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Everything posted by Sonja

  1. In light of the fact that I don't have the resources, and it's not practical to move to a nicely appointed cabin in the middle of a New Zealand forest somewhere... Thank any deities out there for games, and the modders who make them amazing..
  2. Undoubtedly, I am going to regret wading into the fray here, but what I see in this thread is a microcosm of real world politics... There are a lot of people on all sides shouting at one another, and nobody is hearing a thing. I'm not a modder, I've only used and appreciated mods crafted for the Elderscrolls games for years; I honestly would not play Bethsoft's titles without mods. Over the course of those years, I've seen more than a few asinine, self-entitled users, and I've lost count of those who seem too lazy and stupid to read a mod's description and/or readme. However, I have also observed poor behaviour from mod authors on occasion. Usually, I attribute this poor behaviour from the latter group to worn out patience (I've always placed Elianora in this category)... I *know* I'd become very terse and snarky if I had to answer the same questions over, and over, and OVER again.. when the answers are clearly displayed on the description page. Nonetheless, that said, I have sometimes witnessed behaviour from mod authors that is utterly unwarranted. Personally, I just avoid those individuals and their work, but I *do* think that perhaps all should be subject to the same rules and standards and that poor behaviour should be treated as poor behaviour, regardless of the source. Anyway, all of that crap aside... I think Elianora creates some lovely mods, and I look forward to reading the AMA.
  3. You are welcome. Agreed... it would be nice if Nexus could find a way to further refine screening, specifically targeting the front page. I have several entire categories blocked because I'm not interested in soft porn cluttering up my front page either. Again, I'm not against it, as such, but it's not something that I'm about to download, either. I considered going back and blocking individual authors, as I've done with followers, but ugh..... going through all of them would be a tedious nightmare. Ah well, it is what it is.
  4. I'm not certain if this will help you, and it will likely still end up blocking things you might want to see... But, I found myself in a similar situation with the flood of generic, pretty follower mods. However, I do use custom companions with unique personalities, so I didn't want to block the entire category. In the end, I looked at the other work created by said modders, and if it consisted entirely of homogeneous followers, I blocked the author. That isn't ideal, obviously, and it doesn't fully rest well with me because I'm uncomfortable with most forms of censorship. Further, it's nothing, as such, against said mods, they're just not my thing. However, the problem was that a lot of files I had no interest in were cluttering up my front page, obscuring those I might want to check out.
  5. In response to post #43712115. #43712330, #43712525, #43712565, #43712575, #43712895 are all replies on the same post. Sorry, but is it really *that* difficult to have to drag and drop files? Self-entitled much?
  6. I'm not exactly flushed with cash, but when I'm able, I hit the Donate button. I'd far rather directly give money to the people who have fixed and improved Skyrim in ways that Bethesda was too lazy and incompetent to manage. Honestly... I find it absolutely heinous that Bethesda wanted (and, apparently, still wants) the lion's share of those proceeds. The "we made the game" line is NOT a valid justification, and the entire endeavour screams of greed. Essentially Bethesda wants to eat their cake and have it too, by getting somebody else to fix their mistakes while simultaneously raking in more profits. Honestly, people like Pete Hines could really learn something from CD Projekt Red. My suspicion is that they'll attempt to introduce paid modding once SSE is off the ground, while hoping that modders will stop updating their work for the original game. And, if that is the case, it gives me even more reason to be largely unenthused about SSE.
  7. Perhaps you should wait until the dust has settled, and it becomes known how good, stable and bug free the remastered version is? Also, it's highly subjective... a lot of mods ( many of the best) won't be available for SSE, at least initially, and if your PC is beefy enough, you can make your game look great without worrying about the Special Edition. So, really, it depends on your playing style and particular interests. Personally, at this point, I have zero interest in the SE version, but again, that's just me. Down the road.. we'll see. :)
  8. This one, specifically the Dragonborn Pack (2K/1K). http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69784/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D69784&pUp=1 I've been trying to download this since Gamwich released it last night, but no joy. The pure 2k DB file is also borked. EDIT, nevermind, exact same issue as the above poster, I should have checked the link. Still, it's confirmation that it's happening to multiple people.
  9. This is still happening for me with files from this page, specifically the Dragonborn packs, which were just added: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69784/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D69784%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3229019&pUp=1
  10. In response to post #43210430. #43215310, #43215490, #43215920, #43216655, #43217565, #43217935, #43218210, #43222660, #43225585, #43227190, #43227900, #43227920, #43237490, #43238795, #43239135, #43239200, #43239375 are all replies on the same post. I'm one of those stick-in-the-mud types, and I still use Wrye Smash to install mods, enable them and change their order... Works great! :) The only real down side, of course, as compared to MO, is that you can't create separate profiles. But, if you just want something fairly simple, it does the job nicely. No offence to either MO, or NMM.. it's just what I'm used to, and for me, at least, "If it ain't broke...." ;)
  11. That feeling, when you step out of the door, knowing you've forgotten something, and not figuring out what until you are halfway to your destination..
  12. Eh......weeelll.... In the case of some mods..... :D OK, seriously, the new design looks great, I'm very much looking forward to using it.
  13. I've been experiencing the same thing, and I'm on the Canadian west coast. Every other site works fine, and I've also tried various browsers, but they all load pages *very* slowly on Nexus Mods. If I clear my cache, it helps a bit, but not significantly. I suspect it has something to do with the work they're doing...
  14. Same here. I'm on the Canadian west coast, so different ISP completely. Glad I checked, I was wondering if it was just me... The site has generally been very slow. It helps if I clean out my cache, but not by much.
  15. OK.. so I use Robert's Female Body, because I honestly feel it is far nicer than the alternatives. While there are some conversions for it, there aren't that many.. Or, at least, there aren't a ton I like. :D So.. I figured since I've messed around with other peoples' mods for years, maybe I should try doing this myself.. The thing is, this type of thing is *really* not a natural part of my skill set (for example, it took me an embarrassingly long time to learn Wrye Mash/Bash). Does anybody know of any really good tutorials out there (as in, "For Dummies" :P ) on armour conversions? And what would I need? I'm assuming Blender and Nifscope ???? Specifically, I want to convert the Triss and Ves armour from Fantasy Female over to Roberts.. for strictly personal use, obviously.
  16. I'm trying to make some splash screens for my personal use. If they turn out well, I may also post them. The thing is... I am really unfamiliar with Gimp, irfanview and Paint.net.. all of which I have been messing around with, but to no avail. So far, I have tried saving them to 1024 by 1024 (though I hear you can also use 2048 by 2048), and I've converted them to TGA files... I've even worked out how to use the batch conversion function in Irfanview.. However, they simply show up white when I try them out.. Clearly, I am missing something obvious, but I don't have the foggiest idea what that is. is some kind soul out there able to provide a step by step, designed for idiots, "how-to?" EDIT: after looking at a couple of other threads I saw, I also tried changing the dimensions to 2048 by 1024.. and I viewed the properties of my existing plash screens, but that didn't do the job either... EDIt 2 Nevermind, I figured it out.. I used Irfanview. In case anybody else wants to know how to proceed (since I hate coming across threads like this and the person doesn't explain how they fixed their issue :D).. 1) Open up the image with Irfanview 2) Under Options pull down menu, go to: Properties/Settings 3) Under Browsing Editing select: Set grid cell size - type 24. The whole thing should read 24 pixels, but you only type 24 into the box 5)Hit OK 6) under Image, Resize/Resample, set Width as 2048, and Height as 1024, you'll need to remove the tick from the "Preserve Aspect Ratio" in the box below. Make sure the DPI in the Box at the very bottom reads 24. 7) Hit OK 8 ) Go to the File pull down menu and hit "Save As" 9) Make sure that in the "save as type" box that "TGA True Vision Targa" is selected. 10) I read somewhere that you need a naming system that is something like: "Splash_01.TGA. However, I don't know how critical that is, since I have downloaded splash screens that use more descriptive names.
  17. In response to post #35672577. #35675047, #35677432, #35682487, #35693762 are all replies on the same post. Thank you, Taerkalith, I appreciate that. I suspected this to be the case.... and I can have a bit of a temper myself if I'm not careful to keep a clamp on it, so I do understand the urge toward a kneejerk reaction. No hard feelings. :) "I do think you'll enjoy Skywind when it is released though, the ash storms and updated mechanics really make it an interesting new experience. We also in the works of bringing back attributes and a general overhaul of all perks/skill trees to try to encapsulate the best aspects of morrowind within the new engine. What you'll end up seeing is something akin to a mashup of the best elements from III IV and V to try to create in-depth rpg friendly gameplay." This is very definitely something I am looking forward to! I think, more than likely, I'll end up switching between Skywind and Morrowind with MGSO, as the mood strikes. Who knows, maybe some Morrowind modders will even recreate their mods for Skywind. It's not something I'd expect.. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work that would require, though I can still hope. But regardless, you've just reassured me that Skywind will be a rich and interesting experience. So cheers, and the best of luck to you!
  18. In response to post #35672577. #35675047 is also a reply to the same post. I've been playing and modding Elderscrolls games for years.. so yes, strangely enough, I am in fact aware they are two different titles. However, despite being quite capable at installing mods, I'm not technically inclined, so although I strongly suspected mods would be incompatible, I was not 101% certain. Thank you for confirming my guess, though. In terms of the additional features... While I know a lot of people will enjoy them, I am not, personally, interested in the introduction of crafting in Morrowind. Instead, I like being able to find really unique, powerful items that are not exceeded by anything I can make. While I certainly appreciate high quality voice acting, I'm perfectly content with text, as long as it is at least reasonably well written. I never use mounts in Skyrim as it is, so I wouldn't use them in an adapted Morrowind, and jails are not something I spend time in (the only exception being when I go to meet up with Inigo). What can I say, I'm basically an old school gamer. :D If you are indeed creating a new levelling and attribute system, I would be interested to see it. Look... no need to get so defensive with me.. I was not, in fact, attacking you. Hopefully you read that I appreciate the work that you and the rest of the modding community have done for these games. However, I tend to agree with Apoapse.. there are several people here (certain of those representing the Skywind team included) who dearly need to learn some manners. Moreover, like DrBactrian, I think at this stage I might be somewhat reluctant to install Skywind... based on some of what I have seen here today. Yes, this is a volunteer project, but nonetheless, some cool-headed professionalism would not go amiss.
  19. This looks truly incredible, and I'm in complete awe of the creators, so I'm very interesting in giving this a try when it comes out. The only thing is that there are certain Morrowind mods that I just can't see myself playing without... such as the LGNPC series, Tamriel Rebuilt and Julan, and I suspect it's a given that mods made expressly for the MW engine will not be compatible. Therefore, in the end, I'll likely return to Morrowind Graphics and Sound Overhaul (MGSO), or Open MW when it comes out. Also, I far prefer Morrowind's more complex levelling and attribute systems over those of Skyrim... Still, though, it will be really exciting to take a look at this once it's released. Honestly, the Elderscrolls Modding Community is just amazing!
  20. Glad it's not just me. I've found the site extremely slow and unresponsive since this afternoon. In particular, most images simply refuse to load. I'm in Canada.. so given how widespread this seems to be, I'd guess it's something to do with Nexus itself.
  21. In all honesty, I'm not really sure you can even compare the two because they are so completely different. Bethesda tends to make sandbox games; what this means in practice is that the emphasis lies less on the story and NPC depth and more on wandering the world as any type of character you want to be. The Witcher games are the polar opposite of Bethesda's approach. The story and the characters who inhabit the world take front and centre stage... That said, one reason, amongst many, where I feel Witcher 3 really shines is that they very successfully blended a strong narrative with a stunningly beautiful open world. Overall, I prefer story-driven games. I loved (and still play) BG2 and Planescape:Torment, and I consider the Witcher series to be the natural successor of those titles. But, of course, this is a highly subjective thing. I'll also say, having recently installed Skyrim, that mods such as Inigo and Interesting NPCs make a HUGE difference. This has always been the case with Bethesda games; I can't play them unmodded. Nonetheless, I do think they are moving in a good direction with Fallout 4; I feel that the story is well told and the followers are MUCH better developed than previous Bethesda games. Again though, these are definitely personal preferences. :)
  22. OK.. I have spent the last number of days removing the various sounds in Skyrim that irritate me. So far I've managed to eliminate: The Alchemy Boom The Level Up and Skill Increase Boom The discovery of New Locations boom The Map Boom However, despite searching high and low, I've failed to unearth a mod that removes the sound you get upon advancing a quest/meeting an objective. If something out there already exists it's eluding me. I'm going to guess it would be a matter of replacing said sound with a silent file, much as seems to be the case in the mods I'm already using. I have half considered looking at this myself, but I'm not sure I possess the skills. Assuming I'm not blind or delusional and there is no currently no mod that deals with this sound, is there any chance somebody would be kind enough to consider making one? Or, would somebody be able to confirm I'm right in guessing I'd need to examine the file with a BSA extractor to determine it's exact name and the length of time it plays, then replace it with a silent file. I'm assuming I could employ one of those packaged in the mods I'm already using by renaming it and editing the length if need be? Cheers! :smile:
  23. lol, cheers! :D Like I said above, Elysium Estate is indeed lovely, it's just not what I'm looking for at present.
  24. Thanks for the recommendations. :smile: While I think Dragonwood Manor looks absolutely gorgeous, I'm not really sure I want to add an entire village to my install. However, I have tracked the mod and I'm looking forward to checking it out once I upgrade my machine. At this point, I'm thinking Mammoth Manor might be exactly what I've been searching for, either that or Riverside Lodge, by the same author. I've actually tried Elysium Estate before, and I think it is lovely. It's not precisely what I'm after for this playthrough, though, and I also found it was a touch taxing on my system. No doubt, however, once I have a better computer, I'll probably install it again.
  25. Alright, so I've been perusing the Skyrim house mods, and I seem to be having trouble finding something that fits the bill, so I'm hoping for suggestions from people who have had personal experience with custom houses that fit most of my needs. I generally have two followers with me, and I typically adopt two kids, and sometimes grab a spouse as well. So, I'm looking for a house that is a decent size, fully nav-meshed, adoption-friendly, but still cosy and simple. I don't need all kinds of script-heavy features, nor do I really want an excess of custom meshes and textures. While I'm planning to replace my computer in the relatively near future, at present there's a limit to what it can handle. Currently I've put a couple of beds from Solitude Furniture in my Lakeview basement, so there are at least theoretical extra beds.. but ugh.. even with a few furnishings it really doesn't look like the most pleasant place to sleep (unless you enjoy snuggling with skeevers o.O ). Are there any mods that fit the above requirements? I've looked for a while but my eyes are starting to bleed. Houses are either too big (both in terms of actual size and system requirements) or they are small starter homes. Cheers for any suggestions :smile:
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