Ever since my last post https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8864438-my-game-keeps-crashing-for-no-reason-please-help-and-thanks-in-advance-mods-and-load-order-included/ I was experimenting with what I can do to fix the crashes at saves or fast travels or such and whenever I typed in console "player.kill" I was magically able to save. But I could only save once, so the second time my game crashed. I typed both of them in consecutively but I still could only save once. I killed myself, fast traveled to Megaton, killed myself again, and I could fast travel once and save once, so for each suicide, I gained the ability to save/fast travel once. It seems to be capping at 2 times maximum but sometimes it's still letting me use it once. I do not understand why this is happening and I still need help with my issue. (I also changed bUseThreadedAI=1 and also typed in the other setting, still crashing.)