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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. Six years ago the orld was as tired of George Bush as it is of President Obama today. America was tired. Worn out and tired and was looking for something fresh and President Obama stepped up to fill that void. I too was wanting a change and I hoped for someone to stand up and pull america out of this rediculous race thing and hopefully bring us to a place where that nonsence would be obsolete. Leading us in the world didn't even enter my mind. The world matters less to me than America does and it was that America I wanted healed. That didn't come to pass. This whole administration has been a discipointment on both sides of the political bend and to me, that's why the left stayed away in droves, this ellection season. Those people I know on the left and right aren't far apart from eachother, when it comes to the charactor of the people they want to represent them. These leaders can be as loud and as quiet as they want to be, but they must be sincere and that's what I think President Obama lacks completely.
  2. that depends on who is doing the observing. Those people with a chip on their shoulder will alway default to that chip, no matter what the reality is, because they have their own reality and everything outside of that they find a place in their reality for it to fit. It's not about the worlds hatreid. It's all about theirs and in their world they always win because it's inconceivable that they should loose.
  3. Very much so, also the fact that a court can decide what one were thinking at the time is deeply disturbing. Or the media. That is where most of these are played out .
  4. The can of worms I refer to is the one as it relates to here, and the fact that what is said in honesty can still be genuinely offensive to others. The part where things get ugly very quickly because we all have some sort of ethnic baggage that we're carrying around. Meanwhile none of this will benefit anyone, not the world, not the community, and probably not even individuals since there is no "right" answer to debate. The only solution to this problem comes from encouraging diversity until we finally come to a point that the lines become so blurred that nobody can be bothered to base their biases on skin color, physical features, gender, sex, and instead finds something else to hate eachother for. Peoples baggage is nothing more than a heart of angst, hatred, jelousy and greed that have been piled upon itself by those who would use that to become and stay relivant. I've talked to people champion the rights of people who they've never associated with or would have in their lives, but having lead a life where such people are considered downtrodden and having only been fed onesided information stand up for them against a preconceived delema. They've never quite have got the handle on actually speaking to these people or understanding anything about them, but they are ready, willing and able to portrey some as victims and others as demons as if the destiny of others wasn't a matter of choice not chance. Offense is another dodge used by people hoping to effect others with their own debilitating brand of anxiety. I've seen my fair share of those who insidiously nodge a topic with their so-called concerns. Being uncomfortable is usually the term used and I've had that would tried on me as a description of my responces. I don't know how many times I've wanted to *censored* slap people like those, just for cause. Ugliness is a product of rigid ideology that won't suffer being confronted and disected. Those people suffering from this are the ones who need not enter a debait area in the first place, they have no desire to examine themselves or others, because they have been given their own sets of truth ans cling to them as if they were a lifejacket. This is absolute, total maddness and no society can grew and get past any situation they aren't willing to confront openly. As far as diversity is concerned, the fact that a pack mentality has replaced the melting pot of America pretty much means that diversity remain a catch phrase. People talk all the time in this country about individual civil rights. They speak of this groups rights and that groups rights, but I've seldom heard the word Human rights used for anything inside the country. It's always used for China or Afganistan or some other third world country that we are trying to tell how to act as if we know ourselves. I ask you. Why is that. Why do we use seperate group rights in this country as if we aren't all human beings? It's because those who deal in such things want to excentuate that which seperates us and keep us at odds. They may claim they want the opposite for us, but if that ever really happened their relivance would nosedive to zero and that would be their unduing. I can understand your concerns about the site. I've been personally attacked by some of these very people I've described and I see no upside in bringing them to a full boil, but while these people stand around as land mines ready to blow if nudged the rest of the country burns and to some point, I thank they welcome it. I do not. I Love this country and I love this place. I'd rather see civility and cooperation within both these borders, but that depends on more than just me.
  5. That was basically my point. The lines have been blurred by attempts of revenge for wrongs not commited by those living today to those who died long ago. It has become the playground of those who draw power through devisiveness to conjure up images of the past and place it on the realities of today. This is the stumping grounds of the Idealogue who in a need to be needed openly searches for anything to be offended by. Once they have found anything, no matter how far they stretch it, they will pounce upon their target. Make their accusations and stand back, hoping that they can subdue the situation before reasonable questions can be raised. In many cases I could resonable argue that the seeker is the hater and the crime is letting these charlatans outside without a muzzel. I don't fear to open up any can of worms. What I fear most is once openning that can, not being able to make some headway in a society that has the strongest military in the world but is terrified of a word.
  6. The issue was never about those who could afford health insurence and there in lies the key to keeping it or removing it. If people who couldn't afford health care before would not be able afterwords, then what would be the point. If these subsidies are removed then it will not stand for anything more than a snapshot in time fore the progressive movement. As far as this video is concerned, the public, wither they were stupid or uninterested, they will be just as unmoved by it's leaving as they were it's arrival.
  7. I don't place any labels on idealogues, simply because no matter there world veiw, they all have the same opinion of those they wish to effect. That is they are needed because their vission is the one that will guide everyone to their own version of the promissed land, wither we want to go or not. It'd demening and insulting and it serves no purpose other than to exault the perpetrator over everyone else. Selfless people do small things to help others while ideologues do big things to help themselves, since it's always they who end up incharge of their little schemes. Have you noticed just how little effect the ACA has on he healthcare of those who passed it? It's the same as those who were against Gay Marrage. It's their ideal was theirs but they don't have to contend with the effects of either. They simply walk throught the graveyard patting themselve on their backs for being such wholesome individuals.
  8. Hate is a commody that is bought and paid for by those wishing power. It's a word like Extreme that causes others to repel from anything or anyone who gets painted with it. It's a form of intimidation and is used and abused by those wishing to control those they deem controlable. Hate like love can only be felt. It can't be designated by any other than those feeling it. Those who paint others with either of these do so out of wishfull feelings.
  9. The song will remain the same as long as the citizins of this country allow themselves to be carralled into small minded self interested group who depend on self absorbed politicains to dictate what they think and need. Question is would there have been so much drama if President Obama wasn't hyped by the media to be so much for so many? I still remember the roar that cme from the press about this metoric person who was placed on a pedistal by a fawning public and sent out to be something far greater than the man he was. Did the protection that Herry reed place around President Obama go all the way to the Whitehouse and those around him insolated him from the rest of the world like Michel Jacksons yes men. Did the fear of racism damage what was may have otherwise been a watershed moment in American history by misslabelling the intent of the opposition?
  10. kvnchrist


    Avast Though I will stay away from Kapershy. I am thinking about going back to Norton, but I've always herd their softwear takes over sytems and I really don't want something slowing down my laptop.
  11. kvnchrist


    I'm already over that. I'm paying for 60gb and that passed half way through reinstalling Skyrim. I'll be shoving out around $350-$400 tnext month of my phone, but the cycle ends there. Christmas is comming up and I've set on doing prepaid credit cards for my 3 grandchild and my one great grand child. The grand kids are from 13 to 4 and thr ggk is still in diapers. They'll each get $50.00 put on the cards and they'll be placed in the hands of their parents to oversee what they buy with them.
  12. And who are you , now? :confused:
  13. kvnchrist


    I had subscribed to a premium verstion of an anti-virus softwear and had come accross instances where I needed to reinstall my operating system and them reinstalling the anti-virus softwear. I guess I did it more often that the owners liked and the last time I tried to reinstall it, I got a pop-up that said it had been installed too many times and told me to call their support line. I did an theb guy wanted me to download and install an exe file that would allow him to get inside my computer. He said he needed to see what was stopping the install and at first I refused. My daughter said it was sop for these people, so I took her advice and installed it. The next few minutes was taken up by him taking me through a tour of my installs and my temp files telling me that my computer was full of stuff that had been on there before, but he insisted was stopping me from installing their product and for $175.00 he would rid my computer of all this stuff, I could have deleted for free. I ended up turning off my computer and trying to restore point before I stupidly let him take over the computer but I couldn't find any that I could use. Well after that all my games including Skyrim began to load slower and slower until I thought I was back to dial-up. I ended up scrubbing the hard drive and reinstalling the OS and then my games. I hate these underhanded anal cavities who think everybody out here is stupid. I don't know if anything he did made my computer load games slowly, but I'm never going to go through that again. Downloading Skyrim from Steam is 11.1 Gb and that's a lot when you're teathering it through a smart phone.
  14. Get to be my age and forgetfulness is more the rule instead of the exception. :blush:
  15. When I misplaced my glasses.
  16. I think the person who fixed the topic, which I screwed up. This was upposed to be about respect, instead of honor. I can't really see what a lack of humor has to do with hinoring someone else. There are many resons why people lack different qualities and some of them are the result of personal trajedies. You honor those people by accepting them how they are and give them the space to show their qualities on their timeline. I've noticed that many who lack humor are very closed off and if you take the extra effort in concerning yourself with them you may just open a door that was sealecd with tears of sorrow.
  17. I think you are personalizing this. honor is simple but it's not a code of conduct it is a measure of praise for an individual. I praise the people around me hoping that being seen by some else as praiseworthy they themselves will become that if they aren't already. One these discussion forums many people foresee strife and pull away defensively. I give them honor by taking the extra mile and Pm ing them with explanations, apologizes and heartfelt support. People come to places like these for many reasons. I come here to share with outhers that which I deem important and the acknowledgment of me being alive in a lonely world filled with people wishing to feel like they matter. To me, everybody does , even those who hate me. I understand that hatred as something internal that they are either unwilling or unready to confront. Hate is an internal thing that begins and ends with the person who possesses it. It's like love. You have to have it inside of you to give it to others.
  18. Turning a part of someone infected with Ebola into a fine bloody mist would be one quick way to infect yourself and pretty much everyone else around. As anyone trying to claim such a thing when shooting an uninfected person would be facing a more serious punishment than would be connected to just a single count of murder. As stupid and gunhappy as Americans tend to be, you'd have to be a special kind of stupid to do something like this, and even then no lawyer would stand by such a claim to defense. So it would only happen once if at all. If a person can shoot a sikn, thinking them a Muslim because they both can be associated with wearing turbans, then another can shoot someone during an equally thoughtless encunter. There are people in this country and I'm sure every other country on the world who pride themselves on their ignorance assuming that their opinions have effectively been personally thought up and not given to them by those they grow up around.
  19. In the last few posts there has been discussion about respect and I was wondering what exactly is respect and what qualities need to be there for general honest respect to be in the heart of the person giving it. This is not to say that those people who are devoid of such qualities are incapable of respecting others, but their does seem to be an awful lot of people who need to be coaxed into respecting people and that to me sets a very bad presidence. Respect to me is not the same as taking others ino your confidence or ranking them any higher in quality of their personhood, but to see them as equals, even though they may show their individuality beyond what is comfortable to you. I think the first thing is needed is a general love of others. Most people have difficulties with that word, because it has been so far overused it has lost it's meaning. Words do have meaning and to me love is not a intence emotional attachment to any one human being. Love is a general desire for the wellbeing other others to continue and prosper. That is why I love so much the two phrases in the two greatst Sci Fi flicts I know of. (1) Live long and prosper, which means to me continue and be fruitful. Being fruitfull is not exclusive to financial endovers but reaches out to every facet of humanity. (2) I see you, from Avatar, which to me means the total absolute acknowledgment of the individual before them. Those that have proven themselves dishonest or destructive are often ignored or banished from our lives and to me they are no longer seen in the hearts of those they've preyed upon. They are put away as if they were encarcerated elsewhere, even though they walk freely amoungst us. The second thing is dignity and that has to do with seeing the person in a light that allows you to see them as equals even though their present situation may not reveal that. The quality of a human being is not attributable to the situation they are found. They can be rulers of kingdoms or they can be winoes and junkies living on the streets, but without hope none of these people will ever rise above the situation they are in and dignity is a very strong part of any persons will to better themselves. Sometimes it is up to others to treat a person in a dignified maner to instill in those people the realization that they desrve dignity. The last is honor and this to me is what jells everything together. Honor is much more of an preconception of exaltation then anything. It is not expectation of the good in people and the desire for that good to be extended to everyone. In doing so, I think the world would be a better, finer place. The main thing that stands in this path is fear and in that sence all that we realy much fear is fear itself. Not caution but fear.
  20. Talk about a buzz kill. If a moderator started arguing a point with me I'd be like "Okay buddy! You got this one. :thumbsup: " People are people man. Everyone deserves love, dignity and honor until they prove themselves not to be. Those three combined are my definition of respect. The staff here are just as human as you are and we all log in to the same forum. I don't speak for this forum, but I've been admin and staff on several boards and this is what I've noticed almost universally. Staff members are chosen primarily to spread the spirit the admins have set for the board. It's that spirit that keeps people coming back to the forums which they are most comfortable in. Everybody has their own take on reality and the staff members aren't immune to this and I desire to hear from them just as much as hearing from others. Please don't be intimidated by a person who has been designated the authorized representative of the board in a board that you are comfortable in because in reality they are the board. How a staff acts defines the difference between a badge and a badge of honor. From all that I've seen here the badges these people wear are badges of honor
  21. Don't look for the people who lead the dems to this defeat to find a way to better themselves. Mrs shultz first says they need a top down assessment of how they do things and in the next line she says the American public believe in the causes they are for. The politicians have separated Americans from Americans so effiecantly that it is more true that the politicians agree with the individual groups cause when they are talking to that group or need their vote. They tell these groups that they have a problem and then set themselves as that groups best hope to gain what should be theirs. Then they do nothing for them, because they've got the votes they need and the next time around they point their fingers across the isle and claim they were stopped by the opposition party. They pander and they bribe and hope that the American public ignores the man behind the screen.
  22. But you have two very large problems... 1). There is a whole range of bad information out there mixed in with the usual paranoia. This makes settling their fears and educating people significantly more difficult, even if the mass media wasn't actively feeding them panic pills. On the current trend, this whole matter will be blown far beyond control once the usual seasonal illnesses start spreading and people mistake them for Ebola. 2). Even if it wasn't difficult for those in power to set things straight, that would likely go against their current agenda. Given how some of the dialogue has been related to who can be legally quarantined, namely that civilians cannot be held against their will just because they may have had circumstantial exposure with a disease. There will probably be some efforts made to change the legalities of holding civilians due to potential exposure without their consent or cooperation because of those "mistakes". The fear mongering, the bad downplaying, the bipolar response, combined with the time of the year (voting and flu season)... All of it feels like it came from a Bush Era playbook. Education has never been an easy task, but respect is just a hand shake away. The major thing is determining who will listen and who will not. There are those who are impervious to learning. They have their truth, ready made and fully installed. There are others who are less so and these are the ones who need to be reached. Some have been tainted with the delusion of being victimized by the powers that be and are looking for any instances they can interpret as being discarded by the rest of the world. I was brought up in one of these cult-like institutions and I know just how strongly their indoctrination is. I also know what has worked for me, when dealing with those few people still clinging to such things and the best way I know of is to acknowledge them and their concerns and slowly gain their trust, because it is that trust that will open up the doors in their mind that have been shut sense they were first indoctronated into their ideology. Ebola, gay marriage, it is all the same, when you talk about gaining access to those who are used to a comfort zone that the present issue has sense interupted. I'm not saying that either issue is in any way equal to the other, but they are both new experiences that these people were unprepared for and those who have indoctrinated them will visiously defend those individuals who they claim as their property. ignorance is an institution in this country and one that is very insular to those who wield the scepter of indoctrination. Just as the victors of any conflict designate it's history, those who are most charismatic most often define what truth is. We must be that charismatic entity and no form of charisma includes snearing at those one wish to influence. We are trying to stop a stampied of those people who prefer Jerry Springer and America Idol over Bill Nye the science guy and that takes a lot of effort when their attention span has been standardized be media sensationalism and instant gratification. I don't know about you but I see a possible ticking time bomb ready to go off and I really don't want the patients taking over the funny farm. We have had a history of forgetting what we claim to be our fame, which is freedom when fear runs unchecked. All we have to do is look at the Japanee internment camps of WWII to get a nasty look at ourselves. I can envision some wackjob shooting a person, who they think should be quarinited and then claiming self defence for them being in his proximity. Can you honestly say for certain that a jury of equally fearful people would not exonerate the shooter because of the prevailing sentiment?
  23. I never said anything about pandering. I said respecting their fear and acknowledging their state of mind. Pandering is what our elected official do and they do it not out of respect but for what they can get from these people. Acknowledging others fear doesn't validate that fear but assure those who have it are important enough to another to matter. What part of being ridiculed or laughed at ever made anyone fee acknowledges as a fellow human? To my knowledge, no one. Respect the person. Acknowledge that the fear is real. Not what they fear, but that they have fear. Give them the information that they need to make an informed desision on the matter at hand. This entire episode has been handled abysmally and in the light of present administrations track record of competency, I think much of the paranoia has been ginned up more by the inaction and inattention by the powers that be than any other group.
  24. I think that the term laughter is the best medicine is for internal use only. It only medicinal if you are doing the laughing. There are people out there that see nothing fuuny and there are people who are scared because of their lack of knowledge. Some of them activly embrace ignorance because they have already established all the truth they need and see little use in aquiring anything that will disturb their tranquility. These are the only ones that I see who are beyond anything other than full acceptance that they are who they are. The rest of society is, in my opinion well worth reaching out to and this idea of making fun of their concerns bothers me in the extreme. It is these mutable individuals who are still looking for the truth and, to me, it is our responsibility to present what we know as truth without snicking at them for not seeing the entire picture of reality. Fear has a way of blocking out everything that is humane about man and history is replete with examples of people who in a state of fear have acted abysmally. They same holds true for those within crowds. Fear and anger are forms of insanity to me and I set as an example of how many times we, as human beings have struck out against innocents because we have been taken over by these emotions. I know I have hurt others in it's thralls and to see the look of hurt on the faces of those I love and know that I put it there is not a feeling I wish to experience again. We must separate that which we can not change from those that we can and work with, not on those we can work with. It is our duty as human beings to listen to those who share the planet. What other duty comes anywhere close to this, sense the human race is the one most apt at effecting itself.
  25. Erm, what are you saying here? The staff don't play favorites here, that strikes me as the hallmark of an open forum. One where you can express your views, without fear of the local powers coming down on you, because their views are different. I wrote that wrong. I should have said that, I have not seen them play favorites, which to play favorites is the hallmark of prejudice forums. Thank you for bring that to my attention. Sometimes I try for brevity and get uncertainty instead.
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