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Everything posted by mojodajojo

  1. Someone got my humor?! Will wonders never cease?
  2. If you do it with Vista just make sure not to install in program files.
  3. I had her aggression and personality setting wrong for a bit, and she started some fights on her own with other cranky npcs. She got a bounty for it and my scripting took off the bounty and applied it to the player, yay! Unfortunately, this really does me no good. She still gets no bounty when she joins a fight to defend me from a guard or some npc I assaulted. I wish the game didn't differentiate between the two.
  4. The best zombie movie. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpuNE1cX03c
  5. You can have his beer, and his hand's have fallen asleep.
  7. Edit: I removed irrelevant post. Sorry, thought you were talking about a different game.
  8. I have popcorn and am still waiting for the feces to hit the ventilador.
  9. Also, to help with shape you can go into the GECK and make a preset for the race you want to use.. The GECK sliders are like Oblivions and not all gimped/nerfed like the ingame ones.
  10. Dunno about for murder, but I'm pretty sure I've seen guards pwn npc's for stealing food for their eating packages. I.E http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:City-Swimmer Edit: Also this page claims they get bounties for stealing, but I dunno. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Bounty#Crime I can tell you one thing for sure though. My companion doesn't lol. She can kill guards all day and they are like thank you Ma'am may I have another?
  11. Her race is not playable!! Doh I bet that's what it is!! Thanks :) Gonna check it out in a few and make sure, but I bet that's what it is. Edit: Bah, still no go. That condition you saw must be on the guards being able to say their lines not the target. Dang my bounty impervious companion. Meant to edit.... I could swear I hit edit and not reply lol. Edit: I got off my butt and looked at the crime quest. It unfortunately looks like it deals with the player's already acquired bounty and going to jail etc. You'd think I'd remember this stuff since I've looked at the thing in the past but I didn't :)
  12. Her race is not playable!! Doh I bet that's what it is!! Thanks :) Gonna check it out in a few and make sure, but I bet that's what it is.
  13. Hey :) Not much.
  14. This leads into the question; which is better photorealism or surrealism? VIDEO This vid should explain what I mean. The frame with Keanu Reeves made me laugh out loud. I seem to lack the supposed unpleasurable visceral reactions from stuff in the 'dip in the graph' area.
  15. Is an annoying I mean Adoring guy with tall pointy yellow hair.
  16. I was wondering what in the heck CLS is as well. Acronyms oft elude me. Edit: Nevermind I looked at your signature and feel dumber than usual now.
  17. Well, I have CM installed ( I like to use the CM partners people upload to populate areas.), but she's not a CM partner it's all my own code. Edit: I uninstalled CM Partners and she still gets no bounty. I'm gonna try her with a vanilla set up with only her esp installed to see what happens. Edit: Bah... Vanilla Oblivion with only my companion esp and she still doesn't get a bounty. Could it be related to the artificial way I'm starting her combat? Edit: I guess I can just artificially apply a bounty increase to the player when she kills a guard, but I'm still interested in why she doesn't acquire bounties if someone knows.
  18. Ok I'm firing an aoe spell scipt in the area to make sure my companion attacks whatever innocent NPC or guard I attack. ( She attacks whatever NPC has the player as a combat target if she was not in combat and the player was in combat.) What I want to do next is take her bounty and remove it and tack it onto the player's bounty. The problem is she isn't getting one.... I have her in the player faction and I buffed up her health and watched her kill 3 guards (who were after my character because of her high bounty) and she acquired no crime gold. Any advice?
  19. I thought you just needed 1k downloads over all the nexuses? He has more than that on his FO3 alone does he not?
  20. Using a script to SetFactionRank would probably work. http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/SetFactionRank
  21. That Muppet/The Shining picture is chocked full of win.
  22. I love it, lol. I am fairly sure the latest New England Journal of Medicine contains a study concerning the accuracy of this picture.
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