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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. The only way to end this violence is to have a far more reaching dilemma come upon both of these groups. I wonder if Isis were to move unobstructed towards their are of the planet, would they be so interested in killing each other? What if the world would stop treating with either group and place a total embargo of both parties? Maybe we should take the leadership of both parties and the countries that support them and place these groups in a locked tank and given 24 hours to work something out or die of asphyxiation. The reason that this is going on is that they have room to let it and the cannon fodder to through into the meat grinder. Take that away and you'll get results that don't require other countries to throw money into this septic tank.
  2. It can also cause a great deal of violence and destruction. Remember, the road to hell is paved with good intentions... Agreed, but in many such cases, when hurt results the perpetrator excludes either (1) the body, by not being present to access the situation, (acting after the fact or getting outside help to do whatever is done) (2) the mind, as in reacting emotionally without thinking or (3) the heart as in not caring about the ramifications to others of their actions. In the case which I was concentrating on the results of Adrenalin as a mother lifting a car off a child came to mind.
  3. kvnchrist


    Are people more easily controlled in groups than as individuals and why? Where does group think come into this? Does individual reasoning grow or diminish when individuals gather together and form groups and are these groups more intuitive or just menacing?
  4. Is the power of contemplation more beneficial to creativity than group sessions?
  5. The power here was not in the pushing but the desire to act in response to one in need. The body, the mind and the heart working together is the greatest engine for good nature can bring to bear.
  6. People of color is just another politically correct way of describing people who are not white. It has no meaning to anyone other than to those who use it to feel good about themseves.
  7. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/280x200q90/539/73c95e.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8K16ZRt2zs One wonders why the obvious is so elusive to some. November cannot come quickly enough. Herry Reed is a lap dog for the administration. There is a huge difference between being a liberal and being a Democrate. There is just as much of a difference between the liberals of my day and the liberals of today. Society has shifted and have opened up a veriety of doors that have been closed for a very long time. The far left seems to have grabbed hold of that an is using a scorched Earth tactic that I don't think The American public has the appitite to support. These demonizations and going for the throat of those who speak in opposition to these social changes I think will backfire streight down the mouths of those who claim tolerance for their own issues, but grant little back to the other side. This inability for many to scrutinize their own side as much as they scrutinize the opposition is what allows these politician the space to ignore reality and act according to whim instead of responcibility. I just wonder how these politicans would act if they weren't grandstanding infront of a camera for the benefit of the dups they claim to speak for.
  8. If the government was as good at implimenting the programs as they were in creating them they would do just fine. The problem is they hire bureaucrats to administer the program and many of these are more concerned with keeping themselves working than the program.
  9. Culture teaches us the roles that have been disignated for us all without any input on our part. Those who aren't able to submit themselve to the mold that society has for us will always have a harder time than others. Children are especially effected by this, since their understanding of society is running hed on to societies expectations of them. both are learning about one another, but society has the momentum of several thousand years and several million people. It's no wonder why those that don't fit in are ran over by this jugernuaght called society. I guess as humans, we've always tried to categorize what we couldn't comprehend as something weird, bazaare or freaky. I think it's more beneficial for our ego if we call human activity that involves what we charactorize as normal being done in a fashion we would call adnormal, crazy, It's just as much prejudice to call gay people crazy as it is to call a black man subhuman. You are simply degrading someone different in order for you to feel right about yourself. I would like all of you to silently think back at the first time you ever was confronted, personally with a gay person and just ponder how you reacted. Was it a shock. It was for me and it was a freind who I'd known for over a year. For the first time in my life, talking to her I saw hurt in her eyes and it nearly ripped me apart. I have the guilt of that carved into my soul even long after I appologized and made ammends for that. I insulted myself by my reaction to her orientation, but also learned humility by it. Our relationship was never the same after that, but I became more prepared for my own shortcommings. I ask you also to look at the roles that we as men and women are expected to play and how we are supposed to act and interact with one another. Then I ask you which is more insane. Wanting to love the person you are overwelming attracted to, no matter what their gender or having to act and react according to a preset guideline of manerisms that were set so far ago that their functionlity has become obsolete.
  10. Sorry. I don't really see any upside to discussing anything with dismissive arrogant people unless you like being talked down to. There are much more fullfilling ways of wasting your time.
  11. Homosexuality in animals is almost always an expression of pathology or extreme environmental turmoil. Actually... not quite. Homosexuality in animals is fairly common and is usually an expression of dominance over other members of a social group, among those animals which form social groups where males do not outright kill eachother. It is also fairly common for males of all species to try and have sex with anything that does not kill them immediately. So, probably not saying much. Also... We are talking about two entirely different things. Animals may form social connections, but they do not love in the same way that humans do. The emotional attachment between two humans is a far deeper matter than just the mechanics of intercourse or what anatomy goes where or who is on top. Thank you. I really get infuriated when people are forced by others to bring in the Animal kingdom to justify an natural human activity, just because those doing the forcing are incapable of looking past their own ideology. It is wrong for them to do it, because they are not homosexual and they reason those that are have something wrong with them. I'd really hate to see the state of the world and humanity itself if that was the standard for all people. We'd still be looking at the wheel with skeptical eyes.
  12. Sorry, I was not saying the Ottoman Empire should have surived. I was talking about the West carving up the Middle East in a way that they could control it. The Western powers probably would have continued on but without strategically placed puppet regimes selling them cheep oil at the expense of their own citizens, would they have accelerated any faster than those countries without a finger in the till? Also, their are fanatics everywhere, but would the Arabs be as concentrated on West If we had not been over there, colonizing them and pushing our way of life as if ours was better instead of just more familiar and comfortable for us to visualize. Would the Arab spring or any of these religious upheavals been necessary If the Arabs where to have set up their own countries?
  13. I've always wondered just what the world would look like If the Partitioning of the Ottoman empire had been left to those who lived there instead of The Western powers. Would there have been the invasion and colonization and the creation of puppet regimes, loyal more to their handlers than their own countrymen. Would the rest of the Western world have industrialized so fast, gorging itself on Middle Eastern oil, and would we be the centers of commerce that we are today? Would the creation of the state of Israel ever been and the subsequent wars that followed? Would the Arab Spring have been necessary and the rise of terrorism before that?
  14. I kind of thought this had been debated into the ground some time ago. This is one of those grey areas, like religion which the most passionate, either for or against bring out their big guns and after everything is decimated the issue remains unresolved. Homosexuality is a love and as such is a madness to those who aren't apart of it. How many times have you seen a couple together and you say to yourself, "I don't see what she sees in him?" Well, of course you don't. You aren't the one in love and the actions of love seem crazy to you.
  15. When did you grow up; the 1950s? I grew up in the 70's and lived in a black neighborhood. My brother and I were two of the 3 white persons that went to but grade school and the first 6 moths of high school. The accents don't change with time. It changes with territory.
  16. I have always kept the idea that I was fair and impartial to everyone and don't have a prejudicial bone in my body. I remember priding myself with the fact that the church I used to go to, a Jehovahs Witness church allowed anyone, no matter what color they were to openly attend meetings and become a JW. I remember my shock as windows were busted out of cars and tires flattened by those who lived in the neighborhood who hated people of color. I remember cleaning egg of the front door to the church and thinking how insane these people were to actually hate someone for no reason, what-so-ever. I went through my childhood and the beginning of my adult thinking how wise I was because, to me I was pure as the driven snow as far as prejudism. I had lived in a black neighborhood as I grew up and had black friends That whole delusion came crashing down in the time it takes to wink your eye. I remember while I was over in Germany, we were on a trip to Norway and had entered a museum. We had gathered around the entrance and waited for our guide to get there. I remember very well that when our guide got there he was a black man and when he opened his mouth he spoke English with a thick Englishman's accent that simply blew me off my chair. I was so used to the way I had heard black people spoke with a slight Southern accent that it never occurred to me that a black man could speak any other way. This understanding really brought home how full of it I was and that I had just supposed that a black man would speak the way I was used to hearing That day I understood just how embarrassed a person can get when they claim they are above the idiocy of pre judging another person before you meet them. I was wondering if we all have a little prejudism in ourselves and If so that only appears at the worst times imaginable.
  17. Really that's what you got out of that , Seriously . For someone who posts oh so many threads opinioning on the human character , you sound like someone who is already beaten , given up or just an obscurist . That's weak. What has the content of my posts have to do with the topic at hand. I have never posted anything that supports wasted efforts. Who do you think will be the ones that craft this legislature that will control the access to public servants by the money they will need to run their next election run? Those people who will be hurt most by this will be those persons and you ask me what you just did.
  18. I love how people get together in conventions that are against something they need to have to afford these conventions in the first place. Do I see irony in the forecast? Young Turks? :laugh:
  19. kvnchrist


    Just another catastrophe that keeps on giving. We were arrogant to go in there, Irresponsible to leave and destined to repeat ourselves because , to us, we are the only ones that can fix what we thought we could fix, in the first place. I foresee me retiring in 10 years with the battle sounds of Iraq on the tv.
  20. What I mean by finding yourself is not exactly findingg a new you or something that works out better with others is like a runner catching his stride. I don't know if you've ever ran competitively, but I did a lot of running when I was in the military. Those who've ran will tell you that there are seperate parts of a race that have to be tackeled differently. The major trouble people get into is when they run like heck dirrectly from the start. They think that if they can get far enogh ahead,m then It won't matter how fast others are. That leads to a quick burnout and they are dead for the remainder of the race. People who know how to run start out mederately. Not enough to leave you so far behind the pack that it will be imposible to ecover. What matters is getting to a point where you are comfortable with your breathing, your pace and that is called catching your stride. This means that you find a place where everything you have to give in this world works as best it can. This is what I mean by finding yourself. It is a place where you can start being the adult you are meant to be with everything ballanced in your life, so that you arent overwelmed by the small stuff.
  21. That is true that not everyone has the same look on life., but does that make that negative? Socrates once said that a life unexamined is a life not worth living. Ibelieve that and have spent much of my life talking to others and that ideal has brought me here to continue that quest. Just because people find distractions doesn't mean that there isn't stress involved in pushing people to make those decisions or in their findings after they are made. Sometimes it is a search for something they have inside of them and simply are not prepared to embrace that.
  22. Is anything worth the stress of intentional assholes that ply their trade on those who volunteer to be victimized in order to gain the comforts these people provide.? Are we so regimented in our daily lives that we addict ourselves to the creature comforts that provide us with temporary distractions from the daily grind, only to go back to that grind to provide yourself with the distraction? Is this society or a gilded cage that we pride ourselves with because the interior is so shiny?Is this actual freedom or just more material objects that provide us with the imagination that we once had, only the present version required no effort to create other than the handing over of cash. Do we accept the bad with the good because the good is so beneficial to us personally or is it because it is so familiar to us and we just think it's part of the bargain of life? Do we miss out on something genuine when we ignore those people who are physically around us to enter the world of pictures where we see no one face to face and can't see them react with pain or pleasure or any other emotion that we a human beings share?
  23. No one gets to pick who the good guy is and who the bad guy is, each individual makes that decision for themself when they decide whether to be either a productive or destructive member of society. How do you pick out the good guys from the bad guys? Insanely easily. The good guy isn't point his gun at anyone. "The good guy isn't point(ing) his gun at anyone" makes no sense as an answer because the statement was, "The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." If the good guy isn't pointing his gun at anyone, then exactly how does he stop the bad guy with a gun and what is the purpose of the good guys gun? I'd appreciate you clarifying exactly how you see the good guy stopping the bad guy and what the statement, "The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." means to you or how you interpret it. My initial thought though is that this didn't particularly work well in the recent Vegas shooting. The armed good guy died when he tried to shoot the bad guy. My next thought is that suppose I am a good guy with a gun and I hear a gun shot. I turn around to see a guy shooting. Is he a good guy stopping a bad guy or a bad guy shooting at someone? As I said, I don't disagree, I'd just like an explanation of how this works so the good guys with guns stop the bad guys with guns. I think the intent was to show the need of a gun to defend against a threat who is weilding a gun. It could be argued that no guns would be perferable, but that fact is why I posted this thread in the first place. People who wish to restrict guns are often seen a people wanting to restrict the rights of others. My veiw is that these people have a long hard road down a historical and ideological path that's steeped in rebel ideology. Our society has romantisized gun ownership and the honerable bad boy image of lone heroes like John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. As long as we continue to praise the gun and the independant lone rebel/patriot we will have this love affair with the gun and juveniles from 8 to 80 will wnting one just to feel powerful. Responcible gun ownership is another can of worms and one the government should embrace. Not only are these people taking care of their own firearms but they associate with others who do as well. What better people to have around you to get information on loons that have guns or illegal weapons. If they are respected I don't doubt that these people will want to inform the authorities on individuals that are a posible safety risk to the public. That and they know bad publicity is not in their best interest as gun owners.
  24. The OP states "WHAT SEPERATES THESE TWO ISSUES?" that being justice and revenge. No other options where discussed because I was concentrating on these two alone. I asked what guidlines to use to give free reign for someone else to expand further.. I never said these were the only options to use for guidelines. If I was sugesting that would I not have used the term "these" as in "Which one of these can be used as a guideline?" Wealth does not in itself corrupt anything. It is the placing a pricetag on ones honor that does that. Politicains, judges and juries that bow to the dollar are the ones that are corrupt and it is they who work the system. Not all follow the pull of money and those that do need to be revealed by the media.
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