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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Yeah, your probably right, 'Thought from now on i'm having it set to NOT auto-update so this sort of annoyance doesn't happen again. And on another note, the DLC's coming out tommorow? Does it include some way to play after you have finished the game?



    No, sorry it doesn't. We'll just have to wait for a big Broken Steel style user created mod. Or just download one that is in the Nexus. It probably also got updated so that it can address issues in the Dead Money DLC before it came out.

  2. Yeah it's probably for Dead Money as it's coming out in a several hours. So they probably want to update it before the DLC comes out. I've been waiting an hour or so for the NVSE update to come out. Guess I'll just watch anime as if I keep waiting it will take longer. Can't play NV anyways several mods require NVSE. By the way how long does it usually take on average to update it?
  3. I think the trailer should be out in two months but maybe later. As they usually don't get the trailer for a game until a month a two before it comes out.


    Oblivion was announced on October 22, 2004

    The trailer debuted at E3 on May 18, 2005 and was slotted for a winter 05/06 release which was 7-9 months away.


    Pete Hines tweeted that it would be in a month with an "r" in it so it's either March, April or September. Given that E3(June) is the place to demo games then it's very likely the Official trailer will come before so that means sometime in the next 10 weeks.


    That will put Skyrim's trailer 7-9 months ahead of release. Coincidence? I think not. :thumbsup:


    Didn't know that, thanks. I know id Softwares Rage is due in September and the trailer came out a month or two ago, so Ill go with you on that as id Softwares Rage is part of the Bethesda family.

  4. Thank you LHammonds, now back to topic.


    I agree the game looks awesome the faces are more detailed and more. "Dialog options are also available with hostile NPCs" That's a nice feature seems now I can tell Bandits to surrender, at least I hope.


    I think the trailer should be out in two months but maybe later. As they usually don't get the trailer for a game until a month a two before it comes out.


    Those skeletons look far more detailed and those who played Morrowind do those look like the Draugr on the Bloodmoon DLC? It seems like it to me just with swords and armor. Heck, those actually might be the Draugr if you think about it. Quote from uesp "Draugr: An undead nordic warrior known for feeding on human flesh." Just a thought, Camonna Tong.

  5. Had a thought, maybe rating should add to your AP, so people have more incentive to rate files they download, or articles they read. I see the tracker keeps tabs on how many things you have rated, but that number seems to be pointless right now.



    If it gives you AP for just rating, I don't think it would work well. You'd see a lot more 'rating faeries' who would just give out endorsements to get their AP up.



    Definitly true, maybe a cap to were you can get a limited amount of AP from it, or something.



    I do have a problem though. I tried to add you ub3rman123 but it adds two of you. I do the same with others doesn't add two. Staff how do I fix this problem? Or would you be able to fix it as it might be a problem with the site, thank you, Camonna Tong.



    Edit: Fixed it seems I had to keep adding you and removing you and finally it worked.But is adding two of myself with others. Why is this?

  6. well, i just hope for their sake that the creation engine is not direct x 9


    if it is, then they wasted a LOT of money


    the oblivion quest only took me like four hours because it sucked? that was not the first time i had played it though.

    for me, oblivion, fallout and nv were all about the RPG and dungeon diving, not bethesda's story. i could really give a crap less what the backstory is as long as i have a gigantic open landscape to explore that is full of detail and horrifying monsters to kill.


    and is it just me, or are the monsters in video games getting more and more beautiful and less monstrous? i thought monsters were meant to make you cringe when you look at them, not make you go "oh wow how beautiful is that troll's face!" (now i could understand for a dragon, but that is different lol, dragons are not monsters!)


    anyway, the screenshots are not looking any better, but i have not seen anything labelled PC.

    the further and further along we get, the more and more i am expecting a direct console port, just like the last three times. (cheap B******S!)


    i wish the devs knew how to read, then they would be able to see what the hell they were doing wrong ;)

    and by no means to i expect them to give a flying f--- what i post on the web lol.


    I disagree Bethsoft listens to their fans and modders a lot, probably why they got the Sprint in the game because they thought the Sprint mod for Fallout was good. But you can't blame them for not reading everyones post, everytime you post on there forums there are probably 10 new threads plus 20 people commented by the time you did.



    And about DirectX 11 even some new video cards I saw online don't even support DirectX 11. So I would rather wait a few years before they give support to it. Can't blame Bethesda Softworks when PC's get new updates every week or less and Consles hardly get Updates.

  7. I think the graphics in the screenshots are awesome.


    For those that think graphics are everything I would like to see you go back into the 90's and forget everything you remember about games now to see graphics change with time. (I know it's impossible just try to imagine what it was like.) I remember when I was on the N64 and I thought it was awesome. Now I look back and saw that it was not as good graphics but still as fun. First ES game I played was TES III Morrowind loved it, yes I played 1000's of hours back in the day when I was in High School. Not anymore as much though. I then played Oblivion then went to Daggerfall, Daggerfall was old graphics but the game was still the most fun CRPGs of all time, in my opinion. No offense to people I said to go back in time what I was basically saying was graphics change with time and they in my opinion don't affect the fun as much as how much content is in the game. More Graphics = Less Content/Gameplay. My opinion now back to the topic.


    I see a dog in one of the pictures in my GI hopefully on this one you can get a dog. But I hope most of all that armor on the game is all playable and theres more variety than Oblivion's armor. Same with weapons. One of the reasons I switched from my 360 Oblivion to PC Oblivion was the Palace armor was not playable. Also I liked the Akatosh mod. Hopefully I can make armor different colors and same with clothes and armor. Like a dye. As everyone knows you can forge weapons, I hope you can build upon your weapons with materials to make it stronger. This is what I hope for. Oh well I pre-ordered it the day it was available to pre-order so I will still get it. Anyone else agree? Good gaming, Camonna Tong.

  8. The player is the Dragonborn Todd Howard confirmed this. Second Ysmir is the nordic aspect of Talos like the Khajiits have Alkosh which is Akatosh but the Khajiits call him the Dragon King of Cats/ God of time and Sheggorath who is Sheogorath but is called the Skooma Cat. Each race has their own interpretation of the gods or don't believe in them. I'm talking about general populace because some Dunmer didn't even worship the Tribunal, the Nerevarine is technically the Incarnate and a reincarnation of Nerevar. The Dragonborn is picked by the gods I believed at first you were the reincarnation of Reman Cyrodiil, Tiber Septim, or St. Alessia, but as the Dragonborn was picked by the gods it won't be. Unless, the gods choose you to be a reincarnation of one of them. Good lore discussing by the way.

    I definitely like your way of thinking!! kudos!!



    Thank you and for so many good posts I'll give you one too.



    Watch it that can be very offensive. Even if you do censor it that can still get you banned. Just a warning from a member.




    yeah sorry alright. just got home from work and came onto my favorite fallout site and my ears exploded... it set me off and i apologise. you are right about paying the bills.


    No problem, I forgive you.

  10. Holy Akatosh indeed!

    I had an inkling that it was expensive to run this place what with the multiple servers and all, but Dark 0ne's revelations of the actual costs of it all are certainly eye-opening.


    Makes me feel bad that I only paid for 3 months instead of going for the lifetime premium. But on the other hand, that just gives me more than one opportunity to contribute in the future I suppose.


    Anyway, such revelations lead me to in a very civil manner ask that site members complaining about ads please re-evaluate their priorities and consider that what they get for free here cannot be found elsewhere. Pale imitations of it can be found elsewhere, sure, but the Nexus sites do it much better on a much larger scale.


    Furthermore, advertising is already everywhere in our lives anyway, and especially so on the internet, so I don't really understand the whole OMG! There are ads on the Nexus sites! mentality anyway. We should really learn to appreciate what we get for free here.



    Yes, commercials on TV Infomercials etc. you do have a point there. I too had a feeling but didn't know it was going to be this much. When Fallout4nexus comes out that's going to be even more money and I hope I will be rich by that time so I can donate a lot to the site.

    I respect Dark0ne and the Staff greatly because without them and the donations there would be no Nexus. I think all the Staff need 3 thumbs up as they go the extra mile pun intended with the 3 thumbs and the extra mile. But if the Staff didn't care do you think that the staff would help members, be kind, give them news, help one other? No, I don't because the Staff on this Site are volunteers who do this like it's more than their job and get no pay that deserves 5 Stars. The ads are just something to help support this non-profit site. These ads are not even commercial length. But thank you Staff for going the extra mile.

  11. I think 65$ was a reasonable price to become a lifetime Premium member. Heck, I would give this site more money if I had more but I'm using it on college and pre-ordered Skyrim and Rage.


    By the way, Holy Akatosh, $128,000 that is crazy. I wouldn't Petition the ads I would instead get the good deal (Premium Membership) knowing that you gave to a good cause (Modding and the Site.)


    By the way Dark0ne how much would it cost for that computer I mentioned? PM me if you want about it. I would gladly help with the cost of maintaining it as far to my ability. Like $100 or $200 a year when I can afford it. I know that isn't much but that will be as much as I can afford for awhile.

  12. It looks like Skyrim will be a happy compromise between Morrowind and Oblivion. I hope the Dev team at Beth realized Oblivion had a lot of immersion problems with it and the environment itself felt stagnant and repetitive. I'm happy to hear about some of the changes, such as the perk system applying to weapon skills. Hopefully this will account for the horrible way those skills were implemented in the game; with perks you should be able to specialize what kind of bladed weapon you want to use (dagger over a claymore) and still be fun to use at higher levels. I never understood the argument to take fast travel out of the game, they included it for a reason, and it is an option. If you don't like it, don't use it. The Silt Strider service in Morrowind was awesome because it felt like there was a connection to the major cities and gave you a sense there was a commerce environment built around the traveling system. Boats would be awesome, and while you're traveling along the road seeing a caravan with food supplies being attacked by bandits would give the player some real choice on how to interact with the world (stand by and let it happen, or help the caravan and earn their favor).


    From the limited information available to us right now it looks like Beth learned from their mistakes in Oblivion and are taking what made their previous titles so successful and using that vision for Skyrim. I'm looking forward to a game with a flushed out culture and a true sense of the player being the sole hope to save the world from what threatens it. Morrowind certainly delivered on that front. In Oblivion you were a mere observer while Martin got to have all the fun. My sense is the eminent doom of the world can only be stopped by you, the player in the next installment. And thank Azura for that.


    Agreed I liked the Fast Travel for one: Didn't want to be playing the game the whole day and two: Traveling everywhere would probably not let me finish my college work when I take a break as it would take forever to complete the quests.

    But I do have an idea for those who don't like fast-traveling put an animation and a spell that would take some of your magick away when you fast travel now it's more like teleportation. That way it would be fair for most unless you don't like that idea.

  13. The player is the Dragonborn Todd Howard confirmed this. Second Ysmir is the nordic aspect of Talos like the Khajiits have Alkosh which is Akatosh but the Khajiits call him the Dragon King of Cats/ God of time and Sheggorath who is Sheogorath but is called the Skooma Cat. Each race has their own interpretation of the gods or don't believe in them. I'm talking about general populace because some Dunmer didn't even worship the Tribunal, the Nerevarine is technically the Incarnate and a reincarnation of Nerevar. The Dragonborn is picked by the gods I believed at first you were the reincarnation of Reman Cyrodiil, Tiber Septim, or St. Alessia, but as the Dragonborn was picked by the gods it won't be. Unless, the gods choose you to be a reincarnation of one of them. Good lore discussing by the way.
  14. Yes, it matters though a few of the times it will let you get away with it for some reason. Fallout 3 should be updated to 1.7 or/and get the unofficial patch herehttp://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3808 I also checked the mods they have no requirements so you should be good to go.
  15. Not sure probably need to email bethsoft about it or as some of the members who do that kind of modding. We all have our aces if you get what I mean. My ace is character designing but not on the lines of class, birthsign, etc modding, I will get someone to help if I can though.
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