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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Well since the Demo is tomorrow, yes. But if you can't watch it I know it will be on youtube so that is a plus. Bethsoft usually puts a video up for those who couldn't watch it and if I remember Spike TV is a U.S. Channel only. Correct me if I'm wrong. But Tuesday and Wednesday there will be footage. The questions we asked though we be revealed in a week or so. Not at E3 I was wrong from that.
  2. An hour long, really?I thought it was only supposed to be 20 minutes?


    Thanks for catching me I meant over an hour of Skyrim info that week, sorry. Since Tuesday and Wednesday there will be Skyrim stuff also.

  3. @aaroncox,

    This came from PS Magazine, so don't worry. We will get an hour long demo Monday or Tuesday that the whole world will see.


    Edit: Here it is

    "Skyrim Gameplay Debuts on GameTrailers

    Tune into Spike TV and GameTrailers.com on Monday to see Todd Howard's first public presentation of Skyrim. The game will be shown after the Microsoft E3 briefing at 11 am PST."

  4. All I know is that it is the city from 1:18 in the Trailer. But I know one thing it is not Winterhold or Solitude. Solitude is a port city. And Winterhold in heavily influenced by the Dunmer. So that's why its not either of those two.
  5. <span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: 14px;">There is more but when I edit it always messes everything up. But there on facebook it shows a woman  PC walking and the Countess or whatever with a crown. There is then a blocking image with Stalhrim like armor. And fianlly landscape they can be found on Facebook. on The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim page. Not The Elder Scrolls page.</span>
  6. I already knew it was a Nord. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif Someone else asked on FB and I knew it about 6 Hours ago, but only because of that. I thought it was a Imperial at first.
  7. Playstation magazine is going to have a Skyrim edition June 6.



    One day off it is the 7th it is going to be on newsstands not the 6th. But still I can't wait for it. 20 hours of E3 is going to be on Gametrailers. Which at least an hour would be on for Skyrim.



  8. I'm pretty sure they will be in Skyrim they've always always had them in the Platform ones, but the Mobile ones which lead into what I was saying didn't have them. TES Travels Dawnstar was technically the first to inclue Skyrim as it was in the Land. On the different phones it would range from 8 dungeons all the way to 36 dungeons and adds the 7th class from the game Spellsword. So anyone got any details on the Skill Trainers? Is five still the limit on each level we can train? Just asking I could ask Matt but he would say wait till E3 and ask me after if it is not said.
  9. Hate when they call it Oblivion 2 Morrowind 3 or whatever that it is like calling Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Ocarina of time 4 or something. Oblivion is the name of the game itself not the series.
  10. Yeah I know they lie, but thing is all Devs and publishers do that. You can't blame one for all and all for one. Yeah I checked the first is Crysis. In almost all trailers I saw things you can't do in the game so I wouldn't blame just Bethsoft.I do know they are trying to pick it up, by saying things like we won't let you ride the horse unless it is better and stuff like that. I would rather for them not commenting on things then flat out lying and saying it is going to be in-game, wait, it stinks lets remove it. Or something like that.
  11. This is the site that is making me angry about saying Bethsoft lies way too much. These guys need to do research as well they still call it the Construction Set and believe they are still using Speedtree. Makes me want to spam there site. Seriously wait till the game comes out then say, Oh there is no Dragons (Which there is but they think bethsoft is lying about it.) Idiots. Not you guys all of you are cool we actually do research. But these guys are the hypocrites of hypocrites. I need to calm down http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif but no one talks about Bethsoft like that or I will send them to Oblivion, lol.







    Please don't link to awful places. -myrmaad

  12. http://i.imgur.com/7IQmol.jpgI'm waiting for the add-on for Nehrim they said that is coming out. The continuation after main-quest one. (Even though you could still play this adds to the main-quest.) I talked to Matt we will be probably getting pages worth of info for Skyrim as they plan to answer most to all of the questions. http://i.imgur.com/D4EB6l.jpg

    But still I must say went to a site earlier and they were dissing TES saying its the same engine same stupid RPG. That is what makes me mad. Why can't people wait till a game comes out to judge it. I already know Skyrim is going to be good because the combat is better than Oblivion's (And to me Oblivion was good enough I don't like turn based ones unless it is tabletop D&D.) And if you think about staggering every time you or an enemy gets hit (Which many say is very realistic.) it would be too easy to kill because the enemy would not be able to attack mainly because they were staggering. Kind of like the Dragon in the trailer but with a more human aspect to it. And it will be worse if the player kept staggering. Not saying anyone here. But when they said it is basically the same engine (Have to see the source as it said on that.) But if you think about the English there it is saying it has a very close resemblance to Gamebyro. But all in all, The Creation Engine is new but the ideals and other things were based on their modified Gamebyro engine. Anyone see these pics yet?



  13. Nope it is a Oblivion mod coming out later this year. It does have good graphics though. It is a mod that takes place in one of three Islands south of Black Marsh. It is a Total conversion of Oblivion that I'm sure.
  14. The elderscrolls.com site is down so is bethblog.com I am expecting a major update for information or something about Skyrim. <br>Edit: Ok nevermind it is my blasted internet. Still not working bethsoft.com works but not bethblog.com or elderscrolls.com this is odd. But I checked if the sites were down but sites that tell you if they are said they are not. So I don't know.
  15. Didn't we have like, six of the same threads?


    I'm talking about how time flew and there is only half a year till it comes out. I'm also talking about what is on your mind, were you anxious to read the GI Skyrim edition and anything else that happened from the announcement till now (Well almost anything.)


    @LordWushin, I knew about it on the 12th of December I'm just explaining what happened and other things (Releated to Skyrim.) that happened at the time till now. Like if you made a bethsoft friend or something that kind of thing. Which I did.

  16. We only got a half of a year till Skyrim. Time went real fast. Since this is my graduating year and I'm getting over $4000 from various things, I'm using it to buy a new computer. But what this topic is about is the way you felt when Skyrim was announced up to this day. I'm eager to hear what others say.


    For me I was jumping in excitement and I called everyone of my friends from school. It started with me checking the bethsoft site. I do that on a daily basis. I looked over and saw TES V: Skyrim This was the happiest moment in my life, I think. I was still playing Morrowind when Oblivion came out and I didn't even know there was another one announced let alone coming out. But anyways as I said what was everyone's reaction? And the things related to Skyrim or at least the anticipation level to this day, and what you are looking forward to. I am eager to hear everyone as I said as well. Let the commenting begin. *Arena announcer's voice*

  17. This is nice, Morrowind to Oblivion content file size was a huge jump I think Bethsoft said like a 6:1 ratio(I think more can't remember.). Skyrim I presume will be 3:1 or 4:1 ratio jump. So this is definitely a nice add-on if you would call it to think site. Thank you again, Dark0ne. Or Mr. Scott, Rob whichever you prefer.
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