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Everything posted by jkruse05

  1. Follow the instructions here and see if that works.
  2. Honestly, of the...five options I looked into, the Hunting Rifle sounded the best. Everything else was too quiet, too low quality, or lacked a good tail/report. Might look into changing sounds with pistol ammo types though.
  3. Unfortunately, that doesn't fit its depiction in earlier games. The earliest, the very first use of a round labeled 5mm was in an assault rifle (and miniguns later in the same game), the one simply called 'Assault Rifle' in Fallout 1. Now, in deeper, canonical lore that weapon is an AK-112, a weapon of Soviet design, which is why I treat 5mm as an analogue to 5.45 in everything I do, especially since true 5.45 has never been introduced. Bethesda also has...issues when it comes to guns and ammo and how they work. The Fallout wiki tries to sort things out by saying 5mm was a predecessor to the 5.56, which sort of makes sense. Whether it's that, or a 5.45 analogue, it points to some sort of American-Soviet weapon and/or ammunition sharing or trade in the 21st century. I suspect that, in reality, back in Fallout 1 development days, 5mm was intended to be 5.56mm, seeing as they used .223 for the civilian rifle and 5mm for the military one. I expect weapon balance or lore got bungled a bit after Fallout 1, and they decided to just stick with .223 for both civilian and military weapons (as seen with the Light Support Weapon), and keep 5mm as its own thing. We didn't see actual 5.56 until Tactics, after all, and then the Bethesda era. This interpretation of intent is supported further when you see that the Assault Rifle in Van Buren was also going to use 5mm, and that 5mm was dropped in Tactics, but the same weapons use 5.56 instead. Making it an oversized anti-armor round does make some sort of sense, but is honestly poor for game balance. What I can say for sure is that it is not 5.7mm.
  4. The Enclave left a present for you. The Enclave Officer Laser Revolver.
  5. Take a look at Create Your Own Difficulty Rebalance.
  6. Can't port from other games, and any made from scratch will require custom animations, which only a few people in the community do. Believe me, I want them as well. I can't see why Beth didn't have them in the first place, but an animator has to be convinced before we get them modded in.
  7. Dustbowl. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22868
  8. I can get you started. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41264
  9. There is a mod for blackjack, haven't tried it myself. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30222 Says they were going to add more, but the project is on hold right now.
  10. Yup, saw the DDProduction ones. Unfortunately, they're not like the vanilla ones in game, ie completely different model. Will check Castle in the Sky. My evil plan is to replace some of the bridges crossing the river w/ animated versions, so that larger boats may pass. Ahhhh, THOSE drawbridges. I am not aware of any mod with an animated version of those.
  11. DDProductions' All In One has some. I think Castle in the Sky might as well.
  12. That's more or less my thoughts. Anything of any value released on the internet is going to disperse around it. The damage is done pretty much the moment it is uploaded. That's just the unfortunate reality of the internet. I keep my stuff up and keep creating because I want those people who want legitimate, safe access to have it. And because my attitude toward creation is essentially 'what's the point of putting in all the effort if nobody else is going to experience it?' That said, if someone is frustrated and wants to pull their stuff, that's all up to them. I find it unfortunate, but I can understand the reasoning.
  13. Will you be hosting them elsewhere, or just done in general? For now my stuff is gone. I already found the stuff uploaded by others on other sites (even charging money for my stuff...WTF). Not sure whether I wil re-upload them anytime soon. Well that's a bummer. Hopefully you find a satisfactory solution.
  14. Will you be hosting them elsewhere, or just done in general?
  15. There is a mod for blackjack, haven't tried it myself. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30222
  16. Well, AFT is supposed to be able to make anyone a follower, so you may have to make them a follower first and then dismiss them after editing. I, admittedly, haven't used it, just had it tracked for ages.
  17. I support this. Doesn't seem like it would be too hard either, just copy the behavior from a Brotherhood NPC and point it to a new animation and voice lines. Might be over-simplifying though.
  18. You can try AmazingFollowerTweaks, it has a feature like that, but I have no idea how stable it is.
  19. Beats me. a_blind_man created the script that most weapons use, or is more or less the same, but he also has ones for armor/clothing, and even to embed a new leveled list in an existing one, which would really be the best way to go, because you'd have extra control over rarity. Can't tell you why people don't use them.
  20. I know two options out there that accomplish similar goals. Salvage Beacons lets you call a settler out to pick up everything within a container that you mark. Postal Delivery Service lets you drop loot in any postal service box around the commonwealth and send it to the settlement of your choice. I've used both and they are both quite helpful. I enjoyed the postal service somewhat more, but Salvage Beacons probably makes more sense in the world. Now, neither of these are exactly what you're asking for, but they are well established substitutes if you're okay with that, and one of them could probably be modified to fit your request if you find the right person to code it.
  21. They need custom animations, and a disposable weapon script, which I've only seen one other mod do. So, while someone like myself could throw an M72 model together in a few days, I'd need two other people with skills that are somewhat rare in the F4 mod community to properly finish it. I guess you could rig up a modified version with handles, to fit the regular rocket launcher animations, but that still needs the script to be disposable.
  22. I have considered making this exact weapon (or the FEAR 1 version), but I simply can't guarantee anything. Complete, good weapon mods, made from scratch, are a lot of work.
  23. What needs to be completed? If it's just Creation Kit work I can handle that.. The models and textures appear to be mostly finished. Or is the vest completely gone, not even in the mod files?
  24. I think you should change your title from "Expert Procrastinator" to "Master procrastinator", this thread is from 2015. :D To be fair, Ilego was the one who necro'd this thread and jkruse05 was just suckered into replying. True, I just thought his title was ironically funny Yeah, I don't really bother checking the date of the original post most of the time.
  25. Build Your Own Pool has been around since 2016 and was the first result when I searched 'pool'.
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