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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Sorry I didn't post this before, Just tossed this together nothing special, last night. It actually turned out a lot better than I expected, still using the same glow map from the other version.





    As for the Ayleid door retexture.. I think it looks bad. It doesn't look like metal, and it's purple and yellow.

    Here it is with a futuristic white marble or composite style center ring.



    Here's one that I think is getting there:


  2. sniggedydiggedy banned.


    Trolling in an upload thread.


    ...your an idiot, noones going to make a mod for you and give you the credit. plus thats a terrible idea so arthmoor probably wouldn't want to take credit for it himself. primo mod arthmoor, lovin it.


    this is a prime example of why 13 year olds shouldn't make mods


    Additional accounts banned: StiffWiff



  3. Now the second one looks very nice, very nice indeed. I don't suppose, though, it'd be too demanding to ask to see what that texture would do on, say, the glass quiver? The mesh might look better...


    And I'm happy to hear that you've got versions you're satisfied with. That's the most important thing.


    :D I had my doubts about that quiver as well because of the way it falls over on one side. But the other quivers aren't smooth, they're bumpy.

  4. I actually fixed both meshes.


    I was actually talking to bben regarding the paths.



    All you need to do is download the 7z file I uploaded after I fixed it, unzip it and paste it into your data file, when asked, say yes to over-write.


    Or don't. It's up to you.

  5. Isabel.


    For some reason I'm suddenly wondering if I understand a word you've said.


    You're hear to call for common sense and logic? From my viewpoint those are in short supply and high demand in the general population of the world. That's why humankind has had systems of governance since we stood upright. You seem to be (endlessly) campaigning, but for what purpose? It's as if we've gone beyond explanation and graduated to philosophical debate, which is inappropriate because the rule is no longer up for discussion, the time for the decision making has already passed.


    I kicked the dead horse because I could have sworn you were still beating it, I thought you must not have understood the nuance of Vagrant's post.


    We're not so much conversation nazis here, normal conversation with creative people meanders to surprising and often interesting connections. The connection from a perceived berating to the defense of the berated is a logical conclusion. We all may have different ideas of what posts are "useless", just as we all differ on what may be appropriate imagery for a general public accessible forum.


    It's funny how that works too, isn't it? "I don't want to be dictated to about what I might post, but I wish to dictate what you might post." That's the stance, is it not?


    My own preference is always to hear from a wide variety of voices, a round table if you will, rather than endure an endless radio broadcast on a loop.


    Surenas, I think you've missed nothing. :)


    Personally, I don't appreciate willy-nilly locking of topics on a whim. For what purpose? This is still a conversation, not a free for all. What would you prefer to rename the topic? That's easily accomplished.

  6. It seems that other people have been able to get these to work. Have you read through all of the documentation, especially the entire comment section? Do you have all of the required mods?

    The texture path of the top one (i rifle) is hard coded:

    c:\games\fallout 3\data\textures\jack's i rifle\ar2 irifle.dds


    The second weapon in the i rifle mod is pathed to:

    c:\docments and settings\d1\desktop\3dmodels\wep attachz\bipod folded.dds and

    c:\games\fallout 3\data\textures\jackpackwepons\assault\xm586 2.dds

    it's a bit of a mess, the textures don't appear to be in included.


    Let me look at the other:

    The flamer minigun is only a plugin with no meshes or textures included. It's dependent on Broken Steel so if you don't have that DLC you're out of luck on that one.



    Try this:


  7. Don't worry about it.


    I'm sorry you missed some of his mods, but I am optimistic and hopeful that after some time he will feel comfortable enough to share them with us again.

  8. Wow, they look sleek and elegant. Beautiful! I honestly can't wait to get them ingame!


    Truly elegant. I'm not sure, is it possible to change the quiver for, say, the iron or glass quiver, and retexture the quiver the crosshatched metal texture from here: http://webtreats.mys...es-pattern-set/ ? I don't mean tp be pushy, and I really hate seeming ungratefull, but I'm aiming for a sort of Fallout-style grimdark grunge look, and these gorgeous things are almost elven in grace and beauty.


    Oh, BTW, regardless, have a kudo!


    Yes, it occurred to me as well, I'm going to look at the steel mesh.



    @myrm You know what I mean...


    I guess, but actually now there seems to be more C-cup support than any other in HGEC, (Eve), there's the modified TGND which is like a B, there are the muscular versions which tend to be around C or DD but not out of proportion to the wide thighs and hips, and there is quite a lot of A-cup support, if you know where to look for it. I seem to trip over it all.

  9. Sweet! My lady, your skillz leave this humble n00b in awe!


    Do you mean there's a way to get the quiver plain? Because, no offense, but it's sort of supposed to be a hi-tech, morkmanlike thing. Sort of thing you could imagine one of Z's Plague Doctor's using... Matter of fact, he'll be able to use it for the Repo! mod...


    Because of it's rounded shape it looks pretty crap plain. Sleek texture deserves sleek lines, you know what I mean? Let me see what I can come up with..

  10. LOL


    My problem is I'm never satisfied.


    Also, is there any way to make the small bulge near the end of the arrows a transparent, glowing blue?


    I was just toying with the idea of applying a light blue glass effect since I'm not crazy about the artifacting in the quiver.

    The mesh is plain, the details are in the bump map.


    It's not hard to add a subtle glow, let me add a bit of glass if I can, and then I'll add some glow.

  11. A couple years ago I got my husband an Ion Turntable for his birthday, so we dug out the vinyl. Most were great but among the disappointments that didn't stand the test of time, Pyramid by Alan Parsons Project.. musta been high! Who are you, by the Who.. Melanie (Lay down Candles in the Wind) in my stack , which is weird, and unfortunately some Stevie Nicks crap, a lot of Cat Stevens... don't ask.


    Hey but you should see what we found in my husband's collection Bette Midler ELO, Linda Ronstadt and stuff I'm unwilling to even try to identify -- alright: Chris Squires? -- (hey that's not so bad) in the midst of Tommy/Apostrophe/Cosmo's Factory/ mine weren't that bad! I have every Zeppelin, most Hendrix, lots of Pink Floyd, old Genesis before there were three, Jethro Tull (I always thought Ian Anderson wore the best mage armor ever), and actually most of my stuff is not from the 80s at all, so I missed the worst of it, probably because I had moved from Vinyl & 8Track to cassette in the 80s, and that's probably where I'd find the true hall of shame! Madonna!

  12. I don't see anything wrong with nude imagery, mods, etc. Other things are more offensive to my sensibilities. Killing, is one example. I think mods or images that include violence, blood and gore, are more offensive than those that portray sexual acts or themes. Sex, and depictions of sexual acts are human notations of pleasure and procreation.


    And at one time the majority probably agreed with you, until the imagery became a representation of the violent, misogynist, disrespectful objectification of women. Loving kindness is always beautiful, respect is always pleasantly received, but most of those images were quite literally abusive in the disrespectful depiction of women as whores.

  13. I'm confused on what you're finding so hard.



    Lets see your Load order please, I don't need or use the Cobl filter because it covers all sorts of mods I don't use, so it's unnecessary.


    But if you did have all those mods and wanted to use it, you would simply sort it down at the bottom of your load order. (Make it one of the last ones).


    You can sort as the person on the blog did, but I usually just click on the Load Order Column header. Voila.


    Then you follow the same instructions, highlighting all the mods you have installed from top to bottom: you do this by selecting the Oblivion.esm which needs to be first at the top (and sorts as 00) and then going to the bottom of your load order, hold down the Shift key and select the last mod in the list. They all then highlight.


    http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_BashPatch09.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_BashPatch02.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_BashPatch10.jpg


    Right click on the whole highlighted bunch and select Mark Mergeable in the context menu.



    A popup will list which were mergeable and which weren't. You should scroll down through it looking for errors listed, they would be right after the list of not mergeable mods.

    http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_Image19-1.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_BashPatch14.jpg



    Then Right-Click on your Bashed patch that you got out of the extras folder and copied into your load list. You should have already sorted everything before doing the mark mergeable function, so if you add new mods to the order, rinse and repeat the mark mergeable process, (select all etc)

    http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_BashPatch04.jpg http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/otherstuff/oblivion/techstuff/th_BashPatch07.jpg


    The color codes help you sort your mods, for example the orange one in my load is out of order, so if you re-arrange the order you should re-build the patch, even if you don't add any thing new.


    Read the documentation to decide which options you prefer here. When you select an option, any possibilities for inclusion are listed on the right pane:



    I am selective of most the options but I always select all on the merge patches option, unless there's some specific odd reason I don't want a mod's changes included included.



    Here's the logic:

    Every mod makes changes to the game, so the last mod in the load order to touch or change an area, weapon, armor, npc, creature -- what have you -- the last mod that alters it, wins.

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