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Everything posted by mojodajojo

  1. Someone already has a magic use while mounted mod out. I saw it yesterday while I was tagging files.
  2. Move cursor further south then try going east?
  3. I'll buy it so I can make an obnoxious Yeti-thing companion or whatever that big monster in the trailer was.
  4. I could see some small part of Cyrodiil making it's way in to a DLC, possibly. All of it ? No, seriously doubt it. It's possible some ambitious modder might do it, but I don't see Beth adding an entire province that was already the locale of ESIV.
  5. Bethesda did a good job making both sides totally unappealing, but I usually go with the stormcloaks since they didn't try to whack my head off 5 minutes into the game. As for good guys versus bad guys, I think they purposefully made sure you couldn't point to either side and say "oh" those are the bad guys or "oh" those are the good guys. You can either repress a religion/culture and occupy a foreign land as an imperial ... Or you can join a power-hungry racist who kills boy-kings for glory... Personally I would have been ok with some good ole fashioned black and white good and evil. But that's just me. If you added a "They're both bad guys." option to your poll that would get my vote.
  6. My favorite is the crazy wild-haired Greek alien conspiracy theorist guy that has no credentials other than a bad fake tan and sharing a hair stylist with Einstein.
  7. Edit: Oh, you fixed it? Good deal happy modding.
  8. I would guess. ObjectReference Property StaticClawVar Auto MiscObject Property InventoryClawVar Auto Bool Property EnabledVar Auto I'm no whiz with Papyrus but I find when it's griping at me it's usually how I called the properties. Edit: Also, you might need like. Event OnActivate(ObjectReference Whateveryourthingbeingactivatediscalledhere)
  9. I didn't like the lockpicking in either game. I liked the real time lock picking in Morrowind, and have no idea why they keep doing these silly boring mini-games instead of just going back to that. I will give you that Skyrims is less dumb than Oblivion. Still, I don't see the point of even having it as a skill if I can pick master locks at level 1... Guess I shouldn't gripe about that. Howard may see my ramblings and go, "Hey look, I told you they want us to get rid of lock-picking as a skill!!!"
  10. I assume you're still able to run other newer games since this started?
  11. Upon starting a new game, too, or just that one saved game?
  12. FireFox 12.0 I just now disabled every add-on and extension I saw and still does the same weird thing.
  13. Just went and edited other stuff in the post. Other stuff edits just fine just like before. So I went back in full editor changed have to of. It says it's edited the post but it's done nothing and it still says have. I hit control F5 and nothing still says have. Purty weird.
  14. Lol, ok, maybe I'm losing my mind. I just went back to that post (and using the full editor) I deleted the orange nonsense surrounding the "of" Thandal had inserted along with the of. I typed "of" again. I submitted it. It said it had been edited, but I see not the orange "of'" and not the new non-orange... I see the original Then balance issues would "have" course ensue... Edit: Lol, and I tried again. I previewed the post. It shows in the preview that it will be switched to "of" then it says it's edited it. Then it's still "have". I reload the page. It's still "have". Ok, I dunno. I guess I broke the internetz.
  15. When the problem arose I made sure to use the full editor several times, because I remembered seeing you or some other mod mention that in another thread. With the full editor it would say the post was edited, but it wouldn't actually do it. Then when I tried to edit several other things in the post later it edited those fine but left the change to that one word out. /shrug
  16. That is so weird... I don't know how many times I changed that single word. Then it changing everything else in the post but not changing that word for me was even weirder.
  17. Probably settings borked on my end, but I've never had trouble editing a post before. I use Firefox 12.0 I tried the quick editor 3 times to no avail. and then the full editor a couple times. Full editor would act like it was edited, but it wouldn't take effect on the forums. Edit: Ok... I went back and heavily edited that post instead of just the one word. Every thing took effect but the original word I was trying to change (which it still won't change.) I can't change the word "have" to "of". http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/618652-oblivion-over-skyrim/page__st__30 I originally typed "Then balance issues would have course ensue..." And I can't change the "have" to of. It's not that I really care if this is ever changed. I just found it strange and thought I'd document it as best I could.
  18. On paper Oblivion looks better. I hate the new trend to streamline things until they are dumbed down enough for WOW raider-types. It seems Skyrim is plagued by this. However, Oblivions melee combat was so completely broken, with the unblanced stagger and recoil nonsense, that it was unplayble without completely modding them both out of the game for the player character. Then balance issues would have course ensue... Morrowind > Oblivion , but Skyrim isn't even the same type of game and I can't even compare it to Morrowind or Oblivion. I can say I've already played it more than Oblivion. I modded Oblivion a lot, but playing it to be playing it rather than play-testing mods I was making? I've already played Skyrim for fun more than I ever played Oblivion.
  19. I recently made a companion who's main attacks are custom electric spells. Her casting animations seem to randomly get stuck where she can't lower her hands or attack. Also, if she is sent into the bleeding out state by a giant or mammoth this seems to happen 100% of the time when she stops bleeding. Takes a disable / enable for her to get fixed (or going through a load door or fast traveling or something that loads her 3d data I guess.) Long story short (too late I know,) does anyone know a way to prevent this so I can stop it from happening instead of wrapping band-aid disable/enables on it when it happens?
  20. For argonians you could make a little egg with a tail and legs.
  21. I've never used twitter, and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, either.
  22. I haven't done anything in ages anyway :) I just got skyrim not too long ago and have been messing around trying to get my head around the kit and Papyrus.
  23. I remember in Dungeon Siege there was a "transmute?" (or something like that) spell you could cast and it would turn items on the ground into gold. However, for the sake of balance it was much less gold than what you would get for hauling the items to the vendor.
  24. Yeah, but what did I just win? I already have nothing, so I hope it's not nothing.
  25. Another option would be to sell a misc. item that when added to the players inventory get's removed and replaced with a key, but this would require a script doing some polling and be imo unneccesarily complicated. Edit: I'm working on the assumption with my replies that the game won't allow merchants to sell/buy keys. It seems from memory that this was the case in Oblivion at least. So probably is in Skyrim as well.
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