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Everything posted by Alexspeed

  1. Thats right, i agree, but you can at least try to attract pepole? Why would that be wrong? Thats all fine and fair. I do also my best to help pepole and to answer questions and whatnot. I really do whenever i can. Actually, in what you described i can see some resemblance to my situation now. But who gurantees you those pepole will come here and not go somewhere else? Because it worked 2 times it must work a third time too? Well, i wish i would be so sure about that like you seem to be. I never said that "we need more experts to magically appear", please dont turn my words around, i said the forum would benfit if there are more knowledgable pepole to answer questions. You are dramatizing and overemphasize what i said to make my request seem ungrounded and shallow. I dont want to start an Argument, but let me say i think thats unneded. "how about being more encouraging of those who are atleast trying" Do you want to suggest i wouldnt be gratefull for everyone helping to answer questions with that? I can assure you i am. In the last sentence you are right again, and its meaning is exactly the same as what i wrote what i wanted to achieve, why are we argumenting here? Thank you bben46 for your comment, its encouraging. But also very optimistic in my opinion, but thats fine. Its great if all that works out like at the other Sites. Sure all good things take time, i understand that, but again, whats wrong with showing those pepole the path and leading them here to where they are needed NOW? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate to quote myself normally, but this time it seems i have to, because all of you are busy ensuring me that i am wrong and you are right. Thats not the point, i didnt came here to argue or fight, i came here to ask for support, and jet not one of you had even spent one little word about the suggestion that i made. I am not sure what to think about that. I havent attacked anyone, have i? If you feel attacked then please excuse me, that was not my intention. I just stated what i think and what i think could be done to improve the situation. I expected that suggestions for improvments are welcome, maybe i am wrong. It seems you are all very confident that all will work out over time, thats okay, maybe it will. But in the meantime there are still alot of pepole that want to get help here, and not enough pepole that are helping (in my opinion). Whats bad on wanting to advance the growth and speeding up the process of getting more pepole here? I really feel now like i am fighting windmills here when i had initially just thought i make a simple suggestion.
  2. Jeah there is a command to debug Wardens Keep: But be advised i havent tried that myself, and i dont know if it will help in your situation, the console commands can cause all kinds of weird things too, use it at your own risk. The information is from here (read it before you try it out): http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/58/index/275974
  3. There cant be much done other to disable the mod you are having problems with and talk to the Author of said mod to modify his files to be more user friendly. I agree that its not good to have a mod spawn the same items again and again, there are allready ways to prevent this behaviour.
  4. I am not sure if i can help you, i havent been jet there, but i have a link that might help you. Beware that is a huge SPOILER, its the link to a wiki page about the Wardens Keep subplot SPOILERLINK Hope that can help you.
  5. There are several Wikis, the most helpfull one for Modders is surly the Dragon Age Toolset documentation wiki, or DA Builder Wiki, for short. Sorry i have the feeling you are misunderstanding me, maybe i wasnt clear enough, i dont want to turn the forums or the article database into a wiki or anything. My problem is that i feel that there are not enough knowledable pepole here to answer the questions that i cant answer in regards to the DA Toolset and other technical DA stuff. So there are alot of questions in the troubleshooting forums for Dragon Age that go unanswered. That leads to pepole going elsewhere and that dosent help to build a modder comunity that is able to answer questions to each other. I thought i explained it in my first post in this thread understandable. And i even made a Suggestion how to help getting more pepole to the forums to get a stronger community there that is able to help each other. EDIT: Ive seen that and thank you, but i disagree, time wont work in favour with this problem i think, the pepole will avoid this forums becouse they couldnt get answers here and will go to where they found help. They will just come here to host their mods, but not to discuss modding in this forum. You are right, the users ARE the support, but they wont be here then but where they found their answers before.
  6. I want to bump this up, because this is really important, if you think you can help with testing then please contact jwvanderbeck for beta access. You need no technical knowledge, just some time to report any bugs with the application you run into =)
  7. Just search the Categories Pages http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/categories.php for armor and weapons, there havent been many bows made jet i belive but you should find plenty of armor. To my knowledge Longbows use strength and shortbows dextery for damage multipliers or something like that. There was also some bug with dextery dont work right for bows if i am not mistaken, and there is a unofficial hotfix for it here: http://dragonage.gulbsoft.org/doku.php/hot...rity_hotfix_101
  8. Cant confirm that, becouse i am not that far jet, but its not uncommon that water or fog or other particle effects can have a great impact on your graphic speed. Maybe temporally lower your graphics settings in that location and turn it up again after you passed it?
  9. Do as you please, i just think that Articles should be helpfull and provide solutions to problems, that Article helps noone in my opinion. I wont contact the autor, he wont respond anyway becouse it seems hes a one time visitor with one single post. The post itself (sitebot´s) is allready in the correct Forum, all thats left is the Article on the main site.
  10. I am sorry, i dont want to sound offensive, but your post isnt helpfull at all i think. Thank you for the answer tough. I am aware of the things you said, and i made a suggestion how to improve the situation. You choose to ignore the suggestion and instead just say "lets wait, things will improve" when i think that they wont. When there are no pepole posting solutions then there will be no knowledge base. If i knew of anything helpfull i would have made an article allready out of it, like i did with the installation guide.
  11. Alittle late, but anyway, Happy Birthday =)
  12. Happy Birthday from me too =)
  13. Well, its about this, we have there this great Subforums, thank you for providing them, but if we dont get more Support there pepole will go somewhere else to talk about the Game. I visit this Forums daily, and i do my best to help and provide answers to everything that i can help with there, but it becomes kind of an uphill struggle. There are ALOT of questions regarding technical aspects of the game and especially how to mod it or how to use the Toolset to do specific things. And most of it i cant answer becouse i lack the knowledge of the toolset and/or i dont have the time to look it up, or its just too complicated for me. I am not modding myself jet and so i cant answer all those modding related questions. It breaks my heart to leave questions unanswered, i would like to help everyone, but i cant. If pepole dont get answers to such questions in this forums they will search and find them elsewhere and most likely they wont come back (besides to download mods). If you want a healthy modder community in the DA Subforums you need to do something before its too late. I dont have THE ANSWER to this problem, but i have a suggestion. Please make a Newsposting on the Main DANexus Page that encourages modders with knowledge to visit the Forums, like the Builder Troubleshooting and User Troubleshooting and the General Modder Forums. If more pepole share their knowledge there it will benfit all users and modders, and it will lead to a better Forum Community. Please consider my request.
  14. Well, there is this article on the danexus: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/articles/cat.php?id=3 The Ugly Hats of Dragon Age The Thread to this article had been reported (not by me) and moved to the request forums: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=164787 Now thats fine but the article is still in the articles on the main page and leaves its bad impression. could the article be removed there becouse this was obviously a request?
  15. :mellow: The guide is now updated to Version 1.5.2 :mellow: V1.5.2 Updated 06-12-09: German language Article translation finished. (finally) Here is the link to the german language Version This is just a small Update for the english version, but a big one for the german Version, the translation is finally finished and on the same Level as the english one. I want to thank everyone for over 2600 Pageviews allready, even if it helped just one of the readers i am happy that i wrote it, altough the lack of comments is somehow discouraging for me, i would have hoped for more comments, at least a thanks if it helped, but jeah whatever. Thanks for reading, i hope it helps someone still.
  16. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=165385
  17. Close this topic please, i wasnt logged in altough i thought i was, pics show up fine, sorry that.
  18. Well i wonder on DANexus there where allways the Pictures shown in the Latest files overview, but right now there are none any more. This page: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/latest.php is that a permanent change? or a bug?
  19. Welcome to the Nexus Forums =) We allready had the pleasure to meet in the Dragon Age Subforums, thank you for your helpfull postings =)
  20. Your welcome, yeah the pc version is not well done in regard to online play. The game was done for consoles mainly i guess and the PC Version feels like a cheap console port, the online browser is a joke. Thats the main reason why i dont play it much any more, after you have gone through one or two times it looses its appeal.
  21. If you wonder where to get that Photoshop Plugin then take a look here: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/photosh...ds_plugins.html
  22. Thats self explanatory i hope http://i49.tinypic.com/sv3yxf.jpg and btw its in no way hidden, its just easy to overlook if you rush through the game without looking.
  23. Hm... i hope someone can help you with that, if i come across this issue i will report back here. You still could search the official Forums if you havent done that allready, they are a mess but sometimes usefull information can be found there. Good luck =)
  24. Hey too antonkr =)
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