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Everything posted by Ball11

  1. Also you are missing a few masters for the esps you have. Run tes5edit and look for errors or use BOSS/LOOT
  2. Make sure you are using BOSS 2.2 not old version. Also aos if fine install AOS 2.1 and select the patches you need. Also RLO weather isn't compatible with it just the lighting ones I believe. You can always swap it out for ELFX Also crashing random can happen with skyrim. It may be a certain mod that is causing the crashes.
  3. Unfortunatly, it crashed after 35 minutes, any other ideas? Up the values in SSME by one, or try memory blocks log to see what it says So i upped the values and checked the memory blocks after it crashed but it doesn't even come close to the 512MB, it crashed when it was at 192 so I guess it has nothing to do with memory? Yeah most likely not. Run BOSS again then manually edit the unrecognized ones to the correct place. Also try cleaning your mods with Tes5edit, (Including Dawngurad, Dragonborn and Heathfire and update.esp) Guide here: So I did what you suggested but it's still crashing at times, I did notice that it would crash everytime I melee attacked 1 particular npc so I killed him with a bow and no crash. After that I tested it on a few other npc's and resulted in no crash after a melee attack... Maybe that's helpful information? Hmm may be a certain mod. I would try going threw load order. Or use Tes5edit and see what mod effects that NPC
  4. Unfortunatly, it crashed after 35 minutes, any other ideas? Up the values in SSME by one, or try memory blocks log to see what it says So i upped the values and checked the memory blocks after it crashed but it doesn't even come close to the 512MB, it crashed when it was at 192 so I guess it has nothing to do with memory? Yeah most likely not. Run BOSS again then manually edit the unrecognized ones to the correct place. Also try cleaning your mods with Tes5edit, (Including Dawngurad, Dragonborn and Heathfire and update.esp) Guide here:
  5. Also you are using SkyTEST and you have the DLC I would suggest you get that. Also make a bashed patch threw Wrye Bash. Open wrye bash find bashed patch 0 then right click then rebuild then select level list and import stats if you want and any others
  6. Unfortunatly, it crashed after 35 minutes, any other ideas? Up the values in SSME by one, or try memory blocks log to see what it says
  7. Try a memory patch like SSME or SKSE 1.7a
  8. AFT doesn't have a MCM menu you get options when talking to followers. Make sure UFO or EFF isn't installed. Also a fresh save for mods like this is advised
  9. Tried running LOOT but it didn't make a difference, just switched the load order of my mods around some more.. Yes what LOOT does it fixes load order. That is what it looks like.
  10. Run LOOT or BOSS and check for errors it gives. or try FO3EDIT
  11. Those fellout plugins should be after FelloutFull ( put fellout at the bottom)
  12. Um CTD: I would get a memory patch "SSME" or the SKSE one. Live another life gives you another quest to start the main quest line. My best bet would delete the mods from Steam Workshop if you don't want them. (Can be done easily threw the skyrim launcher) As most mods on Steam Workshop are on nexus only a few are on Steam Workshop that aren't on Nexus
  13. Um need more information, what mods are you using and so on
  14. Um make sure Archive Invalidation is on (if it is turn it off and on) Also there is a bug some people get when playing New Vegas, if they go over 138 plugins there game will freak out and cause all sort of game errors like this. So if you have above 138 plugins try removing some
  15. Um maybe try turning off a few mods at a time and search out the rouge mod causing it. I would also suggest using Wrye Bash for the Bashed patch. Also move this "StaticMeshImprovementMod-DungeonsCliffsIceSkirts.esp" up to the other SMIM plugins
  16. Yeah they will be fine. Just any mods that had dlc patches for dlc you didn't have will need to be installed.
  17. Well to install ENB just follow instructions on the ENB page (to the word) as most ENB's don't come with all files needed like ENBHOST.exe and d3d9.dll but the page will have a link to them. (enbdev.com) I myself am using RCRN+ELFX+Vividian ENB (best ENB I have used IMO) Others you can try (I have tried these and they work fine) ELFX+CoT+ENB (Realvison ENB option A and B are alright C is over saturated for me and Seasons of Skyrim ENB) Option A for RV needs Realistic lightning overhaul to use with CoT+RLO make sure you don't turn on the RLO weathers. There is other lighting mods like Natural Lighting and Atmospherics and ELE, some other ones but those are the ones I have used and are pretty good. CoT needs a ENB for me as without it, it dries everything out
  18. Try turning Archive Invalidation off and on. Also for installing best to create a NMM one... just pack all files you want into a .7zip or .rar etc and then add file to NMM then install then so it's easy to uninstall
  19. When running SUM go into sum settings turn (RUN BOSS off) (untick it ) then select all reproccers you have then click the button force all patches or what ever it is called, then run it... also fix your load order before running it. Make bashed patch first then run the reproccers. Also IF you do use BOSS make sure you edit the load order manually as BOSS leaves any unrecognized plugins at the bottom of your load order.
  20. Thanks Ball, I hope you're ready for a few noob questions that will probably make you want to face palm... 1) How can I launch the ReProccer from Steam? (I can't see it listed in tools). 2) I didn't think a texture would need patching either, but on the discussion page of the mod (here; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41786/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D41786%26page%3D2%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1103502&pUp=1) someone mentins they will use ReProccer to gain compatibility with SkyRe? Sorry not steam I meant to say SUM.jar... sorry
  21. Run the reproccer from Sum.jar. Also a retexture of a mod will work with any mod anyway, except ones that have the same textures... just pick what to install, only stuff Skyre really needs patches for it crafting stuff etc
  22. For incompaitble mods run BOSS or LOOT but back up load order and just use it for errors. Also you can use FO3EDIT for anything bad about load order (missing plugins/out of order etc)
  23. That GivefirstborntoSheson=1 isn't needed. Get the SKSE.ini from here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50214/? Also all those AOS patches can be merge into one ESP (Move AOS before pre reproccer and patches after it as well) put follower mods where Valfar is and Skyre patches after there last master same for the rest and put Ineed before WATER.esp Move these to the correct place (before reproccer ) Last in your load order should always be the Post reproccer (sometimes Skyre enemy AI if you don't have ASIS), E.G Bashed patch (any other proccer) then pre proccer and reproccer then post reproccer then if you want the Skyre enemy AI SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp=1SkyFalls + SkyMills Falskaar.esp=1SkyFalls DB + FS Small Waterfalls.esp=1Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp=1ELFX-BFU-Patch.esp=1WWW_SkyRe Patch.esp=1Falskaar SkyRe Faction Patch.esp=1FSP - Dawnguard Edition.esp=1FastSit.esp=1iNeed.esp=1OverflowingEnchant.esp=1Inigo.esp=1FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp=1 Look at my load order for reference: http://pastebin.com/yhaE5REQ (automatic Variants should be above ASIS if you have it)
  24. Yeah I think steam had/sometimes has a problem like this with NV and only works manually threw steam or using the NVSE/4GB launcher. Just load OB with Oblivion Launcher then play it. OBSE will still get loaded and so on
  25. Turn Archive Invalidation off then on using NMM, Should work. Make sure it is installed right
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