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Everything posted by Belial666
Just disabling ESPs won't remove the stuff in folders,like loose texture replacers.The more highres textures you install the more it loads in VRAM,and will max you out fast and cause purple or black textured objects.Also try enabling one mod at a time til the issue happens to see which is causing it.
What is this.....white shape following me?
Belial666 replied to lowenz's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I did notice something about the "ripples" it seems they are possibly from a setting from the original INIs from DVD version.Mine go away when I delete the Sktrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini and let it remake em since 1.8 update.Maybe it'll help,jsut back oyur INIs up incase oyu had them modded. -
"skyrim has stopped working" windows error PLEASE HELP!
Belial666 replied to Ark0th's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
. -
Frame Rate Stuck at 8-12 FPS regardless of settings
Belial666 replied to adembroski's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If the fake 3d mode don't work for you on tv,then I guess not much else anyone can do,unless someone make a update/hack to skyrim to use 3d mode for 3dtv,or AMD adds it to drivers for oyur card. :/ -
It's called striping,there's a few mods that fix it. here's one http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27418
Need help figuring out how to fix blocky textures
Belial666 replied to DestinPs's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It's cause of the way thin snow on things are done.Not too much to really do other than try diff normalmaps,and replacers to reduce it some. -
How to get GPU/CPU values as on screen display in Skyrim?
Belial666 replied to Sigurd44's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Just start MSI with server,start HWINFO32 or 64 depending on OS,and thenpress the Sensors button in bar,and when that window opens,sset the ones you want,and press minimize all.After,you wil always have to open and choose sensors and minimize all,every time you start app up -
Frame Rate Stuck at 8-12 FPS regardless of settings
Belial666 replied to adembroski's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Do you use the DVD or straight through steam to install?Maybe the latest 1,8 is doing something to your game.Looking on http://www.nvidia.com/object/3d-vision-games.html looks like Skyrim isn't supported,so you'll probaly not get it much better.On another board someone suggested "Go into the TV menu and select the 3D options => 2D to 3D and put it on Maximum." -
How to get GPU/CPU values as on screen display in Skyrim?
Belial666 replied to Sigurd44's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Use HWINFO .Make sure it's set to shared memory,then you'll have to set the sensors you wanna show. -
Frame Rate Stuck at 8-12 FPS regardless of settings
Belial666 replied to adembroski's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If you're not using any video memory that's bad.It means either it's using system (cause it's laptop) or dedicated ram for videocard is bad from pushing it too hard.I'd test other games and see if they are fine,and dig into windows and make sure nothing infected it,or is running hidden.I'm hoping it's more a software issue,like need to use older drivers,or some app can be disabled,etc. -
Is it causing any other issues?If not no need to worry about it,disable logs and continue playing.If you uninstalled mods,it could be something leftover in the save looking for certain things and not finding it.
How do I switch mouse buttons? (not just combat)
Belial666 replied to Belrum's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
For the entire game,you have to switch the buttons in windows.Some input devices need special software/drivers for game/app profiles.My logitech came with the software but I never use it,I use the windows drivers instead,since sometimes the manufacture drivers act up. @Hilda - [E] is enter look how oyur Activate settings are in controls,but I change it to M3 for activating things.Esc is only for the settings and to see stats.Also,when changing keyboard controls,the letters don't like to change cause they are textures and set,so you gotta remember your changes.If you got mouse and keyboard issues,probaly time to get a new set. -
Nvidia LOD Bias setting having no effect on Skyrim
Belial666 replied to Thane411's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Now I see,you're using the inspector to change settings.In the normal video settings there's only 2 settings.When you say the image is stretched to fit,that only shows it'll be blurry and harder to see any difference.Get a 512x512 image and increase it to 512x1024,and you'll see the blur,and it's alot harder to sharpen.Now that I iknow why wou are using odd resolution,you'll need to buy 3DTV Play .There's a 14 day trial,and I'm sure it's probaly what you need.It's free to try,and should hopefully help. -
It requires you having Immersive Armors V4 or later first,if oyu don't have it yet.
Having weird graphics issue ( pics included )
Belial666 replied to Redcor's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
That intel chip is actually 4 cores,but 8 threads,but probably not issue.Have you tried lowering the texture quality?Have you seen the issue in a clean game pre any mods,enb,skse,addons,etc?Have you tried without using any INI tweaks?It looks like corrupt textures,or your vram can't handle the textures thrown at it,say if you're using a 4k HD pack or something,or worst case vram is going bad.If you're using the Official HiRes pack,you should try adding the BSAs to your SkyrimPrefs.ini,and disable the ESPs.I had issues with crashing going to cities,and black or purple textures until I did it. Here's what it should look like if oyu got all 3 packs from latest updatted hires pack: [Archive] sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, HighResTexturePack03.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa -
If it's just wrong key showing when you do things,it's cause it was never fixed to show buttons remapped.If it actually changed the function of the buttons,then you might wanna check your gamepad settings outside of the game.
No serious issues, just asking for help to organize my loadorder.
Belial666 replied to mousxo's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If there's no issues,I'd leave it like it is for now.Though your best start is to use BOSS to see if there's any incompatibilities with things,load order issues,sometimes updates or mod addons you missed for DLCs,or other mods. -
If you're getting that on a new installed and started game,and not a older save,then there's mods causing it.If you're using an older savefile,then the errors could be from either mods you have installed,or mods you uninstalled that got leftover in save.You could try going back to SKSE 1.6.6 to see if it the SKYUI bugs go away,unless other mods need 1.6.9 version.MS11CheatSTalkTriggerSCript may be part of your Windhelm issue,if some mod messed with the activator,since I don't use many mods unless I am testing them and never CTD going there,or leaving there.The only time I used to crash was crashing going to cities with the ESPs enabled for the official hires packs,but it stopped when I added the BSAs to the skyrimprefs.ini file,and unmarked the ESPs.Maybe let the author of SKYUI know about the bugs,how it happens and they can try to fix it.Otherwise,I'd disable logging a while,and play,until something really goes wrong. :)
Try to see if BOSS can check your mods.Try redownloading the race mod again,and see if you got the files in right place,or reinstall it,it could jsut be you corrupted files while copying it over
What is your system specs,and what mods do you use?Have you checked your disk to make sure you're not running outta room on it?Nothing in background running?If you using mods,might wanna try BOSS to see if there's any incompatibility,or issues with them.
Youj're on a lowend laptop,so you shoujld probaly only use Low quality graphics to start,and see if issue keeps happening.
Nvidia LOD Bias setting having no effect on Skyrim
Belial666 replied to Thane411's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Well,you keep saying 960x1080,I hope oyu mean 1960x1080.You shoujld always keep your monitor at max supported resolution and refresh,for best quality.If you lower it to an odd size it will never look sharper,since it is squishing things.I see huge difference in the AF settings.You really need to show a screenshot,so we can see what type of blur you're talking about.What settings are you using?Ultra,low,medium?People's faces are low quality,best to get a face replacer if that's what you're talking about.I'd also suggest deleting Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini and let it make new ones. -
It could be a bottleneck in your system.Thgouh it's possible once you noticed the tiny issue,it became bigger looking cause you are looking for it more,lol.It's best a little here or there,then alot all over.Defrag,turn off antivirus/spyware scanners,try to find hidden pc optimizing apps(windows has some hidden like background defrag).We tried about everything,and it's there.Could your drive be filling up?Have you run something like msi afterburner or evga precision,and HWINFO64(to check CPU cores and GPU for temps,usage,etc) to check what may maxing out?
Nvidia LOD Bias setting having no effect on Skyrim
Belial666 replied to Thane411's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
LOD BIAS you won't see a big change if it's on clamp or not,it only helps reduce a few tiny almost unnoticable issues with AF.AA,AF,and FXAA will make the most difference between sharp and blurry.Is 1960x1080 your monitor's normal resolution?If it's lower,then you should change it back,or it may be partly causing the issue.I would suggest disabling FXAA in drivers and in Skyrim,and using 4xAA and see if you see a big difference.I know if you go over 4xAA it can start looking blurrier on edges especially.Also,are oyu using mods that may affext graphics,like ENB,or injectors?Maybe put a screenshot so we can see the blurriness. -
Nvidia LOD Bias setting having no effect on Skyrim
Belial666 replied to Thane411's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
AF jsut sharpens textures at a distance,,and ususally only needs to be 2x or 4x unless you play at super high size,like 3000x2000 or something.It also don't cause ot help texture flickering.It depends on your videocard itself,if it's older,or low end,it might be having issues with higher quality textures.FXAA can cause blurriness,since it's a fast form of AA,if enabled.Here's an example of my settings in nvidia control panel for the GTX650 http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/31119-1-1361660956.jpg .I let the games set the settings,since setting it in both can be too much overkill.