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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. The Witcher 2 is an awesome game and the way it finishes you just know there will be a Witcher 3 as so much is left undone. Like DA2 its hanging and you know there will be more to come. Great storylines and the action is sublime I play it when I need some fun and gore lol. Take care xxx
  2. Thanks for last night, you pulled me in time. Take care my friend, love and hugs always xxx
  3. Thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

  4. Shoot, forgot completely so here it is.

    Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrated. I wish you all love, happiness and health for the coming year (and that's for everyone lol). Take care xxx

  5. hey, how are you??? Belated happy Thanksgiving as usual forgot totally about it. Mom and Dad will kill me lmao. Mind you with the kids, grandkids and the holiday season fast approaching I hope I can be forgiven. Take care honey, my love as always xxx
  6. Howdie Doodie, thought I'd drop by and say "Hi". Have seen you around and thought I'd ninja but decided to talk instead. Take care xxx
  7. Thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

  8. Hello honey, long time no speaky so BOO!!!!

    Be well and I send my love as always xxx

  9. where are the blogging pages as I'd love to have a look. Take care my friend xxx
  10. Thought I'd drop in and say BOO!!!!!

    Love you honey, keep safe my friend. Love as always xxxxx

  11. hey honey, good to see you. am well but running around like a nut (in my head at least lol)... Hope you are well. Take care my friend, love as always xxxx
  12. kinda busy, kinda freaky... what's new there hey. how are the other guys have you heard from them Lexx, sly, silver etc etc xxx Miss and worry about them all xxx
  13. Flitting back and too... Skyrim, when it works. Fable 3, when I need a giggle. Dragon Age, when I need seriousness. Family takes up a lot of my time and with the holiday season fast approaching I'm starting to get freaky (yes even more than usual). I love you all and wish (like Keanu) that I could show it more than in words. Take care all and I'll speak to you soon xxxx
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brittn


      we misses you much! ** big hugs **
    3. Netwit2008


      A visit now and then is better than none at all! I'm all done shopping, so I'm broke, but so excited :o) Hugs!
    4. CheeseyBall


      Silly life taking up so much time :p
  14. where are you????? what you doing????? are you ok??????
  15. boo!!! Love ya, miss you too xxxxx
  16. I have a Nvidia 420 which copes with most and my graphics run smoothly no lag. some missing meshes like I said but then I get the CDT with no exception, no error report, nothing. So confusing. I thought maybe Steam was overloading with everyone trying to play at once so was dumping people at random to clear space and give everyone a chance lol.
  17. Same here. Random CDTs no error messages, nothing, game just seems to "shut down". After 10 hours of playing still level 2 and not out of Whiterun yet lmao Anyone know why this is happening it would be appreciated. P.S running Win7 32bit with Nvidia 420 graphics and 1Gb dedicated ram. 4Gb ram and plenty of hard drive space. In fact the game runs beautifully except for this unexpected CDT and some missing meshes.... having a whale of a time lol
  18. Same here. Random CDTs no error messages, nothing, game just seems to "shut down". After 10 hours of playing still level 2 and not out of Whiterun yet lmao Anyone know why this is happening it would be appreciated.
  19. There is a conflict with certain mods which stops this scene from playing. What mods do you have on.....
  20. The override folder will always be sited in the C:\(My)Documents.... folder. As far as I am aware you can't move the actual mod folder as it wont be recognised. Tried many times myself but the only thing that will be moved is the actual game files eg the bin files etc and the toolset. If I'm wrong I'll apologise but I'm pretty sure this is the case. Let me know how you get on Naomi
  21. have you left a space after the " ie " -enabledeveloperconsole???? there has to be a space after the " and before the - lol hope that helps
  22. ok, I'm now back lol. Had some RL issues and had to get a new ISP. Not smoked for 12 weeks and feel real good. No weight gain either so feel really chuffed. Missed you all. Love ya xxx
  23. Where are you honey xxx
  24. hi honey, giving up smoking, at the worst possible time of my life (kids on summer break and I'm now going through the menopause :-/) so as a result have had awful mood swings and nightmares like you wouldn't believe lol. I'll try to pop in today. Miss you honey xxx
  25. Its now been 2 weeks and 2 days since I gave up. My sense of taste has returned as have my sense of smell (in between bouts of hayfever that is lol) and I can now run up 2 flights of stairs without needing an oxygen tent. Perhaps there is something to this giving up lark. Love you guys xxx
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CheeseyBall


      w00t! Congrats for your progress! :D
    3. CommanderCrazy
    4. Ithildin


      Congratulations and kudos! <3
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