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Posts posted by lonewolfkai

  1. I'm so glad I didn't get suckered into the hype of that thing.


    Anyways, Path of Exiles sounds more like an Action RPG rather than Classic RPG. To me, Classic RPG is turn-based stuff, but maybe I've got that wrong. Now that's something I miss. Turn-based games. :(

  2. Hi I just had my first MMM fight and it was suuuuuuper laggy because I had 2 partners and a merc, and I was fightin a cave filled with necros and their summons.


    So I picked up http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/42889 which is well endorsed.


    I'm just wondering where in my load order I might want to put this. Boss doesn't recognize so I'll have to go off basic principles.


    After everything? Before Better Cities? After MMM?


    Thanks.. gonna go test it out

    I don't think it matters, but I'd ask Lanceor in the comment sections of the mod to be certain. He' pretty active, so I'd imagine he'd answer fairly quickly.

  3. I thought Kickstarter was dying. Turns out it isn't, it's just it's become saturated with lots of crap. When a gem shines through it can still massively succeed.

    Oh no no no D0, kickstarters are in full steam ahead mod. It seems to be a very popular choice for developers nowadays, especially indie devs.


    I never played Planescape.

  4. Wait, what is ECE?


    I haven't resubbed yet btw, I had forgotten about the monster download needed for the client so I'll be holding off on that for awhile. Anyways, I think I'm going to wait to see what they do with my favorite ship before I do resub. I'm worried they are going to nerf the Absolution. My hope of course is a buff, and especially an increased drone bay, but I'm going to wait and see.


    "It allows someone to take a game that maybe they played for 1,000 hours and play it for 2,000 hours," said Jorgensen. "We are very conscious that we don't want to make consumers feel like they're not getting value. We want to make sure consumers are getting value.

    I lol'ed.


    Clearly this person has no idea what the hell they're talking about.

    Look at who said it though; it's no surprise that he'd say something stupid like that.

  6. So much changing. I'm not sure if I want to go back and relearn all that. It was hard learning it in the first place. Still, I miss my Absolution, and my favorite mix of drones. :biggrin:


    edit: It'd be nice if they increased the drone bay on my favorite ship though. I only flew 4 drones: 1 medium sized, 3 lights. Yeah, I know, its not effective, but it was a rp type thing. Anyways, I'd like to fit on the 5th slot, yet keep my 1 medium.


    edit2: Alright, I've convinced myself again. Gonna resub. At least for 1 month.

  7. It's been awhile since I lasted played EO. I resubbed back when missles finally got a graphic on the ship and they changed the way they travel to the target, but only for a month. Haven't played since.


    So with that, how goes Eve now? Is the PvE any better?



    even though the costs of development has really gone up since that established pricing became the base. It used to be fairly cheap to make a game.

    I don't know if developer costs have gone up or down, but I would like to see facts to support the statement that developer costs have gone up.




    when in reality they should cost a lot more compared to today's luxury economy and the costly technology for them

    How do you figure? Technology seems to be going down in price. A large flatscreen tv that cost $3k+ ten years ago (I remember someone telling me about his purchase then) is less than $500 today for a larger screen. What does exist for pc hardware is a price floor. I got my first pc in 2000, cost about $1800, got another about 4 years later, cost $1500 (reused the peripherals), my latest as of 09 cost $2k (new peripherals). If I want a new pc I can expect to pay about $2k. In each case I bought an almost high range machine.


    That maybe be, but how old were those particular items you bought? Did you buy them when the company that sold them first put that out? I bet your costs would have been different. But that's beside the point.


    I'm not necessarily talking about hardware here. What I mean is, take the games of yesteryear. The graphics are less realistic, the ai is simplier, the controls aren't as intuitive, etc, etc. But the gaming industry demands realistic graphics, smart ai, controls that should be extensions of the hands and mind, etc, etc. And this takes time, and depending on the demand, lots of time. In the world of business time = what? That's right, money. That's what I'm getting at. Why do you think indie games are so cost effective, because they are a throw back to games of yesteryear.

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