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Everything posted by kvnchrist

  1. http://www.filehurricane.com/viewerthumbnails/1114200985558AM_UN.jpg Name three things the UN has actually succeeded at. Unfortunately Mexico has been run by the cartels for a while. As for fixing it... I'm not really sure. Mexico's really just messed up at a governmental level. It would require a lot of overhauling in order to fix things up, and likely some sort of oversight because clearly their system in place isn't working. EDIT: At overturning the apple cart: Unfortunately, the cartels are better armed than most US police departments, barring the larger cities with larger SWAT/STAR teams. I am not a big fan of The U.N. but who can gather enough force that could change things for the better. I think it would be a blood bath and the hostilities wouldn't be kept only on Mexican soil.
  2. kvnchrist


    Of all the sense human beings have to aid them through life's challenges, I think humor is the most important. Saying that, I was wondering why humor is so different in different parts of the world. I've listened to American humor, British humor and some French humor and they are, to me, very different. I was wondering what you think the reasons for the different styles of humor and what if any samples of what you call humor you can show. The two British humor acts that quickly come to mind is Monty Pythons Flying Circus and Benny Hill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CJFoOSX1ok
  3. I think it is the most ridiculously unrealistic things I've ever seen on tv. I think Rosanne was more real than any 15 of these combined.
  4. Mine is the Colourwheels sexy oblivion overhaul. I really like good graphics and this one has that.
  5. Doesn't sound like those trimmers were had very much to worry about. They are safe and others aren't. Someone needs to overturn their apple cart.
  6. Would that be a ghost...or me in the sun since I have no tan to speak of....none....like I am not white I am...translucent. Ha ha ha Sorry. I will be back later one. I think I would become highly mobile if one of those came near me.
  7. I have always been interested in peoples superstitions. I never understood many of them or actually knew where they have come from, but I'd like your understandings and maybe war stories of which you keep or those close to you.
  8. What I've always wondered is if the U.N. could step in and help out Mexico. If it is clear that the cartels control various areas of Mexico and have created a level of unrest that puts lives in danger, which it clearly does. Couldn't that be taken as a human rights issue.
  9. It would stop if they were made legal. I personally don't give a flying f*** if law enforcement agencies lose money due to drugs becoming legal. It saves lives and helps people. It's not about money dude. It's about keeping a secure border, something which the Federal government has failed miserably at (which is also the reason why it's a slap in the face, good people are trying to secure their border and their homes states). People are tired of illegals pouring through the border, and they're tired of drugs being trafficked through the area. Which is also the reason why people in Texas are forming militias to try to secure that border. If you don't believe me on that, drive down to South Texas and start asking locals about it. If drugs were legal, we could grow them or get them from legitimate sources here. The demand from across the border would dry up. Even if the citizens were desiring weed from below the border, It would be shipped in be legal sources.
  10. I always found that one really amusing. It's legal to BE high, but, it isn't legal to GET high...... It is legal to GET drunk, but, it isn't legal to BE drunk.... Riddle me that one Batman. :D The cartels would implode of their own volition. Remove the motivation, and profit.... from their business, and what do they have left? Cocoa plants don't grow well in the states, so, I suppose there would always be a foreign market for that, but, pot grows just fine damn near anywhere...... (it is a weed after all......) They are a criminal enterprise. I think they would turn to the same thing as the mob families in the states. The one thing that would change is the amount of money they would be getting. The drug money would dry up and they would get into other vices.
  11. I understand that, but is a drunk driver more dangerous as a high driver? I think so!
  12. I agree with legalizing drugs. I think the war on drugs was an utter failure. I don't see why people stay with it. What good does it do an 18 year old to live with hardened criminals for 2-5 years, because they are selling something less dangerous than a pint of Whiskey inside a drunk driver. But wouldn't the3 cartells find something else to do. Wouldn't the infrastructure of the criminal families have to be torn down, completely.
  13. What can we do to stop the bloodshed on both sides of the border. Should we continue the war on drugs, here in the U.S. and continue the overcrowding of American prisons. Should we create a fence, like some have suggested, or should we act as though we have a hostile entity and react to that in the same terms as they have done to others.
  14. I am on break from the road and just was listening to The National Geographic Channel. The Dog Whisperer. They have a dog that was just treated terribly. What motivates people to hurt or neglect animals. Is it a need to dominate something or is it a warped pleasure in causing pain in something that can feel it. Do these people see these animals are living creatures or just objects to serve a purpose.
  15. I think they should be banned. All they do is tare the country apart.
  16. kvnchrist


    I was just wondering when reason became the sole property of the scientific community and those who unabashedly promote the idea that findings by the scientific community is the end all of all discussions. Are the concerns and assumptions of those without a litany of studies or those without some sort of degree has absolutely no validity? Are these scientists not people and are they immune to self interest or political agendas. I think not. I used to be widely, open-minded about this, but after being inundated by those who simply dismiss others arguments and, when pressed result in denigrating others intelligence, I find myself just as dismissive to others opinions as they are of mine. I speak of myself, because of my own experience, but mine is not the only incidences of this. There has been numerous incidences of this on several boards, and to do this simply reduces the impact of others ideas. I don't care how intelligent you are or how stupid you are. I care about how human you are and how caring you are of others. I feel that people are responsible for what they say and what they do. I also believe that there are many out there that, in their zeal to remove the ideas of personal responsibility , look for far deeper answers, and ignore what might just be staring them in the face. I've heard, many times about mental illness, and I was wondering why if the psychiatric community labels certain activities as an illness, why so many people embrace their determinations, and not ask themselves is there a agenda involved in this determination or possibly a financial and prestigious angle involved. You know, if you claim something is an illness and you are the only physician, how much power does that give you? Please read this My link
  17. I have a lesbian friend that just went through a very bad semi-relationship with a biker girl. This girl was 10 years her younger, and was obsessed with having a reputation. She lead my friend along, going out with her, just long enough to drink her beer and smoke her weed, and then go back to her boyfriend. I don't know if she was bi or not, but I'm glad my friend finally walked away from her. Nobody should be played with like this.
  18. Hypocrisy, raises it's ugly head, yet again. Enough said on that. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  19. kvnchrist


    Precisely. Could you imagine what the CIA would do with that power.
  20. Dude, I give up. I give you evidence, substantiated by reliable sources (follow the citations in this paragraph on wikipedia), and all you do is continue flapping your mouth in ignorance. How am I supposed to debate with someone who disregards scientific findings? Even worse, I post proof for a certain argument, and 3 posts later you ask me 'how do you know this' when you circle right back to the same argument. I dunno, maybe you struggle reading english, or you struggle reading at all, but you keep hammering on the same points over, and over, and over, in spite of me responding and giving substantiated answers to them. Would you understand it better if I tried communicating it to you via interpretive dance? Either way, sorry, but I'm placing you on my Ignored Users list. All you are doing is frustrating me, while not really adding anything new to the discussion, and not really knowing anything much about that which you are 'debating'. I can't hold a debate with someone who ignores my arguments completely. I'd rather not see your posts, so that I don't risk getting unnecessarily rude in my replies and resulting in an account ban or something. Dude I'm not frustrating you. I think your ideals have already done that. Thanks for the personal attacks. It's how I know you've ran to the limit of your ideological chain and have commenced to bark! I utterly reject your so-called findings. Take care defending these people. I just hope that when one of them decides to reach out and touch another child, it will be yours, so no one else has to live through having their child's waking up in cold terror.
  21. I've. covered. this. before. Seriously, I'm not doing it again. Read my previous posts and stop making insinuations about it. Only then will you see I never said a good little old chat will cure them of pedophilia. Hell, am I posting in martian or something? To claim that the entire target audience of child modelling companies are pedophiles is just, well, silly. Sure, a lot of pedophiles probably keep an eye on it, but they probably don't even make out a tiny fraction of that. There's more to child modelling than a quick fapfapfap. :/ And no, I'm also NOT getting into the motivations behind child modelling. If you didn't miss them, you ignored them, because you keep bringing up stuff that I've covered over, and over, and over. And now I'm really going to bed. I'm not going to respond to you any further, because the argument is just running in circles right now, and it's going to continue doing so because we're just arguing past each other. - Dude just because you comment on something doesn't end the debate. I couldn't care less how many times you say you've been over it. Your agreements about pedophiles have so many holes in them it's incredible . Do you go to web sites and subscribe, with a credit card if you are not interested in the subject matter. These sites have only pictures on them. They don't have games, or stock news. They have pictures of little girls as young as 6. Who other than pedophiles are interested in just pictures of little girls? Are they , doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, what. Yes they might be all of these, but in secret, behind closed doors they are all pedophiles. "There are 400,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and an estimated 80 to 100,000 of them are missing. They're supposed to be registered, but we don't know where they are and we don't know where they're living. Ernie Allen, President of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to co-anchor Hannah Storm on The Early Show These are just the ones who have been caught and as everyone knows, those caught in any crime are only the tip of the iceberg. As for your assumption that there are some astronomical figure that has never abused kids. How do you know this. Did they tell you. I would point out how many people in prison who have said they were innocent of what they were charged with. Do yourself a favor and get on one of the sex offender hot lines and check out your neighborhood. It might just set you straight on this stuff. This is just the statistics in the United States. The world is a big place and the internet has made it wider. I'm going to get off here, because there is not arguing with an Idealist. Just answer me one thing. While you guys are digging into these peoples heads, trying to cure something that's incurable. How many little girls will have their lives turned upside down just so these shrinks can make their Porsche payment?
  22. *Very deep and exasperated sigh* I've covered this all very extensively in previous posts. I'm NOT going through it again. You can reread my previous posts, if you want, but I'm not explaining it again. Also, here's an example of the logic you're employing: You once thought your sister looks attractive. This means you acted on it! You committed incest! Attraction to a child is not a crime, neither is feeling an attraction 'acting on it'. Spreading child pornography and sexually harming a child is a crime. But really now, it's 22:30 here where I'm at. I've been reiterating everything over, and over all day long. I'm tired. I'm really not in the mood to even argue with you anymore, because you simply miss the point of it all. I'm going to ed now. Good night. I don't care how dramatic you put things with your *Very deep and exasperated sigh* You want to try out for a soap opera this isn't the place for it When you are apart of the target audience that makes making these site a viable option for people making money, then you become part of the problem. My issue with you is how you portray them. You see all of this as something that can be cured. A little talk and it subsides, as if it was a cold or a flu. We do have an epidemic on our hands. To make light of that shows just how detached you are from this, but from all I've read, you've made that abundantly clear. I've never missed any of your so-called points. I disagreed with them. You making it sound like I did is simple arrogance.
  23. That's exactly my point right from the start. I was never defending the sex offenders, I was defending those who aren't sexual offenders. Not even all pedophiles look at pictures of naked children. Some people around here seem to think that all pedophiles are sex offenders. Then what exactly was the problem? And looking at pictures of little children is definitely acting on your urges. Look at my reply to HeyYou just above here. I've been saying all along that not all pedophiles are sexual offenders, and that includes looking at pictures of little children. Also, not all pedophiles even support the child modelling industry. You can't blame it's existence on pedophiles. The biggest abuse that occurs in the child modelling industry is the parents who abuse their children by putting them through that in the first place. In your response to heyyou you reference people who call themselves pedophiles who don't act upon it. The very though that little girls are attractive is an act. Please don't tell me that these people don't act upon this mindset. That they don't peer at every little girl and have fantasies about them. To say so would give you an incite that no one has, other than the individual themselves It is they desire for these pictures that creates the need for these web sites. What do you mean you can't blame the existence of the industry on pedophiles. Who do you think supports it. The Church Lady http://i54.tinypic.com/16kx1d5.jpg
  24. How is the definition of a word opinion?! And even better, how is scientific proof that not all pedophiles are child abusers opinion?! Did I say that all pedophiles are abusers. You don't need to have scientific proof to know that not all pedophiles are abusers. All you need to do is look at google how many people who are in jail, right now, for getting caught with pictures of little girls to see that. These people don't act upon their urges, but they certainly become they audience that gives those who do make child pornography an incentive to make more of these videos. Look at the child modeling industry, for instance. It is a booming industry, that makes millions of dollars webe web
  25. You are disagreeing with me out of arrogance.I didn't ignore anything other than you trying to tell me how dumb you think I am. What you have is opinions. They might be backed up by myriads of professionals, but what you don't take into account is that they might be guessing themselves. It is not beyond the realm of possibility. All you have to do is look at the variety of theories out there for everything under the Sun. As for wikipeda, the errors and faulty logic found in there are legendary
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