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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. So, uh.. I'm in South America, GMT -03:00. I don't know s*** about geography, so anyone could tell me how many hours is the difference..? http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif


    You are one hour away from PMT which puts you at 12:16 right? You need wait only 2 more hours as it will be 1:00PM there and it will be 2:00PM for you. Best way to figure this out click on the time on your right bottom part of the screen go to "change date and time settings" then change time zone and it will help you a lot.

  2. Don't use it for illegal things though. I mainly use it as well for getting google.uk and other stuff. It is stupid they won't let other countries see It can get you a site though if you want?
  3. anyone else notice when the ice dragon crashes on the ground it take the grass with it. awesome effect.


    Yeah who was the one that said it was not in-game when the official trailer came out, just a part of the trailer just from the engine?

  4. Did you notice how the PC runs, then slows down gradually before walking again? No abrupt run-walk animations.

    I think that's because they played it with an Xbox 360 controller. You'd probably get the same results if you play Oblivion on a console.


    Even if you can't fly on the dragons, I bet they can pick you up.

    Or PC with a controller. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif

  5. Werewolves confirmed. Unless E3 sources are lying. It was from someone at E3 asking Todd Howard off camera..Zaldiir can you confirm this as well with Pete Hines. Tell him that someone was at E3 and asked Todd Howard off camera and he said yes. I want to make with my sources and Specifically Pete if its real.
  6. Die Kur! That Dragon stole my fishy stick, I want it back. . . . . . Oh I killed it with my Firebreath and disintegrated my Fishy Stick. Stupid! *Me as a Dunmer Bethsoft community Dovakhiin*

  7. Same demo though guys. By the way Zaldiir is checking but anyone else notice how it looks like you can change Pauldrons? Either that or there different sets of the same type of armor.
  8. By the way open dungeons confirmed. In other words only thing that will take a loading screen is the 5 cities and houses. I think houses that is. They haven't said anything about the houses. I really love that the fort is open-world though.
  9. I had to pause the E3 Skyrim 5 Minutes demo. It turns out that the city with the Woman PC is Whiterun. As it was the Whiterun guards fighting the Dragon. So Whiterun Definitely.
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