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Everything posted by worm82075

  1. I need some help here guys, google failed me on this one. Is it possible to reference a legendary weapon in the CK without the script extender? I'm trying to make a legendary weapon a required ingredient to create a legendary NPC workshop item. Thanks.
  2. I love the vanilla art style and avoid mods that don't blend with it. I'm not alone. Anyway the real reason your mod isn't getting the attention you want is because Skyrim is approaching it's 13th birthday and your offering has been done 10 times over. In a free market one must provide a product that everyone wants to be "popular". In a world where everything has already been invented, besides completely reinventing them, the best way to achieve your desired goal is to expand and improve the already popular inventions.
  3. Yeah, it's called the CK. The game engine is designed to facilitate new form ids for objects at runtime, you are well aware of that and the new engine seems to be able to do the same with cells now but not worldspaces. The editor is needed for this and given the complexity of the changes on this cycle, decoding the esp/esm files is going to take years even after the CK releases. Poor analogy. The cure already exists and it's only a matter of time before it's available to all. Like i said, I'm not here to rain on your parade. I understand the drive because I've been there and hind sight is 20/20. I feel obligated to share my experience so I would recommend waiting for the CK because it will be the main tool used to decode the plugins and spare yourself the blind alleys you are now treading. You however are not obligated to listen. You know what they say "everybody has to learn the hard way". It's not entirely true, hence my obligation, though it is somewhat true, hence my acceptance of your choice. Hell, you are likely having fun and who knows, maybe you'll actually figure something out that the CK would not have revealed. Good luck.
  4. Not trying to rain on your parade here but it behooves me to see this much effort being given to solve a problem that will disappear the moment the CK releases. Seems to me your time would be better spent on something tangible that will not evaporate in the very near future.
  5. I take it you are mad that the CK is not available on launch? It was 6 months after release before the FO4 CK was released so...nothing new here. Can't blame BGS for wanting to release their updates and DLC without having to take into account a dozen or more large popular mods not mention the endless deluge of "your latest patch broke all my mods" complaints that would come with it. BGS is the ONLY company in the entire industry giving us practically the same tools they used to create our own content for their game and yet so many feel entitled to those tools as if it's an industry standard. We will get what we get when we get it and we should be damn thankful we get anything at all. I know I am and since i have been waiting patiently for this game for over 5 years I can wait another 6 months for the tools. In the meantime I will busy myself with... you know...PLAYING the game.
  6. I find it rather disturbing that so many responses here are completely glossing over the OP complaint. The fact of the matter is, we are all human and as such most of us have an inherently self serving agenda. There is a potential to make loads of money from this cycle and many are going to try and limit their competition in the modding arena. I don't condone this behavior but i don't condemn it either, fish gotta swim, birds gotta eat. I like editing meshes too and would love to know the work flow to do so however I refuse to get angry at others for not sharing their hustle with me. Just like with politics i will vote with my wallet and not support those that don't share my values. That is how the freemarket works and make no mistake our modding community IS a freemarket and I suggest you all treat it as such.
  7. Might have to be a laser sword if Disney continues it's policy of shutting down any and all media using proper names from it's IPs.
  8. I've seen this being used in several videos. It's in the game.
  9. It has been said by Todd that ship and outpost building is an end game activity, which is a good thing. With a game world of this size and a potentially infinite amount of resources, we need massive money sinks to keep the economy from imploding(having millions of credits with nothing to spend them on). Here I'm going to list some things I would like to see for early to end and even further end game content that will keep us in a single play through longer than ever before. Whether they are added by Beth post launch or by modders is of little consequence but these features are a natural progression of the current mechanics. This is how I see them working best but obviously the creator might have different ideas. 1 - Dynamic Market Economy This is Bethesda's first game world that is big enough to realistically simulate resource production and consumption and no doubt some of us are going to want a little "space trader" action. This too would be late game content though because buying and selling small amounts isn't going to affect the economy in any meaningful way. Knowing however that we can start our own corporation and that the vanilla game has at least a dozen or so neutral and faction aligned corporations, it just makes sense that these entities will be the largest consumers of resources and the individual NPCs will consume the resulting products. Once you enter the planetary market all of these corporations could start expanding by building new stations and star yards using the same mechanics as the player. To prevent the player from exploiting the market for early game enriching and breaking the economy, in order to participate in the planetary market place as a buyer you must have a capitol ship and to sell you must have a space station in orbit around the source. Transactions in the planetary market place would be in the 10's of tons 2 - Owning Capitol Ships Buying a capitol ship would require a very large investment of 20-50 million credits and would require a very large crew(10 or more) to operate. No fast travel, no manual space flight and no planetary landing would be available but at least 2 standard ships can be docked and towed with the base model. The base model can be repaired at a ship yard but upgrading must be done at your own ship yard. Only one capitol ship is available for sale and all others must be built. 3 - Space Station Construction Constructing a space station should require a large initial investment of 50-100 million credits for resources, shipment and labor as well as ownership of a capitol ship and relevant research completed. Unlike outpost construction this would not be instantaneous but rather it would take several in game weeks or months and you won't be able to use your capitol ship during the construction process. Once completed the station will have a command center, living quarters, storage facility, reactor and docking for several standard ships and one capitol ship. After the initial construction expanding and upgrading can be done instantaneously like outposts as long as your capitol ship is present. You would not be able to build a space station in orbit around faction occupied planets nor share orbit with any other station. Completing relevant research and upgrading the station will allow you to open a planetary market to sell the resources produced on the planet. 4 - Capitol Ship Construction Once you have a space station constructed and upgraded with a capitol ship star yard you can then upgrade and change the layout of your capitol ship instantaneously with the same interface as standard ships. Constructing a capitol ship would be possible after achieving the relevant research, having your capitol ship present and would take weeks or months to complete. 5 - Chat GPT Powered Ships Computer and/or Vasco Herika - Chat GPT Companion Have a look at this. Chat GPT isn't quite there yet for believable NPCs and in order to use it for all NPCs it will need to be integrated into the game engine. One day soon this will be a reality and gaming will never be the same. For now though this tech in it's current state is perfect for the Ship's Computer or even Vasco. Imagine being able to verbally request the "current mission status", "all power to shields", "hail nearby ship", "what equipment is needed for the planet we are landing on" or "plot a course to system X" without touching the controls or navigating a menu. With these features Starfield would be the ultimate space game for ME. Thoughts?
  10. Starfield Fauna - 3840x2160 JPG Starfield Fauna 2 - 3840x2160 JPG Starfield Flora - 3840x2160 JPG Have a look back over the thread, chances are you missed images I edited in to older posts. Check back often for image updates!
  11. Lets just take a moment to appreciate the insane level of detail and immense variety of control consoles and data displays in this game. This may be the highest contributing factor in selling us the world we find ourselves in Starfield. Starfield Consoles and Displays - 3840x2160 JPG Starfield Elements and Compounds - 1920x1080 PNG
  12. The AI already exists but still requires some refinement to nail the cadence and inflection that makes a voice sound natural. Judging by how far it has come in the last two years I'm guessing it will be dialed in, in about a year.
  13. Sorry to hear that is a deal breaker for you. Didn't care for Skyrim I take it? Or ANY other BGS game besides Fallout 4? Well, if it's a must have, give it a year and you'll be able to train an AI to speak in YOUR voice every unspoken line in the game.
  14. Starfield Ship Catalog - 3840x2160 JPG Starfield Ship Catalog 2 - 3840x2160 JPG Starfield Capitol Ships - 3840x2160 PNG
  15. Well, to be fair the FO lore says the timeline diverged in 1946 so... However, if lore be damned we do appear to have all of the game mechanics necessary in the vanilla game except possibly FO4 type vehicle style power armor. Although, I have a sneaking suspicion that some game mechanics necessary for putting previous Beth games into this engine are covertly present to facilitate such mod additions in the future. I saw large mech suits in the game trailer. check it out
  16. Currently that is just the top and bottom of our stamina bar. With a sufficiently advanced converter the carbon gas could be extracted from the CO2 and the O2 returned to our suit life support. With such tech we could feasibly breath the same oxygen indefinitely. I'm guessing this or something similar is the explanation for infinite oxygen. However while I don't think oxygen tanks should be a part of survival mode a damaged suit should cause a loss of life support that could alter the stamina bar in the same way radiation alters the health bar. The longer you continue to function with low O2 the overall pool of stamina points is reduced and after it hits zero it starts reducing HP. Otherwise with an intact suit the O2 remains infinite just for the sake of gameplay. In a simpler game with only hunger, thirst, fatigue and temp it would probably be desirable to add a fifth variable but we already have 8, hunger, thirst, fatigue, temp, g-force, radiation, toxicity and infection. On top of that if we turn fuel consumption back on, that's a pretty hardcore survival even without oxygen supply.
  17. <---see avatar I always make my character look as much like myself as possible the first time around. Subsequent replays will all use a preset because 3 hrs in character creation is all i can handle. Although with the built in vanity camera I may just clone my original save so all of my screens will have me in them,
  18. 1. Todd(in Lex Fridman podcast) and Jean Francios(lead technical producer in the direct showcase) say the entire planet's terrain is generated when you approach and that POI is generated when you land. 2. Yes you can land anywhere except a body of water i would imagine. Not sure how the game engine deals with that but they demonstrate in the direct showcase clicking on a random location and a biome description and current scan percentage pops up.
  19. Starfield Weapon Catalog - 3840x2160 PNG Starfield Weapon Catalog 2 - 3840x2160 JPG Starfield Weapon Catalog 3 - 3840x2160 JPG
  20. I believe FO3 and 4 are both 1:8 scale. FO4 approx 5x5 mile area represents an approx 20x20 mile area of greater Boston. Same for FO3, the approx 3.5x3.5 mile area represents an approx 15x15 mile area of Washington DC. Scaling down a planet is much easier than a known area of civilization here on Earth because landmarks. Which makes me wonder after seeing the St. Louis Archway just how many landmarks survived Earth's destruction. Surely the pyramids of Giza still stand and possibly the Great Wall of China. Also natural features have to be there as well such as Mount Everest, the Grand Canyon or the Marinas trench. Question is, how far did Bethesda go to include such features because all of them are possible at 1:8 scale. Mount Everest would only be 3/4 of a mile high. At 1:8 scale Olympus Mons on Mars would still be 2 miles high which might be harder to pull off than Earth's much smaller features.
  21. Ok everyone it's time to talk about the elephant in the room. There is currently some wild speculation and some hurt feels over not being able to explore entire planets seamlessly. From what i have gathered from Todd in all of his Starfield interviews and from the other devs is that the procedural terrain DOES wrap around the planet so there should be nothing stopping us from circumnavigating the globe. However let me put into perspective the precise reason Bethesda wants us to only explore the areas near our ship. It is very unlikely these planets are 1:1 scale so for the sake of argument let us say they are 1:16 scale. A 1/16 scale Earth would have a circumference around 1500 miles. Running at sprint speed(10mph) non stop it would take 150hrs or about a week to circumnavigate the globe. To fully explore a total area of that size would probably take 2-3 years. 100 planets would take 2-3 lifetimes. So you see everyone needs to put the idea out of their minds because even if they turn out to be 1:64 scale it would be impossible the explore 100 of them fully let alone 1000. The planets are very big for the sake of realism and the ability to land anywhere on them and have the content come to us is another way for us to feel free to go anywhere while not spending 300 years trying to find all the goodies.
  22. I think one of things we may have going for us in this cycle is the extremely broad appeal this game has. That appeal and enthusiasm will no doubt drive the updating of third party tools as well as an avalanche of files the likes of which we have seldom seen. Mark my words, in less than three years, Starfield will have the highest file count on this site.
  23. I can envision Fallout being woven into the current world of Starfield by writing a story in which the world's elite's through Vault-Tec sought to escape the apocalypse using very experimental technology involving time travel. The idea was to create a time stasis bubble around the elite vaults and a select number of experimental vaults so they could move forward in time without ageing and emerge centuries later to rule over what was left of humanity. The experiment failed horribly as the multiple time stasis bubbles instead created an inter-dimensional rift that thrust the vaults into this dimension and destroyed our magnetosphere in the process. Without realizing what had happened Vault-Tec upon emerging from the vaults assumed it was the nuclear war that killed the planet and enacted plan B. Using the alien Tec they secured before the war, they converted the largest vault into an Ark and set off for planet unknown.
  24. Starfield Space Suit Catalog - 3840x2160 JPG Starfield Space Suit Catalog 2 - 3840x2160 JPG
  25. It has become very apparent after doing this set that the number of apparel items in Starfield is staggering. Starfield Character Models and Apparel - 3480x2160 JPG Starfield Character Models and Apparel 2 - 3480x2160 JPG Starfield Character Models and Apparel 3 - 3480x2160 JPG
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