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Everything posted by TLC77

  1. I'm not talking about a merged patch, I want to combine plugins into a single file.
  2. I think it would be pretty cool if somebody added TF2 weapons to FO3. I know some of them are hard to implement but they don't necessarily break the lore nor do all of them have to be added, I just think it would be nice and even a bit funny having TF2 arsenal in FO3 (maybe even in leveled lists if somebody takes this seriously).
  3. i checked my enblocal and there already was a 60 fps limiter
  4. Hello guys, I have been playing FNV with my personal modlist and one problem that has been happening in my game is that the player character and the NPCs walk too fast within interiors, like 1.5 times as much as they normally would. Here is my plugins list: https://imgur.com/a/vUXWznq.
  5. Hey guys, recently I have started a new game with my own updated modlist and from what I found, most enemies are overly strong, they can take away 1/4th of my health with a 10% condition cowboy repeater from across 70 feet, I can barely kill them with a grenade launcher and I get about 70 xp from killing them. It is obvious that their levels are too high and I don't understand why. Here is my load order and mods: https://imgur.com/a/kk3QWTP https://imgur.com/a/VyFm8dW
  6. First and foremost, I am not trying to load a save game with a different profile, I uninstalled a mod and I launched the save game from the same profile. Secondly, even if I start a new game and go to Megaton, it is still broken and I still spawn/appear at some underwater location beneath the map.
  7. So, first off, I am using MO2 and I do have the 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 patches. What I discovered is that, whenever I uninstall ANY mod, Megaton completely loses all of it's meshes except for the houses and when I try to go into it, I arrive at some weird underwater location well down the cell and I already encountered this bug which I thought was caused by the NMC Installer Package which forced me to reinstall the game and TTW. The point is, even if I re-add the mod, Megaton is still broken (I did not test for other areas) and I don't understand why this is happening or how to fix it without reinstalling. Thanks.
  8. I downloaded TTW about a week ago and I started downloading mods for it and I finally finished with fine tuning everything. I opened FNV and decided to see whether some areas in FO3 were functional. I typed in "coc megatonplaza" but this is what I saw https://imgur.com/a/el0o29C. There is no land, I pretty much can't walk anywhere. I started deactivating certain mods one by one and eventually my Megaton started looking like this: https://imgur.com/a/l1Jf8Ca. I have xNVSE, NV Tick Fix, Mod Limit Fix, Chromatic Melancholy ENB and Ojo Bueno and NMCs Texture Packs (both maximum). It is evidently not because my TTW installation is borked but rather something else. Here are my mods and load order: https://imgur.com/a/W7u0Ox7 https://imgur.com/a/4NrzjLA. Thanks.
  9. Update: Started uninstalling some mods and created several new games. I can't start in the Capital Wasteland because for some reason after dad says "it's a big world out there, son." he just looks at me blankly and I pretty much can't continue. There are red diamonds everywhere and this is how it looks like: https://imgur.com/a/l1Jf8Ca
  10. I am not sure how are these mods related to removing land in Megaton
  11. I have: xNVSE, TTW already has 4gb patch, I don't use NVSR bc Windows10, I use mod limit fix, I also use Chromatic Melancholy ENB and I use NV Tick Fix. As for texture mods, I have NMCs Texture Pack Maximum and Ojo Bueno Maximum.
  12. I downloaded TTW about a week ago and I started downloading mods for it and I finally finished with fine tuning everything. I opened FNV and decided to see whether some areas in FO3 were functional. I typed in "coc megatonplaza" but this is what I saw https://imgur.com/a/el0o29C. There is no land, I pretty much can't walk anywhere. Here is my load order: https://imgur.com/a/W7u0Ox7. Thanks.
  13. Hello people, so recently I realized that in order for FNV weapon mods to work, I have to somehow fix their leveled lists. However, I am pretty much unskilled at these things as I realize I would have to work in the GECK. I understand that my lack of expertise may be off putting but I am just seeking guidance from people more knowing than me. Even if it is a really hard task to do, I will still try and do it given instructions or help. Thank you. P.S I already have the GECK Extender and Patcher
  14. No, I just tried loading a completely blank face If you send the esp I can try and look at it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/sxy15itrp4bmzo5/spitsphire.esp?dl=0
  15. No, I just tried loading a completely blank face
  16. Hey so, I just started out with the GECK and I wanted to make a test companion mod. The problem is, whenever I load the NPCs FaceGen (that is, going into the face section) my GECK always crashes. I don't know why or how and somehow I expected this from such an old software but nonetheless, I would really appreciate if somebody more experienced than me could help with fixing this issue. Thanks. P.S: I have the GECK Extender and Patcher.
  17. The NPC section in the GECK only displays "male" when there are supposed to be things like "african american" and other races and stuff https://imgur.com/a/zM7YEuK.
  18. Hey guys, I recently installed TTW and I started downloading mods for it. I already knew that ALL FO3 mods won't work if they are not converted. I found these.. instructions https://taleoftwowastelands.com/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=6525. When I was trying to convert a mod to TTW according to these instructions(?) and I was told that converting mods is much harder than that and that I should put effort into converting mods. I asked these people how to convert mods but they gave no answer. i tried googling but I also got no definite answer. Nowhere I look is a place where there is a clear answer or guide on how to convert FO3 mods for TTW and it's just really counter productive. I have now decided to ask here for guidance on how to convert FO3 mods for TTW as all the other places are either outdated, broken (i.e videos/ pages no longer available even through archive.org) or just mod lists for TTW. Thank you for your time.
  19. I was told that to activate NVGE, I am supposed to press some button in game. Does anybody know how to activate NVGE? Thanks.
  20. I won't use NVGE, sry for being so brazen.
  21. Sorry for the long response again, I just had to say that I don;'t know what are symlinks and by the mods, do you mean the individual elements of all my mods installed in mo2? If so, then I don't know if I would do that because I would have to constantly check to delete mods, paste new mod contents and it's just tiring. P.S I got the virtual file explorer working
  22. Sorry for the long response, I just had to ask, whenever i try loading my File Explorer it says that explorer++.exe is not installed yet when I check it, it is there.
  23. Hey guys, so whenever i try and load the GECK in MO2 it either always gives the USFVS Error thing or it load up and crashes after 5 seconds, what should I do? Thanks.
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