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Posts posted by myrmaad

  1. None from me, and in fact that's exactly the type of scenario I meant when I said each case should be handled on its own merit and justice should not be blind. Of course that was days ago, and I doubt anyone remembers anything about that now, in March of 2010 when the soundbyte rules and no one cares about history.
  2. The opposition in the media is being overplayed. No matter what country you are from you can get CSpan on the computer or on cable television news feeds. I suggest watching Washington Journal every morning for a sustained period and you will hear a mix of people vociferously both opposed to and supporting the healthcare reform issue.


    However, nearly all people who are presented with the current facts in a non-partisan manner agree that the current situation cannot continue.


    The disagreement and accompanying rhetoric is regarding 'what to do' about it.


    From my point of view, I can see very clearly that we have had republican majorities in the house and senate since the late 60s early 70s when this problem began to percolate. There have only been short periods of democratic majorities during all those decades. The way government works is that you have to stop the velocity before you can make real changes, and that takes sustained periods of power in the majority.


    So who's responsible for what we have now? I know my conclusion. I can also tell you that Clinton was not leftist nor progressive, and was very center in his approach to governing, basically giving the Right whatever they wanted from my extremely disappointed point of view. On top of that his legal and personal problems made for an ineffectual leader. So again, from my point of view, who's to blame?


    People say you shouldn't cast blame but that is both irresponsible and stupid when you're deciding on your path forward out of a disaster.


    Your links.. I'll start by saying Palin's credibility is zero except for a small faction of extremists; they aren't even taken seriously by their own republican party, and it's actually not even a true grass roots movement, since it's been engineered with corporate money by Díck Armey.


    Your story from the Minneapolis Star Tribune is either biased or misinformed, because I saw CSPAN reporter speaking about the same event, and I'll even find the footage for you, he characterized it quite differently, it was not any definitive "march on Washington" by any measure. It was a handful of protesters, less than the number that protested going into the war in Iraq, even less than the number who protested the Supreme Court ruling in Bush v. Gore. (The one that gave GWB the presidency.) Notice those were ignored by the party in power at the time because they were inconsequential number.


    Your Business group ad buy story should come as no surprise to anyone. Of course business is against any sort of regulation, they are in the business of profiteering, and healthcare is in trouble because of profiteering.


    If you're still in high school or college, I hope they've taught you to vet your sources and that one should never rely on Wikipedia as a source.


    If your nation's "top newspaper" is quoting Palin as an authority, I have some very dire concerns about your own situation, :) Maybe that was a fluke though.


    Here are some less partisan news resources, there are some partisan viewpoints so reading them all is helpful to aid you in your process.









    I suggest you may want to read this fellow's editorial and the discussion that follows to set your compass.


    Notice what states are doing on their own:



    And while there is much contention over this particular issue, there is generally still a decent approval rating of the president from the most reputable polling sources.



    Recommended for thoughtful thinkers:




    Let's discuss "Deem and Pass":

    "More recently, Grim notes that deeming resolutions were used by Republicans "36 times in 2005 and 2006," and by Democrats "49 times in 2007 and 2008."

    It was used to pass the enormous Bush Tax Cuts, in fact.

    Doesn't that seem a bit desperate of the Republican Strategists?


    The first time that the chamber used what's known as a "deeming resolution" was March 16, 1933. Back then, as now, it was over a bill that had little support among individual Democrats but all of them knew they had to pass it. Very few Democrats want to vote for the current Senate version of health care reform but most are okay with it as long as it gets cleaned up through reconciliation. Deeming resolutions have been used by Republicans 36 times (since 2005-06), and by Democrats 49 times (in 2007-08). Sounds to me like a precedent.


    Everyone knows that 100 percent of the people who like the underlying health care bill will approve of the use of whatever procedural mechanisms are necessary to enact it. And 100 percent of the process-objectors will turn out to be the same people who don't like the bill.


    It stands to reason that if all the majorities were flipped and the GOP was about to use "Deem And Pass" to get something they wanted passed, they'd pull the trigger and never look back.


    There's no doubt at all that this legislative double-talk is confusing. But it's not impossible to explain. Unfortunately, the news media isn’t up to doing a very good job of that, probably because they don’t understand the process themselves. If conservative obstructionists actually think this well-established process of Deem and Pass is unconstitutional, they ought to be deliriously happy, because now they can have the courts nullify the entire law as illegitimate. But they’re worried. They know it’s legit.






    According to economists Ettlinger and Linden, Bush's policies account for 40% of the deficit, the economic turndown for 20%, financial rescues begun by Bush and his admin, 12% and Obama's policies 16%.


    And here's a couple of relevant quotes for you.


    Ronald Reagan: I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself.

    D. Cheney: "Reagan proved deficits don't matter."


    I don't buy that the GOP has suddenly become a party of born again deficit virgins. It'll last only as long as the Dems are in power.

  3. It’s clear enough that majority of Americans don’t support this bill, (cnf. News and Polls) why is it still pressed on?

    Obama must have something in mind or NOTHING AT ALL. :whistling:


    No such thing is clear at all.


    It's very clear that the majority of Americans do want healthcare reform, so I would like to see your sources for that claim.

  4. I long ago came to terms with paying taxes. In the 90s when we were both working full time and no children at home we were paying about 49% of our earnings total for state, local and mc/ssi. I did a lot of research into it at one time, as one of my uncles was a "true believer" who did time for tax evasion.


    It just doesn't bother me because paying taxes is the admission to a society with infrastructure and opportunity. And it's the responsible and Right thing to do, in my opinion. I confess I tend I to hold the reaction to the responsibility of it as a standard measure of character. I, for one, appreciate police, fire, road maintenance, the military, and yes the post office, which did a fine job for many decades.


    That said, what really bothers me is when complicated and highly complex issues that require highly detailed and deliberate thoughtful consideration and analysis are dumbed down into sound bytes and partisan talking points which have nothing to do with reality. Simplistic is for simpletons, not solutions.


    Most of the rhetoric I hear on the floor of the house is pure propaganda with very little of substance. Most of these old white men and women seem very naive, and not at all engaged in understanding the nuance and process of our systems.


    There is one valid point from the opposition, and yet they don't follow through on the logic of its full implication, which is, the great society programs grew into much more than simple entitlements, but instead became one of the hubs of our GDP. Once corporate power has such a powerful foothold in the economy, it becomes very intimidating for legislators to reign in, and very seductive for legislators who can draw from that source of money and power.


    And while we're on the subject of corporate power, I am fully prepared to debunk the idea that we have ever experienced a true free market. That's a mythological unicorn, and always has been since the first chartered corporation by the British crown on the eve of 1600. (Incidentally that corporation still lives today, which should scare the bejeebus off any rational thinker.)


    I contend the only truly unfettered free market was as practiced by those that formed the roots of capitalism, the cottage industry of the British countryside, in an era that gave rise to unprecedented upward mobility, yes, but those conditions are not the conditions present in today's society, and no amount of wishing, hoping, and believing is going to will them into existence.


    This healthcare problem is the rooted at the idea that you can serve up health products like widgets off an assembly line, a very similar problem to why our schools are failing.


    Well that's quite enough from me for now.

  5. Random Fact: If im laying in bed & I see a drawer or the closet open, Imust close it before I can sleep.

    If I dont it can be extremely irritating.


    That's because it's sticking its tongue out at you. Hardly odd at all.


    Random facts: I have 3 dogs and two cats. I have over 1000 books. Every night my husband and I watch Jeopardy and then Family Guy during dinner.


    And I have to edit nearly every post I write, at least once.

  6. Most likely it was there as a deal sweetener for democrats, to encourage them to vote on this bill, which is obviously difficult or it would have passed back when it was Hilary and Bill's hot potato.


    I could have sworn we just went over how deals work (and have worked since they wrangled over the Declaration of Independence before we even had a senate, a floor, a congress, or a constitution) :tongue: .


    C'mon, this is your first time? We discussed politics at my family dinner table, I remember campaigning for Nixon/Agnew with my parents.


    EDIT: HOLY CRAP!!! Now there is a motion before the U.S. Senate for a demon pass to push the healthcare reform bill without voting on it. Also there is a hidden rider in the bill that removes school lending from banks and hands it over the Feds. When you would go to to the bank to get a college loan the banks would redirect you to the federal government. What does that have to do with health care and what is else is hidden? No WONDER Obama doesn't want people to know the gist of the bill. :verymad:


    I'm pretty sure this was definitively out of the legislation as of last week.

  8. I've heard you should set ownership on the cell if you haven't already. If the Companion is set to Player Faction and the ownership is set to Player, this may not work, and you may have to set ownership on each of the items. Korana was just mentioning this not too long ago, I'm going to search for where I read it, because she's definitely what I would regard an authority on this type thing.
  9. I have a custom companion from one of the NPC mods in Morrowind, and she gets restless and bored very quickly and is full of attitude being a rogue Winged Twilight. After about 1 minute of staying put anywhere, she'll snip "Are we going to stand here for a whole year?"


    And I always patiently sigh, : Yup.. A whooole year.



    By the way, the mod is MCA and I highly recommend it.

  10. This is probably a ridiculous question, but your character isn't Over-encumbered is it?


    Sometimes Encumbrance can be accidentally added by a mod, so that even naked without anything in their inventory they still can be "carrying" some phantom weight.

  11. I want to vote! I vote for all my compadres :turned: In no particular order..


    Buddah has this gentle strength of character. Every little thing he does is Magic Magic Magic.. and I've always had a weakness for a great beard.

    Robin is so dedicated, fair, accessible, responsive, he's just a joy, but I worry a little that he's a bit workaholic. Give him Props!

    Lon is hilarious, I love that in a man. Nuff said.

    Bben, even-handed, helpful, always smart and sane.

    Slof, her work is always an inspiration and she's a rugged individual, with a heart of gold often overlooked, I think.

    Vagrant thoughtfully considers everything he does.


    I feel very humbled and honored to be among them. I admire each of them.

  12. All these ladies posted in this order on this, your own thread.


    A chick who plays chick. It's matter of immersion. I have one male character, but I cannot empathize to guys.

    Female. As a female I can't roleplay male characters because not surprisingly I don't know what it's like to be a guy.

    female and the same reason as SavageArtistry :)

    Same as girls above, I'm female playing female only. I cannot relate to a male character I guess.


    And If I ever wanted to play a guy, I'd like to make him handsome and cute but not to girlsh (aaah, maybe that's a little immature, but i'd rather had the johny depp type sweet evil mage than some generic dull nord warrior :P), and the are not many posibillities - I don't like Ren's male mystic elves, and I don't know any other male face beauty mod. The vanilla ones are just ugly :P

    Being female I play mostly female characters although I do have a male character that I made to do the Dark Brotherhood quest.

    I always play female, and not just because I'm a female, but because in game I'm a bad ass female with a cute arse :P Nothing thrills me more than to be chameleon like, changing my tactics as the situation dictates and being able to knock down anything- male, beast or female that crosses me. I like looking pretty and sexy, yet being deadly if the situation calls for it.


    I've had male companions or mercs in games, but I'm always the top dog, alpha female :cool:


    Then you wrote:

    I always play female, and not just because I'm a female, but because in game I'm a bad ass female with a cute arse :P Nothing thrills me more than to be chameleon like, changing my tactics as the situation dictates and being able to knock down anything- male, beast or female that crosses me. I like looking pretty and sexy, yet being deadly if the situation calls for it.


    I've had male companions or mercs in games, but I'm always the top dog, alpha female :cool:


    Hah! xD First female i seen on TesNexus...xD Though what are you meaning with word arse? xD And that part of being sexy i understand it xD

    Completely Illogical.http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/th_overhead.gif



    As for me, being a female myself, I tend to prefer playing girls, but I do have one male character, carefully modeled in both personality and looks after my husband. All my girls tend to have some aspect of my personality in them.

    I'm one of those women who loves being a woman, in real life. I "grew up on" Mario and Tomb Raider so I prefer to play in third person.

  13. I'm sorry but even though I'm not thrilled with the bill in its current form, the profit driven model we have in place is unsustainable.


    You might recall, if you're old enough, the HMOs of the 90s? We were enrolled in one of the better ones, There was a backlash against cost containment, (mainly because of the way cost containment was mismanaged) so instead of containing costs the system changed to simply pass the cost to the consumer, which resulted in health care costs inflating astronomically while income levels remained flat. That's where we are now.


    There are things in this bill that will help.


    The very fact that the big health conglomerates and their congressional minions are fighting so hard against it gives me reason to breathe easy.


    Let's take a moment to pause and think about that..


    There is a partisan accusation currently that tries to imply that the deal making that goes on is tantamount to bribery. This is ridiculous.

    The House, for example has 435 REPRESENTATIVES.

    They are elected by districts to REPRESENT that district's interests in the decision making process.

    Those Representatives come home empty handed, and what will they get? Defeated in the next election, that's what.

    So every piece of pie (house controls the money so it's easiest to consider it a pie to divide up) -- has to be divided in a way that makes the person agreeing feel s/he has "won something" while compromising on other things (since it is a majority rule situation and each district also contributes to the cost of the pie by way of federal taxes) for their district back home. Got it? That's simply logical.


    So for example in the senate, these people have the gall to accuse Mary Landrieu of, what -- I'm not even sure. Fighting to represent her district? Since Katrina devastated her home state and the federal government (must I point out which side was in charge, I think not necessary..) botched the job of protecting and rescuing her constituents, and the job still remains unfinished, she held out for a little pile of assets she could use to right that wrong. That's how I see it, and I have little regard for other opinions from people who I believe should have the mental fortitude to be able to think this through logically, but can't seem to be able to put aside their agendas and biases long enough to do so. On this point, there's really little to argue over.


    In the same manner, the southern representatives in lockstep have everything to gain and much to lose depending on the outcome. Most of BIG CORPORATE HEALTHCARE CONGLOMERATE are based in the south, (Nashville, with satellite offices all over the bible belt) bringing jobs and money into the local economies of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Texas. If you can't concede this is the other side of the exact same coin, you may have bumped your head.



    As to the question, I don't appreciate it, as it's designed to be partisan, and it's irrelevant. I've been watching congress for a very long time, and I've seen it all from both sides. Getting your panties in a twist over "how" it passes will never matter, will never contribute and will never stop the "other side" from pulling a similar stunt the last time (like in 2003) or the next time whenever that is.


    That's what knowing history does for me. Did you know there have been fist fights on the floor of the senate?

  14. So after waiting several hours, the Nexus forums have a new design!

    Do you like it or do you think it's not so good?

    Tell us what you think! :thumbsup:



    The second choice just says "It".

  15. Be aware that I didn't see an "uninstall guide" in his readme, but I did note some serious issues with players after they uninstalled the mod; and I noted this quote from the author,


    "Its not my fult people cant read the dang Read-me. And I refuse to answer questions all ready coverd in the read me or description's of my mods. "


    While I sympathize somewhat, I also think that sometimes people do need to clarify, even if they did read. It's not an attitude I find to be very helpful.

  16. Ok so is that your actual load order above, (I ask because Fallout3.esm should always load first in the list regardless of anything else)?


    Have you read through all the posts in the Body Control Release thread to see if anyone else came across this problem?


    I advise you to go that route, since 1) I don't use that, and 2) I have no interest in using it, so really don't want to waste my time and effort on understanding how it's doing what it does, but I suspect that's where you'll have to expend your energy to find the solution.


    (no offense meant, but I also care for a 3month old infant and am a full time student as well).

  17. snip-->load list


    Is there a Readme with the AgeBasedBodys mod I can see, or a link to the file? Does it include meshes?


    By the way, the fallout vanilla male meshes will not work with either roberts or breezes textures.


    Did you already install this file when you installed MMM? (archiveInvalidationInvalidated!)

  18. No you don't need it. But it makes it a lot easier to understand what a mod is doing and where it's looking to find what it's looking for


    Ah ok. So I just tried to use the male textures and put them in the raider folder. No change. How would I go about just restoring them to the vanilla skins ? Just deleting everything to do with the raiders in the textures folder right ? Why doesen't that work ?


    Guess I can try installing the Geck. Hope it's easier to DL and use than the one for DAO.



    Well it is easier than the one for DAO by far, but if you've never modded for Oblivion, it might be a little confusing.


    Don't worry about that, though. It may be more trouble than it's worth.


    Can I see your mod load list?

  19. You mean to say maybe it isn't working?


    Maybe. But then again, I just turned it off to see what would happen. Loaded the game, the raiders just get the default underwear now instead of using the Breeze mod.


    Do you have the Geck installed?


    No. Wasen't aware I needed it. Do I ? I thought it was only to actually make mods.


    No you don't need it. But it makes it a lot easier to understand what a mod is doing and where it's looking to find what it's looking for, if you know how it's made it's easier to fix it, --> you know, same as motors and computers.

  20. Yeah that's what it says. Maybe it's something to do with my ArchiveInvalidation thing ?

    You mean to say maybe it isn't working? I think it has two settings if you're using the FOMM one. I have used that one but I think I also downloaded the separate archive invalidation invalidated mod by Qarn, so I'm not sure I needed to use FOMM's.


    How did you delete roberts male stuff? Did you dig around in your Characters folder?

  21. Yeah that's what it says. Maybe it's something to do with my ArchiveInvalidation thing ?

    You mean to say maybe it isn't working. I think it has two settings if you're using the FOMM one. I have used that one but I think I also downloaded the separate archive invalidation invalidated mod by Qarn, so I'm not sure I needed to use FOMM's.

  22. Well, let's re-think the solution then. (The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a new/different result.)


    Heh. Of course that wasen't the only thing I was doing. As I've said, I've been disabling and starting the game to see if any of the other mods are causing it. Also been searching and trying to root out any raider textures.


    Have you tried using the FOMM archive invalidation button?


    Yep. Didn't work. Trying to install only Breeze's males atm. I deleted everything to do with Robert's mod.


    hmmm. Breezes is compatible with Roberts. I installed Roberts first and Breezes over.

  23. I'm looking for this jacket:



    I know it's based on Devil May Cry 4 Lady, but can't seem to find the mod.

    Please help.


    If it is ripped from DMC4, I don't think you can find it here. Perhaps some Asian community has it, but it would be more likely a private mod.


    I'm asking because there is a mod on tesnexus that has two other outfits from DMC4.



    Those meshes are completely new remakes of the DMC armors. This jacket is not.

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