love being a girl, and I know I would detest being in a boy's body. In fact the idea of being a boy just gives me the freakin' skeevies. However, I have a close friend I've known since I was 9 who though she's not transgender, is classic "penis envy". I mean it's blatant, she is constantly in a battle to outdo the boys, have better muscles, have a better job, even sexual experimentations that, to me are outlandish and even repulsive, and I'm no prude, Now, I don't personally understand this quality that compels her, but I do understand that she is different than me. This is who she is. And my intensity in loving being feminine is also to some, outlandish maybe, but this is who I am and I feel it very deeply.


    Two of my other friends, one of each biological gender consider themselves "asexual" as I noted above. To them, I'm over the top with the femininity and they could not care less about gender at all. One of them has a touch of aspergers, the other may I'm not sure, but as I have also noted in recent years, this genderless quality of feeling seems to be, in my limited experience, to accompany those with aspergers a lot more often than average. (That's just my own observation and I have nothing scientific to back it up, so I don't know if there's anything to it or not. I have done no research so do not go around quoting me on it.) Both of these two friends are young and I don't know anyone my own age with aspergers who are open to discussing this with me. :)



    The point is, though, that in my experience, human sexuality comes on a scale. There are a range, a scale if you will, of feelings regarding one's own sexuality, that have nothing to do with "attraction" at all, and that are entirely one's own perception about themselves, and I respect that.


    I am here *.


    You, gentle reader, are probably somewhere else.

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