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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. You do realize that "proletariat" is literally "the workers" the working class.


    Hmm, let me get this straight: suddenly the working class and the middle class are not exactly the same? Since when. They've been the same for the last 60 years at the very least.


    And by the way if they don't have a job, and thus don't work, then they aren't part of the proletariat, again which is literally "the workers".

  2. Very few know how much they must know in order to know how little they know. ~Unknown


    Oh never by way of advice!

    And she never sins by telling the tale

    To the same person twice.

    ~ Robert Frost, A Girl's Garden


    We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~AnaÏs Nin


    The color of the object illuminated partakes of the color of that which illuminates it. ~DaVinci


    fear says "I want you to be safe"

    love says, "You are safe"


    In the midst of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus


    "Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy." ~William Butler Yeats


    Death makes angels of us all & gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws ~Mr MoJoRisin


    You can't teach an old dogma new tricks. ~Dorothy Parker





    (for dead poets, artists, and musicians, she has a passion,

    for beauty, artistry, and grace never go out of fashion.)

  3. Well you could try out Gmax which is free , which is 3ds max but without the render engine and some other useful stuff, it has niftools support which is great:)


    And you should buy yourself a wacom tablet - they last for ages :)


    Yup to both of these comments, I've had my Wacom Intuos since '98 and it's wonderful, with great driver support & updates all this time. I love it. I like blender but I've been experimenting with gmax myself, and finally, I've been watching this thread, and believe me, there's a huge demand for menswear, especially by us lady gamers! I'm looking forward to seeing it on my man! :)

  4. Dubya75 - STRIKE #1 & #2 : flaming on an upload thread



    This mod overrides all my metal kite shield textures!!! Not cool man, and now I can't get it back to how it was even after uninstalling your mod.

    Thanks a F*CKIN lot Dall, now I have to re-install my game!!!


  5. I'm sorry, I skipped some of the posts because I think the topic misses the most important point.


    What is the point of having an opinion? Unless it's shared between people, it's a completely private matter.


    So the point is what happens when an opinion is shared.


    The fact of this matter is this;


    Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and everyone is humanly fallible. Researched or not, since we are not omniscient beings, the fact is no one can ever be quite sure of most or their own conclusions against someone else's conclusions. We can only know what we ourselves have experienced, trapped inside the box of the corporeal world.


    Thus, the respectful thing to do is to remember this:


    Each of us have the same right to our own opinions. It is disrespectful to do more than state them, i.e. "to convince" is the highest form of disrespect. State your opinion respectfully. Listen to another's opinion respectfully, remembering that you don't have the right to invalidate their process.. we can assume that given time and experience their opinions may or may not change.


    "What I learned over my summer vacation: everyone is entitled to their own (stupid) opinons." -actual real life myrmaad quote.


    Believe me, following this rule in your life and relationships will result in much happiness. It frees you from the responsibility of trying to "straighten people out". Just let it go, free as a bird.

  6. Just stop it. These last two posts have gone right off the deep end. Surenas, you obviously don't have a clue about what you're on about. It so happens that one of my dearest friends is not a only a professional translator, but she's Japanese, was born, raised, and currently still lives in Japan though she travels extensively. She helped me tremendously with this situation and I can assure you all, though it's none of your business, Speedbuster is quite clear on the situation. He has been in touch, and he's made the choice he feels comfortable with, and we are all going to respect it.


    Furthermore he has uploaded a new original outfit since his return.


    Now, I really do not like lies, fearmongering, drama-mongering, pot-stirring or gossip. I don't want to see it again on this thread.

  7. Ah well. I guess I'd better start learning how to use blender. D:


    Well, I know there are some nice shorts in a mod for a cowgirls cheerleader type outfit.


    Finding a suitable jacket will be tough but Growlf made one for his hot bodies, it's not hgec. Speedbuster has good boots they're leather, and a couple of jackets that might work. You could give that a go, and it's easier than making a brand new mesh just to start out with playing around. I have too many projects of my own right now.

  8. chest



    Door with ayleid glow removed / new worn metal interior texture



    The bed was a problem. I decided to take the military approach. I used the lowerclass single bed to create a custom mesh. You probably won't like it.



  9. Xeivous just asks that because body type is one of the main things you're supposed to say when making a request, not because he'll make it.


    Can you direct me to that rule? Maybe it should be the author's choice.


    Hopefully Xeivous is working on it. I'm really looking forward to it!


    Sorry to disappoint but I can't find any evidence that Xeivous has contributed any meshes privately or publicly.

  10. More favorite authors:


    T.H. White

    Neither force, nor argument, nor opinion are thinking. Argument is only a display of mental force, a sort of fencing with points in order to gain a victory, not for truth. Opinions are the blind alleys of lazy or of stupid men, who are unable to think.


    Might does not make right! Right makes right!



    Lewis Carroll

    We're all mad here


    Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic.


    His answer trickled through my head like water through a sieve.



    Thich Nhat Hanh

    For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.


    Thanks to impermanence, everything is possible.




    The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places.


    To hell with luck. I'll bring the luck with me.



    W.H. Auden

    All that we are not stares back at what we are.


    We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don't know.



    Carl Sandburg

    Poetry is a phantom script telling how rainbows are made and why they go away.


    The greatest cunning is to have none at all.


    There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud.



    Kiss me and you will see how important I am

  11. If it's a rip, it's not "already made" now is it?

    I hope someone is finally going to work on this, it's been a very long time coming, and it's a very popular request.


    Xeivous, have you actually made any of these requests? People, ok maybe just me, assume you ask for the body type because you're going to make it, so if not, then someone who actually could or might make it, may move on to something else. It discourages action.


    Because it doesn't really matter which body it's made for, there are a dozen talented converters for every one talented mesh maker.

  12. Mark Twain is also one of my favorites. Here's a selection of my favorite quotes by various authors:



    Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too, can become great.

    ~ Mark Twain


    "Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill."

    ~ Gildor, The Fellowship of the Ring, JRR Tolkien


    A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packed web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.

    ~ Dresden James


    The growing wealth acquired by corporations never fails to be a source of abuses.

    ~President James Madison


    It would be extremely naive to expect the dominant classes to develop a type of education that would enable subordinate classes to perceive social injustices critically.

    ~Paulo Freire


    War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

    ~Bertrand Russell


    She had lost her sails, her cape, her horse, her seven-league boots, and all of them at once. She was stranded in the semi-darkness of a winter


    ~AnaÏs Nin


    'some men are so damnable proud and envious withal, that they would have nobody know any thing but themselves; the one I hope will shortly learn better manners, and the other be a burden too heavy for the Earth long to bear'

    ~Nicholas Culpeper, "The English Physitian" 1652

  13. 1. yes, they should find the .bsa fine.


    2. You could try the less complicated method of merging the dependent mods and leave the master.. for now while you're getting to know how to use it. I am running about 800 mods via the gecko merge system, but I find that merging simpler mods works best. For example clothing and armors in a merge, weapons in a merge etc. So I would probably opt to put the three you want to keep in one dependent plugin.


    There is a way to do what you want of course, but back up all plugins before you start experimenting with it, then you can use the built-in gecko feature or use wrye bash to convert the master to an .esp (espify), and then merge the ones you want. This could be unpredictable.


    I have not tried merging my patches, so someone else will need to advise you on that.


    There is a good tes4gecko tutorial thread posted on beth forums it was begun by Shadowcran.

  14. What is this, not allowed to post unless you have the same exact philosophy as everyone else? Maybe you can't handle having this conversation.


    There is a school of thought that economies are irrevocably tied to political systems. It's worth a consideration, even if it's found to be without merit so if you don't agree move on and say your piece, but do it respectfully.

  15. I don't think you understood that I was speaking in general of load logic. We do leave the bashed patch near the end of the load, so it's unlikely that very few, if any mods would change the things that the bash patch changes.


    As for your filter bash patch, I would handle it separately, drag another blank out of the extras folder and rename it, and then bash it for only the factions.


    I do think that it's an intriguing plan to bring what sounds like working gilds to Tamriel. As far as using it for distribution, you'll have to rely on someone else's expertise, I think there should be another way but many people do use Wrye so it could be an optional file perhaps. I don't know.

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