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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. They did have a demo of Oblivion and yes there is a demo of Skyrim but it isn't Public. Open-World Rpg's are hard to get demo's of and sometimes leave a bad impression. Sure Two Worlds 2 had a demo but it isn't on the line of Glory of Skyrim. (Even though I liked the game it is not going to be nothing compared to Skyrim.)

    I believe Bethsoft doesn't put demos out for the fear of the Demo might suck and it will lower their sale rates. They probably also want to focus on the real game and less on the demo.

  2. It is their personal taste, but I'm in opposite ends about it in one way it makes Bethesda look bad according to Fox but who cares about the media on the game approach they lie mostly anyway. On the other side it is more realistic in some aspects there is no language besides Damn and Hell which aren't really bad if you use it the right way. (Don't report me I'm just stating the facts of what is in the vanilla game.) But the erotic part is in the lore so it is part of TES if you want an example think of Bloodmoon the Berserker's are in their underwear. Technically in the real lore they would be naked but Bethesda wanted to keep it at a non-adult level. But as in the clothes, yes, many of them are non-lore friendly to many it wouldn't matter but I'm a Lore friendly kind of guy so I stick to the lore as I'm fascinated with TES Lore.


    According to many at Bioware the reason they are not making a toolset for DA2 supposedly is because of complaints of the toolkit less and more of the "Nudity mods" that many have been in "abundance" One word for them people can still make those mods without out it as there are already mods like that in the Nexus so they are making a big mistake.


    The reason I was talking about DA2 toolset was because mods don't affect the "Vanilla" game (Besides making it Non-Vanilla and more Chocolate flavor, sorry bad joke.) because it is Vanilla and no mods are added. Nothing can be done about it as the nude mods themselves and they are technically Lore-Friendly or if Bethesda says you can't make these types of mods no more. Which they won't they are too good of a company and listen to their fans way more than other companies do. But there are I think 6 Tundras I think Todd Howard said one is the Volcanic Tundra so it isn't all snow as many people think so there are going to be nude mods. But technically Skyrim is the Top of Tamriel not of Nirn according to http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Atmora which means Skyrim is not all polarized so there would and will be variety. But this isn't Earth (Nirn) so they can change it as they wish. But Bethesda does base a lot of their "Things" on Real world stuff. But that's all I have to say thanks.

  3. You use the R3 button on the PS3 according to the Official French Playstation Magazine for the Dragon Shout. Which means Right Stick for the 360 but I'm not sure on the PC. Which in my opinion that button for the Dragon Shout should be traded for a climb button or something cool like that. But then again they stated that if you don't play the stakes right with the Dragon it can kill you easily. So if Dragon Shouts help drastically then I'll accept the button just for it. But if it isn't needed as much because the creatures in the game are too easy I'll pass. But I guess that is what the difficulty bar is for which they are putting in again.
  4. A thing that i don't like about Skyrim is the way that you need to "equip" magick in one of your hand.


    Rendering you unable to use magick wiel dualwielding or while using a twohander weapon...


    The all" you need free hands to use magick" in fantasy stuffs always make my teeth grind...,i like to play a char who use dark/destructive magick while using a twohander sword!!!


    So if i have to swith each time between the two...,that would be a nuissance,that was the only good thing about magick in Oblivion...


    Well luckily there would be rapidly a mod that fix that...


    Seriously...a free hand...magick come from your beeing,not from only your hand...


    I hope Shouts don't require to have a free hand or something...


    Judging from the official trailer, I guess all Shouts need is but a free mouth. :tongue:

    I think they can in fact make non-hand-acquired magic system available, designing it to be a bit harder than the normal hand-using ones to master. Give this type of mental magic a certain chance to fail or hurt the character himself since it could be harder to focus in battles with just thoughts than with the help of gestures.


    "Dragon Shouts are assigned to the R3-button on the PS3 gamepad." This is the quote from the Official French Playstation Magazine, So the Dragon Shouts are button related not hand related. Also the reason why you can't block without a shield (Or two handed weapon) is because if you hold down the button you attack with you do a power attack. Same with the shield which is called the shield bash. The only way for them to put it in console wise was an alternative shield button like A button plus RT but that would be weird instead of having a single button, But the sprint action is also button related, and I heard you can switch from walking, running, jogging then the Sprint. So there will be a total of four this time. But this is what I read online and some of what I heard from Bethsoft Employee's on Sites.

  5. In a way you are right but that must mean every engine even Infinity engine are based on the same programming language they all use "ActionScript, C, C++, Java." They are all based on Machine-Code so in a way you are right. As everyone knows Machine-Code the the basics of the basics the 1's and 0s. So seeing as they are based on that I can see that Gamebryo and the Creation Engine are based off the same thing. And all those languages are as you put it revamped off the Machine-Code. So in a way I agree that the Creation Engine is based off of Gamebryo but it's not the same Engine. Just same programming style. You have to start out at Machine-Code then move on to the more sophisticated one's. Just my opinion. But what do you think?
  6. So much had changed that we decided to call the engine and editor by a new name, the Creation Engine and the Creation Kit. - Todd Howard, Game Director






    So it's really not a new engine, just the same engine re-vamped. I bet they changed the name and said it was a new engine to try and shut down all the whining about the engine. Personally I think its great. A completely new engine would mean they would have a lot of stuff to learn from scratch and reduce how many new features they could include. This will also help modders pick up on the new creation kit faster since it shouldn't be completely different.


    Just to let you know they had a different name for it, it is new but they decided to call it something different then originally planned. Read it in context man, not only once sentence or a few (No offense.). That is when you can get confused if you only put one thing in the idea but it's composed of many. Just letting you know.

  7. He will tell me when it comes out I only have him on Facebook but he's not on right now I will ask him when I can. It will probably be at elderscrolls.com/skyrim if I'm right.


    If you don't know who Gstaff is, he is the Sr. Community Manager at Bethseda with that rank he is the Webmaster of the Bethsoft forums. He is a pretty cool guy.

  8. If you guys, want to know more Skyrim info is coming and soon I was told from Gstaff. "Just saw the last questions (looks like i left facebook on at the office. Trailer should be on Xbox real soon, and we'll have plenty more on the game soon." But the part that matters the most is the more on the game soon, thanks again to Gstaff.
  9. O.K. nice to know. I do predict the Nexus is going to get members faster than usual now until a year or so after Skyrim comes out. Then comes Fallout 4 with the Creation Engine with even more people coming then.<img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif">


    <div><br></div><div>By the way, I think it's awesome to see the Community or better yet the World act like this. I have seen only one negative comment on the GI website but that quickly got over run by people saying that he's wrong Skyrim is awesome. I feel great to be born in this day and age. And better yet for being part of the Bethesda Community. I do wonder as since The Elder Scrolls Series is at rank 10 of top-selling RPG's it will probably be boosted to 3rd or even 1st which will be awesome. Though I read the article a year ago so it might be in 9th 8th or another place. Could you find a site that has the info of how much it sold until now if you can, thanks


    Edit: By the way I started on Morrowind then went to Oblivion then Arena then Daggerfall the Battlespire then to Redguard. That is the order I first played them in.

  10. Yeah, most games these days have built-in support for 360 controllers. Hell, even MMO's.


    True, just hated that Dragon Age didn't support it neither did Mass Effect. It seems Bioware's games will not support it for some reason I'll have to see why.

  11. Yeah, the Engine is new and Gamebryo wouldn't support some of the things they are adiing in I've been told. Yes, even with the Lightspeed Gamebryo. The Creation Engine is a Engine designed for TES in mind. Gamebyro is for many games in mind. By the way just because it sounds like the Gamebryo doesn't mean it is. The Character Customization they have with the Creation Engine wouldn't work with Gamebryo either.Plus seeing as the graphics are a lot better it shows they made their own engine, because if they were using Gamebyro the faces would look worse than that. So yeah it does sound like it but it isn't just have faith in Bethesda if I'm wrong feel free to laugh at me but I know I not wrong.
  12. I can ask him as I have him on Facebook if you want just tell me further details. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


    Edit: Don't want to put words into Dark0ne's mouth but I have a feeling Skyrim mods will be on tesnexus, just a feeling we'll have to wait for Dark0ne to confirm. It would be better though for it to be on tesnexus though as less money will be used as you wouldn't have to open up another site, I think.

  13. My question: "I do want to know something else are we going to be able to use the 360 controller for Rage, Brink, and the others on the PC?"

    Gstaff answers in our Facebook Chat; "That's one of those things i think is required if they're a games for windows title (not to be confused with games for windows live)" Thanks again to Gstaff.

    Note: I know this is talking about other games as well but my main focus was on Skyrim when I asked him even though I didn't say it. Also hint hint the "not to be confused with games for windows live" might hint that it might not be available on G4WL I don't know yet though as I haven't asked him about this. But more over he's a good friend so I barely ask anything about Skyrim, as to me if I did it would feel like I'm using him. So again thanks to GStaff.



    So for those who liked using the 360 controller, tell me what you think. If you didn't you can state why or if you like using the keyboard (Which obviously has the ability for more key slots to add. The 360 Controller doesn't.) or other devices PC games can support? Thanks, Camonna Tong

  14. By the way talked to Mr. Grandstaff and here is comment about using the 360 controller. "that's one of those things i think is required if they're a games for windows title (not to be confused with games for windows live)" I told him thanks though.
  15. That's awesome Dark0ne I was just looking at the GI website and there was only little detail about Morrowind it wasn't exclusive like Oblivion. Oblivion was so recognized by GI because it showed what New-Gen Consoles can do and was to be released when the 360 came out. Oblivion and Fallout 3 had it's own Cover Story and when Skyrim was announced they probably went TES insane. Might be wrong but I know they love the series, at least Reiner and Hanson and Miller I know do. As they even said it. By the way was it given to you by Bethesda or Game Informer? <br><br>Also have you ever heard of XPlay It's a Video Game Music Orchestra. They are doing Oblivion and Morrowind this year. They had Oblivion 3 years in a row. It also shows footage of the game. In my estimate on a ten Meter projection.It's pretty neat. I got the CD from them with the 9 minute Reign of the Septims. Also can't wait for Nerevar Rising which is what Morrowind's is called. I still listen to it today and I got it a couple of years ago. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif
  16. I think this is splendid as long-term Elder Scroll Fans I think we should be happy as well with Bethesda Softworks/BGS because of this. On average in a few days Skyrim can get over 20 pages of feedback from users. Whereas, (Feels like I'm in Student Congress again.) other games such as Mass Effect (Still a good series.) gets if they're luck 10. This really makes me happy for Todd Howard and his team.



    If you see here from GI http://www.gameinfor...spx?PageIndex=1 There is already almost 20 pages of posts and in 2 days. I think that is awesome and as I said before I feel really happy for Bethesda Softworks and Todd Howard's Bethesda Game Studios.


    What is your thoughts on this matter?

  17. For the DA2 reference at least to me but at 1:44 of the Official Trailer it looks like the PC killed Hawke (Even though I know it was a bandit or something.) I don't know if anyone else seen the resemblance but it looked like it to me at least. Though I'm still getting DA2. But this looks sheer awesome, yes I said sheer, Kill the sheep. Also "By the Nine Divines we've got a Game of the Year on the loose." Seems now theres fluid combat, Yeah!
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