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Everything posted by TotallyNotToastyFresh

  1. Yeah, definately. I plan on perhaps doing an apartment block, like, a big stacked-up shanty of houses that looks to be teetering on it's supports. But how popular this mod gets and how much support I get will affect it a lot. I can't do a great deal completely on my own.
  2. But I'm rather sure that it's okay if it's just for a personal mod, right? If not, I can;t see how they can find out or do anything about it, unless the mod is uploaded onto a sensible forum.
  3. Hi everyone, I released a mod some time ago called 'Rooved Megaton'. It was my first mod using the GECK (although I have some fair amount of experience with the TESCS). Taking inspiration from one of the most popular Oblivion mods out there, Bananasplit Better Cities, I decided to expand my mod and create something similar for Fallout 3. While I'm not expecting this to be larger than Better Cities I do hope that it can be a fairly large-scale mod one day. Basically, the plan is that I expand megaton by a fair amount, add a lot of stuff of my own, but also what I'm going to do is make a whole lot of empty buildings that can be claimed by other modders who have modded their own Megaton facilities like shops, inns or whatever. If you are a modder and are interested in helping make an addition like that, drop me an email at toastyfresh(at)hotmail(dot)com. Here's a few screens of my work so far. A little empty, but hopefully it will grow with time and work here and there. http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/8363/megaton01.png http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/9929/megaton02.png http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/9892/megaton03.png http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8858/megaton04.png If you can't see what I've changed, basically what I've added is a large walkway that heads straight to Moriarty's, as I though it was a little annoying walking all that way tryign to find it; there's no direct route unmodded. PS: If you wanna help me, start a team going, please do. I'm on my own with this one.
  4. Crossbows could be some serious fun. I hope someone makes one. Or maybe I could...
  5. Thanks for the quick replies, guys. I was thinking more along the lines of editing a sprite to get the desired effect. Like, I extracted muzzleflasharsubs01.dds from the .bsa archive, edited the alpha channel of that assuming that it would change the shape etc but it had no effect on ingame muzzleflahes at all. Skree, do you have MSN?
  6. Easy enough question, I think. What file do you need to open and edit to change the default assault rifle muzzleflash? I've been wanting to do this for ages. Cheers, Toasty.
  7. Yeah, they're stupid, but it's because they suck. They looks like the first weapon animations I ever did.
  8. Well that's a long time, but I mean, Hiroshima is habitable today, 60-odd years after they dropped the bomb. But then again, there was a load of bombs dropped in the great war, not just one, so I dunno.
  9. Yeah, and also, it'd be easy to retexture the vanilla dog to a sandy colour so you have dingoes running around the place. :P Indeed. After a long period of years (longer than 200, I'm guessing) the clouds of radiation would have had to dissipate completely, meaning that the rain would have to turn pure again and therefore you have pure water. And pure water means you have green growing again, and there you go. What I'd like to know is how long it would take for the clouds of radiation to dissipate. If it's 201 years, awesome, because then I can make a mod where the year goes to 2278. If not, damn.
  10. I am also Australian, and I had a very string desire to mod that exactly. It'd be a great atmosphere having the harbour bridge off in the distance collapsed into the harbour, I reckon...
  11. Let me tell you: A deathmatch mode would suck. Seriously. Trust me one this. What I want is to just invite another player and just run around killing things and chatting to each other the whole time. Or maybe you could have a game mode where you just have to make the most cash, that'd be pretty cool.
  12. Well, what about the countries further from America and China? Say, the South Pole, Australia, New Zealand etc. Australia is supposed to be America's ally but there is no mention of Australia anywhere in the Fallout wiki or the Fallout bible. The Great War ended in two hours, which makes me think that China would be too busy blowing up the USA to be targeting he boom pars of he world. We can safely say that here would be more wasteland around Russia, China and America. So that means that just about all of the Asian countries would also be wastes. America, Canada, Mexico and Greenland would have been nuked and they would all be wastes as well, and the North Pole would probably have had half of it melted. I'm guessing the top part of Africa would have buildings standing but would still have ended up with a load of mutants. I'm thinking that South Africa might still have standing buildings and stuff but it's hard to say. Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Brazil would all have ended up the same as the top of Africa, and I reckon that Chile, Argentina and Uruguay might have been livable as well. So in conclusion, I would say that the places in the world that have would have had the largest chance of surviving the Great War are; Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. Thoughts?
  13. Sorry, but that tells me next to nothing: I want to know what happened to other countries, not just America. We know that China, America and the USSR all end up bombed into submission, but surely other countries survived the war...
  14. I don't have the Fallout bible (wish I did) and sometimes something pops into my head: was the entire world destroyed when the bombs dropped? I thought of this because it'd be pretty dumb for the chinese to drop bombs on themselves. This keeps popping into my head and I find it simply stupid that every country on earth is bombed to the point that people have to eat iguanas on sticks and use bottle caps as money. But surely, that also kinda doesn't add up because if that was the case then we'd have people from surviving countries in the game at some point, at least. The reason I wanna know this is that it could make for a very interesting mod ;)
  15. Why not have their collar be rigged to blow when you die? So if you die, they die too.
  16. ...What? :S You really need a better translator because I seriously can't understand what you're after.
  17. I've been playing the new Halo game that's just come out, ODST, and like the idea of weapon caches that can kind of be used as safehouses. I am making a mod for Fallout that scatters a bunch of these around the wasteland. Bascially, what I am making is a gun rack, and I need someone to get the model ingame and working. I'd do it myself but I haven;t had a lot of luck with this in the past. Cheers, Toasty
  18. EVE is definately a must have mod. If you want to change the atmosphere immensely in Megaton, try my mod, Rooved Megaton. Apparently it's pretty good. /shameless-self-advertisement :P And definately try Mart's Mutant mod if you're after a challenge without making the game impossible. Very awesome mod but some of the ptions are kinda hardware intensive.
  19. You basically need a monster computer to run Fallout anyway. It's nothing heavy on the GPU but Bethesda packed so many rocks and crap into the wilderness, and it's very very very tough for the CPU to calculate.
  20. Super mutant woul be damned easy and something that I would like to see done. Custom race, give it a larger scale, some nifty retextures and viola, you are a mutant. But what I'd really like to see is custom supermutant bodies, with ridiculously sized muscles. And the thign would be that every time you wait in an exterior cell there is a 2% chance that you'll be captured by a super mutant, and hauled off to the Vault 87 entrance and wake up as a supermutant. Would make for a spectacular role-playing experience.
  21. The P90 isn't a bullpup. It's a top-loaded weapon. Bullpups are weapons that have the magazine behind the grip. All we need is someone to make a bullpup reload animation and we'd be all set. Preferably replacing the combat shotgun anims. Hardly any weapons use it.
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