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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Yeah this is what Mr. Grandstaff told me. "our E3 booth is for press appointments only... we wouldnt even be able to get you in the booth." In other words they already got it set up like that and they can't reverse it. Bummers.
  2. Wait how about if I don't want to go to Riverwood and go to Whiterun what is stopping me going there. Maybe it means if you follow the main quest then it would be your first city.
  3. Hopefully it will come out a year after next console change, don't want the PC to suffer from poor "What it could be" than It is awesome let us play it. We will have Skyrim to play so I shouldn't worry. Though for Skyrim I wish open-cities would be for PC, consoles couldn't handle it. They could do it. Still, I hope they get a new engine for DA3 instead of using the outdated one.
  4. I may of already said something like this but here is another tweet. "Headed back home. Good week. Lots and lots of good coverage and screens coming next week for all 5 games." So yes officially confirmed. By the way Zaldiir and others who want to know TES Lore, News and Misc discussion site called www.dragonbreak.com should be available in a week or two. Just to let everyone know.
  5. I'm pretty sure if they put horses in there it will be better than none. Reason I say this is they have the capability to mod the engine to support it, we didn't, we just have the toolset. I'm pretty sure Bethsoft could have put horses like Oblivion in Morrowind but the time was against them and the terrain among others really didn't support it that well. No offense to the modders but if we had the extra tools Bethsoft had then we could do it.
  6. Immersion is how well you are pulled into the world, and if it works for you, while Realism is more "Does this work in real life?" or "How does this really look in real life?"


    Or, to use the true definitions:

    Immersion: a state of immersed, which means to involve deeply.

    Realism: the ordinary, familiar, or mundane aspects of life are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner that is presumed to reflect life as it actually is.


    I hate when they have the base word in the meaning. What if you don't know what the base word means? Oops, another search.

  7. They could add something that after awhile you get tired from sprinting and your Fatigue is damaged until you rest or ride on the horse. Feels more realistic that way. I'm pretty sure if I was the Dragonborn I would eventually get tired walking everywhere and would need to take a rest. Another reason would be after beating a Dragon I would need some rest. I heard that the horses got a inventory now where you could stash stuff, (Not sure if it came with horse or you had to but it seperate. It was only a rumor though. That is all that left is the confirmation of mounts then this may be true.) But anyways, just a thought.
  8. May not be related but these guys need to know this game is not going to released this year (Actually I get the hint in 1 or 2 years.) http://www.vgrelease...ate-220425.aspx Yeah it's Fallout 4, but I read that Minecraft is coming out on the same day as Skyrim (It's coming out of it's Beta.) But anyways why do I get the hunch that, soon, Bethsoft will release something about the mounts. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif
  9. have a look at what?


    Nothing, that's his signature.:biggrin:



    Also, I'm glad they haven't released any new videos since it will only make it worse for us, the waiting I mean. I think the next big info bump will be this Summer, durring the E3 or what ever that's called. Until then, expect more interviews and mayby a couple more pictures, but nothing serious, unless they realy want to prove me wrong. (I'd actualy like this hehe :whistling:)


    They will, Lol. It was already confirmed by Zaldiir asking Pete Hines on Twiiter, that in the next 30 days

    should me more info. and that was about 13 days ago. So just a little bit over a half of a month left.

  10. I already know that the Shield Pummel is basically used by just clicking the block button whereas holding it you will block. (That is if I remember right.) Dragonshout is one button (R3 on the PS3 controller.) Man, I swear this is when they need to use the old ABC XYZ style of button on the consoles. (Nintendo had the right idea, don't know why Microsoft and Sony can't use that brilliant idea.) That way there will be more things you can do and you would acually be able to block with dual-wielding. Well, and the PC users won't suffer with the limited buttons that the console controls have against the many of a keyboard. I know that the 360 controller is confirmed for the PC so this is going to be wierd for those script assigned button that utilize the PC's keyboard many buttons. Oh well, listen to me ramble just hope the new consoles will utilize this idea so PC gamers won't suffer. If you get what I mean.
  11. Yeah I was the one who told Lordfrostcraig about if he could post it. The only reason they are winning is becasuse of this guy named Husky. By the way nice 360 account mine is of this name. If you get what I mean.
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