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Everything posted by saurusmaximus

  1. Okay, I hope I don't sound too dumb for asking this but, I just went through the DG questline for the third time, and there is something I still don't get. After doing Touching the Sky, Vyrthur tells Serana that he is a vampire and, I don't remember the exact dialogue, but it's implied that he created the prophecy that started this whole mess in the first place. So, my question is: did he actually create the prophecy, or did he just somehow stumble across it? Because in order for him to "create" this prophecy, he would have to forge not one, but three Elder Scrolls, which seems a little far-fetched to me. On the other hand, if he found it (the prophecy), did he feed it to Harkon somehow, or did he just disseminate it in the world with the hope that a Daughter of Coldharbor would find it? The first possibility seems the most likely to me as he seems to know Serana's name without any introduction. I realize the game doesn't expressly answer some of these questions, but I look forward to any insight you all can share nonetheless.
  2. I can't help you with the body/head mismatch issue, but I can answer some other questions. Generally, NPC's will NOT go into a new load area (through a load door/teleporter) on their own. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a mod for that, but I'm not familiar with one. My favorite house mod is Candlepond Ranch, it is multi-adoption friendly, and I believe it has room for 12 followers. Skyfall Estate is good too, but it was a little big for my taste.
  3. If you go to the stats tab in the game menu, are you showing a bounty? If so, as one poster said, you should be able to click on a guard in the console and type paycrimegold and the bounty should go away. As far as the vampirism thing goes, there is a game bug where you sometimes will get a some of the vampire baggage with Serana as your follower. Normally, loading a previous save solves that one, though.
  4. I've never heard of a mod that skips it entirely (what would be the point?). Your best bet would be to go to one of the Skyrim Wikis, look up the specific quests that put you in Apocrypha, and use the setstage command in the console to skip over them. Bear in mind that doing that can sometimes cause weirdness with the game, due to the fact that you aren't letting things happen in their own good time. Beyond that, I don't have any other suggestions.
  5. There is also Hoth, Prince Jarvan and Aurora. Edit: and Mirai.
  6. Welcome to the wonderful world of Load Order Troubleshooting! I feel your pain, man :pinch:
  7. So, if you load an interior save, and then go outside to play, everything works fine? Looking at your files, the only thing I can suggest trying is lowering your uexterior cell buffer down to 32, just as a troubleshooting measure. With your Crossfire setup, I can't believe that's causing an issue, but it's worth a shot.
  8. I'm using 8.1 (upgraded from 8.0) with no issues. I've heard a lot of folks say Win7 is better for gaming, but I've never used it so I can't say. As far as Skyrim is concerned, I will say that my version came off a disc, not from Steam, if that makes any difference.
  9. A dragon necromancer? What a nice idea! Having read the prologue, I'm intrigued enough to keep reading. Other than a few grammatical errors, you're off to a good start. On a related note, this would be a good idea for a mod :laugh:
  10. DiaborMagics, I was laying in bed the other night and it hit me that I gave you some bad advice :sad: . sqs shows the current quest stage, it doesn't set the stage. I was thinking of something else when I wrote that and got my wires crossed. Sorry about that!
  11. I don't know why, but I've had CTD issues with several background processes, namely iTunes Update and OneDrive Uploader; there was another one but I can't remember what now. In my case, I simply kill those processes via task manager before I play. All of which is a long way of answering your question by saying, "probably".
  12. So restarting the game temporarily fixes the problem? I second Novem99's suggestion about ENBoost, and also double checking to ensure your video card drivers are up to date.
  13. Any chance you can load a save prior to killing the cultist to see if the problem pops up again? I've never had your specific problem, but I have had CTD issues with the docks when returning from Solstiem. I believe there's a mod for that, thought I've never tried it. Do you have any mods that change anything in regards to Dragonborn?
  14. Did you start a brand new game after removing all those mods? I ask because removing stuff mid-game is a sure-fire way to give yourself a headache, ask me how I know :sad: . Did you also sort your load order? I would also suggest that you use ENBoost even though you aren't using ENB simply for the performance boost it gives.
  15. It's funny that, considering how complex a game Skyrim is, the only thing folks seem to be hung up on is fast traveling. Here's an idea, for the difficulty slider, make the "Legendary" slot an "Immersion" slot where, if you select it, fast travel gets disabled and things like food and sleep matter. I know, it's too complicated to ever be implemented, but a man can dream... I think the best advice any of us can give Bethesda in regards to the next installment is to simply take a look at the top 50 mods of all time on the Nexus as that shows what most players felt needed the most improvement. Not surprisingly, most of those 50 deal with making the game look better; better UI, better hair, better water, better textures, etc. Not to mention the fact that the unofficial patches are in spots 2, 8, 9 and 12 (hint-hint Bethesda). Now I realize that part of the reason Skyrim shipped out looking...the way that it did...was so it would run on a wider variety of machines, and obviously they are not going to ship it with an ENB preset. Not everyone (myself included) has the resources for a serious gaming rig. Another thing I can dream about... I do also think that the next game should have a map that looks like a map, not a faux-Google Earth satellite picture with clouds obscuring the terrain and poorly defined roads. On the subject of maps, I recently discovered that there was an .ini setting that allows you to rotate the map 360°, that turned out to be much more useful than I had imagined; I found roads I didn't even know were there before. Put that in out of the box next time, please. I also like the Hud widget that displays the time, both in-game and real-life. Especially the real life clock, I don't know how many times I've sat down with the thought, "I'll just play for an hour and a half before bed" only to have it turn into four hours and I have to get up and go to work the next day.
  16. You can also use the console "setnpcweight" with the value anywhere between 0-100, keeping in mind this method can sometimes cause neckseams.
  17. The easy way to get the Base ID is to simply type "help <npc's name>" , without the quotes and brackets, and that will get you what you need.
  18. I thought about trying Cerwiden, but all the posts about her crashing the game turned me off. To answer your post, I've tried changing the budget times for Papyrus, but never saw any improvement, or detriment, to the way my game ran. As always with this sort of thing, your results may vary :)
  19. My understanding is Inigo only works reliably with AFT. Hoth is a good choice, so is Dustbound (that's the mod's name, the actual follower is named Ethran). I know Hoth needs a patch to work with UFO, Dustbound IDK. I've never used UFO myself, so I can't comment on that, but it isn't hard to try a new follower out. If you don't mind a female follower, I suggest Selene Kate. She uses her own AI, so your follower mod is irrelevent, plus she'll cast buff spells and heal you too. The armor she comes with is ridiculous, but you can always change that.
  20. As DurtyNelly said, flora mods tend to kill your framerates the most. I don't use any specific grass mods, just for that reason. I do use Skyrim Flora Overhaul, Skyrim 2k Textures-I use the "Lite" version for the stuff outside cities, W.A.T.E.R, Realistic Aspen Trees, Ethereal Clouds. I use RealVision ENB-Performance version, and I usually run anywhere from 45-60 fps on my mid-level pc, depending on where I am, what's going on on the screen, and how greedy I'm being with followers (I'm using EFF and have lately been doing the "personal army" thing :blush: ). Unfortunately, I don't have any good screenshots to share at the moment, I'll get some for you if you want.
  21. I hope there is no multiplayer. TES games are not meant for that. It would be fun, but as you said the modding (which made the game alive to this day.) would be really minimal. Hopefully, they (Bethesda)will have gotten the multi-player stuff out of their system with ESO. Let's be honest, the ability to mod these games is a large part of their appeal, not to mention their longevity from a playing standpoint. I'm not a huge gamer, but I can tell you with all certainty that I've never logged the kind of time I have with Skyrim (1,000+ hours and counting) and Oblivion with any other game. Not even close, and the main reason for that is the ability to add to the game either to add content or make the existing content better. Given Bethesda's past timelines for game releases, we got a couple years before we see a new title so hopefully they are reading these posts and at least considering some of what we say. <fingers crossed>
  22. Normally when Skyrim crashes like that, it's because you're missing a master file. Do any of your mods rely on Dragonborn or Hearthfire?
  23. Try disabling any texture mods you may be using, they often don't show up in your load order.
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