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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. Well, let's re-think the solution then. (The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a new/different result.)


    Have you tried using the FOMM archive invalidation button?

  2. First, you just can't slap a texture for a different body on to another body mesh. Unless the Exnem's texture specifically says it works with Type 3, you may never assume it will.


    Robert's male comes with textures, so I'm going to assume the installation procedure went awry. Try reinstalling Roberts, after reviewing the directions in the readme file carefully. And you might reinstall Typ3 as well because the type 3 textures were surely overwritten by the exnem textures,


    Also, make sure when you reinstall Roberts, that you're installing all of the bodies and textures for raiders, males, and ghouls.

  3. For the life of me I can not figure out what is causing this to happen. I've gone through every folder in the data/textures section and deleted anything with 'raider' in it. Hoping to just make them revert to the vanilla textures.


    Now of course, if I disable all the mods I have installed they revert to vanilla. But that's not any fun. I've been going through disabling some mods and starting the game up to see if they are the offending files to no avail. I've read somewhere that other people have had similar problems, either with raiders or something else. But I still haven't found anything that tells you how to fix it.


    It is only a texture glitch right ? And as I've said, I've deleted every raider texture that is in my mod folders (presumably anyway). And it's not only just females, or males. It's both (see picture). If all else fails, I'd be more than happy to just have all raiders revert to vanilla status.



    So you are using exnem's famale body along with the Textures for it, right? (I can't tell from the pics, sorry).


    And have you added any male textures or have you added Roberts Male body?

  4. No, a WIP is a Work In Progress, and is often tested among a group prior to actual release. Even a first release is sometimes a Beta and is closer to finished than a WIP. Beta means it's almost ready for a formal release but still in testing.


    However I did make a small mistake, this one was being WIPped up, but it was another that was stolen while it was also in WIP stage but released to a small site for testing. This one has never been uploaded, anywhere, by the author, to my knowledge. The few people who have it were emailed it directly from the author to my knowledge.

  5. As far as I know it's not going to be released, because while it was a wip someone stole it and posted it on another site. This is what happens when the community allows people to disrespect our modders.


    What you can do: respect private mods; never upload without permission of the mod maker; and be grateful for everything you're given.

  6. If you're black, you don't need black friends or loved ones to give you a valid frame of reference, though your loved ones will probably have a major impact.
  7. This thread has been so seriously offensive in the last several posts that only having IPS Driver errors has stopped me from locking it. Since then the conversation has moved into a slightly better direction, but my finger's on the trigger.


    If you don't know any black people, or if you have only "one black friend", I promise you, you are not equipped to talk about this subject intelligently. That's not your fault, but it certainly makes the subject "foreign" to you. Any scapegoating on this thread I will delete from the posts, that's a primary insult and I won't stand for it.

  8. Let's clarify:

    The debate topic is:

    Animal Manslaughter?, Should Owners Be Charged?


    On that point it's nearly a unanimous consensus.


    There are already a whole shebang of subtopics being debated; such as animal cruelty, the merits of modern food processing; whether wearing leather and eating meat is a hypocritical act if you are against animal cruelty; whether your opinion is valid if you've never owned livestock; whether hunting can be considered on par with dogfighting in terms of cruelty; whether animals are intelligent; and whether instinct is a measure of intelligence;


    All of these have been part of this debate to some extent or another so far.


    So I have no idea which "side' is which or which side you're claiming to be on.


    And we aren't 'studying' debate, we are/were attempting to have one.

  9. A debate, surely, does argue the same points over and over?


    No, I think that's dogmatism. :) Seriously, though, no.



    And every one of the certain persons on this thread have been "allowed" to state their cases unfettered so far. I'm in this debate and I have agreed with certain points of certain persons such as Kendo, as well as other certain persons. There have been many good points. No need to beat us all over the head with it in a chorus.


    Or maybe there is a need, as the minority opinion tries to level the field, but that's how it goes. Even when the minority is "right" they are almost always at the mercy of the majority.


    And "right" is always subjective.


    What is not subjective, is that I recognize your right to see things your way and not try to bully you into changing your viewpoint, that is simply disrespectful.


    All of us are guilty of that, from time to time.

  10. The science on whether animals are capable of cognition is far from "proven" only merely accepted, the debate does rage on.




    But this debate, I think, is not about what the animals knew when. But more what should humans do to protect the animals and the humans. On that I think we had some agreement.


    And sociologically speaking, morals are not set in stone, but tend to vary by social group and custom.


    On the other hand I totally agree about eating meat and wearing leather. You introduced the idea of guilt by association, the if-hitler-did-it/thought-it-you-must-be-as-bad-as-hitler fallacy, which I regard as a bullying tactic.

  11. Though i found that word in the vocabulary...On internet...:/ (Negro)


    internet is not all.

    in most languages, "negro" is a racist insult, and the use of this word is prohibited in many countries.


    Rebel O Connor you are mistaken. Negro is not a racial slur, it's just an old fashioned term that has fallen out of use. It's not derogatory.




    There is a derogatory racial slur that is a perversion of the word, and that one is a derogatory term.

  12. Some people are so presumptuous.


    I'm the third from the left.




    Look Kendo, you obviously have your opinions and I think you're doing a fine job of bullying and cramming them here on this thread. A discussion between adults allows for other viewpoints. It's really far over the top to make the accusation that pet lovers are automatically on par with the likes of that list of evil dictators.


    I personally adhere to the old saw that whoever brings up hitler first has automatically lost the debate. It's a logical fallacy, as is arguing the same point endlessly.

  13. Uninstalling and reinstalling Rens will probably not change the load order. The date of Rens will remain the same no matter how many times you 'reinstall' it.


    In order to change the load order, you need to use a tool such as the Oblivion Mod Manager "OBMM".


    This is a very useful tool most mod users would never do without anyway.


    The full version of rens probably adds the custom race "Rens Mystic Elves".


    You can add Kt's Custom Race Fix to solve that problem.


    Choose one or the other and move it to the bottom of your list with OBMM.


    Here's a picture. Select the mod you want and use the buttons at the bottom left to move down or move to bottom. Make sure you have sorted by load order like in the picture:



  14. the F word is't just in verbal form but ritten as well, go up by the sat com array( three of them close togeather with all of them intact ) look around and there should be a door to "F*** YOU" spray panted in green, watch out for the raders tho



    I saw that in the resources before I saw that in the game, (just before as luck would have it.)

    There was only one point where I really noticed the language and that was in little lamplight. I already finished the main quest and broken steel.

  15. You don't need Boss for that little pile of mods, but you DO need to put one Rens plugin (.esp) last.


    You may need one Rens master (esm).



    If you have two Rens plugins (two .esp for Rens) then the last one to load wins, but won't cause the problem you've got now. This problem is caused because your beauty mod is not loading last so other mods are conflicting with it, that's why you load it last.


    DLC ShiveringIsles should always be near the first plugin (.esp=plugin) to load after masters (.esm=master), it's rare another should load before it, but possible. (None in your list should).



    It's very possible that if those are both Rens plugins and if they are they certainly have a great possibility of conflicting.

  16. See topic subtitle for issue and pic below for exactly what mods i have installed: are any of these mods known to be conflicting with each other?


    Rens need to go last in your list.


    I would know more if I could see the full name of those two.


    Is one an ESM?

  17. When i go to my save games folder for fallout3 on my desktop, all the saves are there, but not in the game. I NEED HELP!!!! plz someone help me it would be greatly appreciated. :mellow:


    There's a rumor this can happen if you sometimes login as an administrator, or if you're logging into another account on your computer.


    Also make sure you check both of these save game folders (maybe you're going back and forth from Windows Live):



    Non GFWL Saves: C:\Users\*User*\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves


    GFWL Saves: C:\Users\*User*\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves\*xbl account*


    You can freely copy from one folder to the other, so you can still use your old saves while playing the dlc.

  18. I retuexturted some ghouls, so I'd think it be the same for a Mr. Gutsy, thouhg they use a few more meshes than the ghouls do.


    The way I did it was to extract the nif(s) for the creature, then lookup and extract the textures that the meshes used. I retexed the dds files the same as any other object, but then made a new nif that used my new textures. I then placed the new nifs in the proper fallout creature folder ( \data\meshes\Creatures\Ghoul for me) and then went into the Geck. I edited an existing creature and went to the model List tab and then selected my new nif(s) there, then saved as a new form. Done.


    Yes, a good plan. Very similar if you're making a replacer:


    I gave Fawkes a makeover but didn't save his mesh with a new name, as I wanted to replace his skin and clothing.








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