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Posts posted by CamonnaTong

  1. Gah... part of me really wants to see what the Dunmer look like (in Oblivion, they looked like blue Bosmer... I'm hoping for an improvement on that...).


    However, I really want to see if Argonians have been improved from Oblivion... I mean, come on; they're reptilian, not mammalian...


    Argonian it is. :D


    They already have pictures of the Dunmer. They are now Morrowind Grey as I said. The E3 Trailer showed one and so did others. I picked Argonians.

  2. Matt Grandstaff himself picked Argonians. He is indeed smart. We at least got to look at everyone of the races besides Argonians. I talked to someone about the Dunmer and he said he voted for it just because he wants to see if it's Morrowind Grey, or Oblivion's Greenish Blue. There is proof enough of that it is Morrowind Grey. Maybe they should just put a video of the making out, it would show more, and it would possibly get the sales up to show how much it has improved.
  3. Yeah Steam sucks. My NV was getting reinstalled and it got half finished because a pop up said Steam services are down, we cannot properly do your request or whatever. Now every time I try to reinstall NV it goes half finished. In other words, I can never play the game again unless I reinstall my Operating System. Plus I compared the average speed of the GTA4 on G4WL and then GTA4 on Steam. What is sad is that G4WL runs way faster, and faster yet when I use xliveless.dll which removes it. Now please tell me why Steam doesn't suck. I bet if NV wasn't on Steam many wouldn't have as much (If at all) performance problems. There's already proof with the other games. Why would NV be no different?
  4. Both those images were already in another magazine. They are not new.


    Edit: For the gay marriages part if I remember according to the lore, it is illegal in Tamriel for gay marriages. I might be wrong though.

  5. Image


    Nice, thanks for posting. :thumbsup:


    Why do I always post info when it's known?

    I feel stupid.


    Believe me its better to actually. You wouldn't believe how many rhetorical questions answered by BGS we see on Skyrim's FB page. There are like Is there Mulltplayer posts 7 times a day. And the Dragon Mount questions still get asked. Just wish people could use google, ya know?

  6. Ok wasnt here for a month <.< what did i miss?


    A lot and nothing Sheogorath's choice of words. But not a lot besides talking about recent thing like marriage and the issues of graves with cuirass idea Bethsoft is putting into Skyrim and some other stuff.

  7. <div>
    </div><div>"General" probably just means general voice acting.</div><div>
    </div><div><br></div><div>Don't think so they already said each race will have a unique voice along with the main quest people. Over 30 there as each gender will have a unique voice. Also the rulers and some Nobles will be unique among others. Plus we got to get the children and Elderly of each race in as well. And I looked but I found nothing upon Brandon Ellison doing it. There is defintely 70 voice actors there as it is already. Plus some voice actors might be doing two or three. By the way not sure if anyone knew this but Wes Johnson did a lot of the voice acting in Oblivion and Fallout 3 Lucien Lachance, Pelinal Whitestrake, The Grey Fox, Sheogorath, Dremora, was the same one that did Mr. Burke Super Mutants Uncle Leo and some others. </div><div>By the way according to imdb.com there was 17 voice actors not the so called 4 or whatever.</div>
  8. If you think about the classes being gone you are of the Dovakhiin Class if you think about it. The attributes being done to three from eight didn't really affect nothing for me. They are still there in a way that is the affects. More stamina means more encumbrance. Already confirmed is the 1000's of pieces of armor and weapons. They said there is that much armor because getting rid of the greaves made it less "laggy" and more armor could be put in. I am on both sides on this. In Morrowind I liked when I was in House Hlaalu to wear the set besides the helmet and greaves made me feel more "Noblish" with my exquisite pants there besides greaves.or greaves and he pants. Same with Oblivion I went sometimes without graves and just put pants on. Of course it is just a personal preference. But still Skyrim will be awesome I feel spears will be in there, probably in a DLC though. Oh well I know I will love Skyrim Bethesda won't let me or us down. And the COD thing comes from a interview with Todd about the question of what is an RPG. He said that there are RPG elements in everything. It was in one of the GI interviews. But if they mess up nothing the modding community won't fix, that is, for the PC at least. Not saying they will mess up.
  9. Steam usually has achievements, I hate both but at least you can disable G4WL many ways without disadvantages. Steam is also possible to disable but unfortunately many disadvantages such as a slower game because it relies on many of the codes Steam has intertwined with their games. I hate Steam for four reasons; 1. It uses a lot of system resources and other things that if gone to just gaming, would vastly speed up the game. 2. Can't disable without problems from the games it has. 3. Most PC users don't want a community to use besides the modding sites of sorts, I mean come on they are playing a game and don't want to be bothered of the sorts.4. Steam-like communities are there in marketing perspective to get money, hint hint reason they have deals and other things to lure you into buying it. But still main reason is Steam can't be disabled properly, which if you could, more resources go to the game, then better FPS, which, everyone loves.
  10. Would rather for it to be in The Creation Kit so it would be easier for the modders. Vanilla Game, ahem, no, I would rather not have "God Howard" as many call him jokingly become " Perverted Demon Howard." I mean seriously for the perverts out there that would be 95% of their gameplay. Ahem "Playing with there desires". Then again freakin lulsec and anonymous could get there consoles to a Dev-console putiing the Creation Kit on there as Bethsoft has the ability to and there goes the media, Would rather not Fox News be breathing Fiery Hatred and annoyance upon Bethsoft to the world. We already know what happened with the nudity that was supposedly in-game that only modders and such had access to. I mean only reason the Media puts it out there is for attention and money. So, as many said no. Let us modders do it.
  11. One thing is true Windows Live can be disabled. For me XFire is the best but many would disagree. I like G4WL a lot better. For GTA 4 all you had to download is Xliveless.dll which is totally legal because its from mods that require you not to cheat online so they disable online. G4WL also was cancelled out by the fose which it's scripts cancelled it out. G4WL at least can be done away with when playing a game Steam can't. I have T1 and I hate Steam as well. My accounts got corrupted on Steam at least twice within a month. I rather not so the other times. I probably had over 20 accounts that got corrupted. You may say "Well, it didn't happen to me so it must be just you." Not true I have friends and online Steam community members had it happen. Only reason they do this stuff is they get payed off by the companies, I love Bethsoft but seriously not everyone wants it. Steam has too many codes and scripts wrong with it I know that because my friend works there and tried to fix it for them but they wouldn't allow it since he wasn't part of that department. Still people can hate Steam all they want and even Bethsoft can't do anything about it. It's there choice can't force them. But still there is some areas Steam does have good though I have to give to give them credit for their new Security. It's awesome.
  12. Actually if I remember right Todd Howard was a hacker here is the link as proof. Howard: I liked hacking into and pirating computer games while in college. One of my favorites was Bethesda's Terminator 2029. So I drove to their offices and asked for a job. http://bitmob.com/index.php/mobfeed/21-Random-Qs-Getting-to-Know...Todd-Howard.html Yup but that was a long time ago and he's still the best.<div><br></div><div>Edit link is dead but if you type it into google you will see its true.</div>
  13. Exact reason I'm going into Cybersecurity. It is because of these dumbs dumbs that are to stupid to realize what they are doing is making people mad and beyond that childish. These people claim they are smart but the truth is I've been in college for Cybersecurity for not even a month for summer classes and I know every thing they did. Hopefully I can get a job as a Civilian at the base to shut these guys down. You may think it is hard, but with the right software you can track these guys down. Wish me luck so I can help the war against Cyber crime.
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