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Everything posted by olnorton

  1. You select the things you want to hide & press 1 twice to hide them. The first 1 will make them opaque & unselect able & the second 1 makes them invisible Pressing F5 will show them again when your finished. Drag a box around them to select a whole area at once.
  2. It's in your steam library, under Tools.
  3. You could just open the console, select the male mannequin & type sexchange. But try Tamira's house mod anyway. Or you could use portable mannequins. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10578/?
  4. You still have a problem with the administrator rights for your user login name, that is why you can't overwrite an existing file. Has it got 5 ticks under your user name?
  5. Does this mean you are not an administrator & aren't able to give programs elevated privileges? If you right click on CreationKit.exe Properties\Security\Users(your log on name\Users) You should have 5 ticks. If the CK doesn't have permission to write & modify when you are using it, you won't be able to make mods.
  6. I've never seen it look like that, so I can't help you. Is it just with Hearthfire loaded, or even just with skyrim.esm? Did you add Hearthfires.bsa in your SkyrimEditor.ini SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa , HearthFires.bsa And bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1
  7. http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag187/johnandmonica/Mannequin_zps1c8abca7.jpg This is what a complete mannequin looks like in the CK It has a MannequinActivateTrig, PlayerHouseMannequin, & a XMarkerHeading. What is it you can't see?
  8. For you 2nd problem, put a box around everything that is in your way, to highlight it, & press 1 twice to hide it. F5 to show it again. And mannequins are basically NPCs, so you will need navmesh under them or they will move to the nearest navmesh when you reload the area.
  9. In your SkyrimEditor.ini Under [Messages] Change bBlockMessageBoxes=0 to 1 Edit: Edited to avoid confusion. (people my age shouldn't rely on memory)
  10. http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/6838-ck-basics-lesson-1/ This is a very good tutorial for absolute beginners.
  11. If you look at your save with Wrye Bash it will show you what esp's were in it.
  12. What he is suggesting you try, is just open it in TES5Edit Expand the esp & at the bottom where it says worldspace it will have Tamriel & RiftenWorld. Right click on RiftenWorld and select remove. I would also suggest you look at the list of edited cells & remove the ones from inside Riften. Definitely do a hard save before you start playing with this mod installed. There could be teleport links between inside and out & any number of things that could throw up errors. But that is essentially what he suggested.
  13. I haven't tried them, but the point of them seems to be the look of the HiRes texture pack without the vram overhead of using it. So using them with the HiRes texure pack would defeat the purpose.
  14. I haven't done it because I use AFT, But you probably just need to give them the DefaultIgnoreFriendlyHits script.
  15. Have you tried any of the fixes described in the pinned thread at the top of the page TUTORIAL: REMOVING UNWANTED MAGIC EFFECTS FROM THE PLAYER ?
  16. No. If you do not make a navmesh for you new house, your roommates will stay outside and talk about you behind your back. For NPC's to follow you into your house you need a navmesh & it needs to be finalized, (a green triangle by the door inside & out.) To get them to clean the place, they have to be aware it is your place (playerhouse, playerfaction) & they need the appropriate idle markers to tell them what to do. Otherwise they would go into someone else's house or an Inn & start sweeping the floor. While it might need it, some might take offence.
  17. Horses can't go into interior cells. If you put navmesh over a tree, The stormcloaks & imperials would just bang into it. (That's why the navmesh is removed from around trees) Allowing them to climb trees would require a lot more modding than just adding a navmesh. A navmesh is not a hard surface, so no a floating horse is not walking on an errant navmesh. It's simply to show NPC's where they can walk without banging into things like trees, walls or furniture , and little added niceties' like where to find cover to hide behind in a fight & preferred paths that allow NPC's to take a CPU friendly path. If you removed the navmesh to stop randomly spawned imperials from getting near Riften, then nobody other the the PC could get near Riften. Bleakfalls Barrow is already navmeshed. You would only edit the navmesh in Bleakfalls Barrow if your mod added something you didn't want NPCs to walk into, or you remove a large obstacle & wanted to allow NPC's to be able to walk in the newly exposed area.
  18. Does she say "still need me to do something" as if she is stuck in command mode?
  19. I would certainly give it a try before you spent any money, If you do end up buying a better GPU, you will want the 64 bit OS anyway, so you have nothing to lose (other than the hour or so to change operating systems & set everything back up.)
  20. Yes, on top of your 32 bit memory address map restrictions, Skyrim is a DX9 game & DX9 requires duplication of Vram into system memory, further reducing the memory usable by the game. A GT630 is a low end card with a decent amount or vram so it makes the memory restrictions worse.
  21. Do you have more than 4 GB of ram?
  22. I'm new to modding too, but if you don't get any help on what your trying to do. try starting with a static crate or basket & add a trigger to it to a container hidden under the floor. That's how I made the potion rack in my house mod. Use the DefaultActivateLinkedChest trigger with an ActivateLinkedChestDummy script & in the primitive tab tick player activate & link it to any chest & then drag the chest out of sight. Edit: too slow, Ignore this.
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