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Everything posted by jkruse05

  1. The gatorclaw would be pretty cool, even if it is just another deathclaw.
  2. The compendium has now been migrated to a google doc. I will continue to post addition announcements here, but will no longer be using the original post for the list.
  3. I mean, it's basically just an M14 with custom furniture and an M203. Could probably just make some custom parts for one of the M14 (or M1A) mods.
  4. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30006 has one, not sure if it works properly on male characters though.
  5. You can turn (most of) the existing world space into a desert with Desperados Overhaul.
  6. Utherien's X12 Plasmacaster is now on the list.
  7. I'm guessing it's this picture. It looks kinda cool, but is totally something you could accomplish with the settlement building system.
  8. I won't sugar coat it; I hate 2077's gear and enemy leveling system. It's nothing like the the tabletop and feels like a weird, gimped version of Borderlands. Let's get rid of it and flatten out that level. Here's my proposed method (assuming all of this is possible): 1. Set the world level to 50. I feel this may be required per region or per quest, or both. 2. Set the player's starting health to whatever it would be at level 50 with just level bonuses. 3. Set the health gain per level to 0. Alternatively (since I don't know how those algorithms work): 1. Set the starting character level to 50, but deny the perk and attribute points from those levels. Set the new max level to 100. One of these should have the result of locking the world at its max level, meaning you won't have to constantly upgrade or swap your gear, but will still improve as a character through attribute points, skill levels, and perks. At the very least someone please make upgrading gear free, or not have increasing costs (just upgrading, not crafting).
  9. I don't know of anything that completely overhauls the combat armor, but here are a couple mods to get you a little closer. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33641 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10539
  10. Splinterz - Breakable Wooden Doors. It won't make the doors a target, so creatures would only attack them if you're close, or maybe with ranged attacks, but it's a start.
  11. Tons of additions today, several months worth. A Small Mine Set - With Some Guns The BFG (Eggplant Cannon) Monkey Depot Thompson Submachine Gun (can be made into a Laser RCW) Predator Plasma Caster WIP Recharger Gun Zapper (Nintendo) AER15 A Lightning Gun - Tesla Rifle Ultimate Will probably migrate this over to a google doc soon.
  12. Quite the opposite. Metro weapons are highly detailed, both in the meshes and in the textures, and cannot be ported, they must be remade from scratch. There's also the issue of animations, which only a few people are doing/able to do for FO4. Here's the closest thing available atm. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28824 I know there is also a Tihar/Hellbreath in the works, and you can get really close to a Metro Kalash with the Nuka World HMR.
  13. I don't know of a cave settlement, but you can try Build Your Own Vault, which I believe is just in a void.
  14. I would love to see the pre-schooler who can put that together in 5 minutes. Just give this one a try. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/36922 Otherwise, search the site for "anti-materiel" and take a look at the numerous overhauls.
  15. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/32527 Just the pistol version, and I have no idea if there are animations for it, but it's in there.
  16. There's something similar in 76. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/8/83/FO76_Gun_Emplacement.png/revision/latest?cb=20181104001050 So, you know, more or less canon cannons. Shouldn't be terribly hard to rig to an existing turret, but might be tough to make it traverse up and down without new animations.
  17. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37062
  18. There are already two 10mm smgs for 4, one just came out this weekend. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22223 or https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46195 plus https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/46246
  19. You need to find the legendary quest and related information for December's Child in the Creation Kit, then follow this to swap it out. You'll probably also need to rename those texture files, make a new material, and make a material swap in the CK if you want that texture to be unique to December's Child. I don't know of a tutorial for that, but it's relatively straight forward. If you can't find one let me know.
  20. If you don't want to/can't mess with animations you can sort of cheat it by having the weapon fire three projectiles (which is a basic weapon setting) and using a very fast burst sound for the firing sound. That does require you to somehow make the weapon use three ammo per shot, which I am not sure how to do, but I know is possible.
  21. No you don't, just add xyz offsets to the sight OMODs so the camera is aligned off to the side rather than down the sights. It's pretty simple, just time consuming. Combine that with the DEF_UI change and you're good to go.
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