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Everything posted by SirTwist

  1. I would like to add that in order to prevent some CTD, that you start only with say some body mods, texture and mesh mods, and one or two other mods. Get through until you are out of the vault. Then, make a solid save there, and then add in, one or two at a time, mods. Start the game. If you CTD then try again. It could just be the mod takes a bit longer to load in, or needs to be configured, or esle your might be rushing into the game itself. However, if your game is running still, quit the game, and add in another mod. And do it one at a time. No need to dump into a game like Fallout 4 a ton of mods, then expect it to work. Going slowly and carefully may make a difference in the long run. And for me, using a mod manager will help over installing manually. That way, I can track what I am doing.
  2. To setup F4SE to wok with MO2, is you install F4SE into your game folder, not MO2. Then run F4SE loader outside of MO2. It should get you to the main menu. Close it down. Then open MO2, and see if FSE launcher, or loader, is in the drop down menu on the right hand side. If not there, then go down to edit, and add in an executable. Then find F4SE Loader.exe, and add that. Then run it, once again, through Mod Organizer 2. And you should be in business. To make sure you are running F4SE, when you get to the main menu, open the console, and type in getF4SEversion. And should list off the version. below that. And run F4SE to play the game from there.
  3. You should merge some of your mods, still, to make them a little more compact. What you want to look for, it is a bit older, but still a wonderful tool, Merge Plugins by Mator the Eternal. That should help with lowering your mods, somewhat. And may help make your game a little more stable.
  4. There are a number of ways to delete mods, etc. The best way is to use your mod manager, and just uninstall all your mods. Then start again. The next way is to go through, manually, and delete everything that isn't native to the game in the data folder, then verify the game that way. May need to redownload some files, but shouldn't take long. Then there is the whole uninstall and reinstall the game. There are videos on how to mod your game on youtube that can help you to make it look good, run stable, and even play quite well. They are older videos, but still relevant to modding in general.
  5. Okay, before you hate things, try running NVSE outside of your mod manager. It has some setup and integration it needs to do outside of mod managers. When you get to the main, in game menu, open the console and type in getNVSEversion. That will tell you if it is installed and running. I always install things like NVSE into the game folder manually. You can have your mod manager running while you do this. Then quit out of the game, and then try running NVSE in your mod manager. Should work. You should get a quick, with nothing on it, command prompt window, then it will go into the game itself. Just a little advice on posting, please, when you are posting a list of mods, to please put them into a spoiler. It will look something like the below when I do it. But the command, without spaces is [ spoiler ] list of mods [ /spoiler ].
  6. It would dpend on how the sky is done in the game. Most games use a sky box. Others use a different method. From there, you should be able to see about modifying things. I don't have the game, so I am not sure how they do the sky. But I am trying to help.
  7. Okay, without knowing your set up, and what all you have, here is something to try before all of that. That is, with a new profile, and no mods, try running NVSE, and just getting to the main menu. That would help out. When you get there, open the console, and type this in, getNVSEversion. And that should give you a starting point. Switch to your main profile. I have a different idea to try first. Try, instead, just disabling one mod at time. Safe ones are things that either don't have a plugin, such as texture mods, NVSE plugins, and YUP, and some other mods. I would say disable something like WME and it's compabatility patches. From there, move to other mods. Some other "safe" mods are New Vegas Bounties, ExtraSpecial, and Robert's Male. Some of the others I am not sure of, but again, disable one mod, and see if the game starts. If not, try another. But not all your mods. And again, only one at a time, and try. When you get to where it starts, and you get into the game, exit out, and start with the first mod that you disabled, and start the game. If it works, then add in another, until you can't go in. The mod that keeps you from getting into the game is typically your culprit.
  8. Okay, a few things. First, use spoiler when listing mods. Helps keep things a little smaller and tidier in the forums. Should type it out, without spaces, [ spoiler ] [ /spoiler ] Will look like this: [spolier} list of mods One thing I noticed, you have these plugins, you really only need one: EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp, EVE FNV - NO GRA.esp, and EVE FNV - NO DLC.esp The one you need is the first one. All the rest can be hidden. Vortex should have caught this. If this doesn't fix the game, then we have some work to do. But make sure you do NOT use all three of the above, just the first one. Also, compatibity patches that may include them for the other two. Now for the real trouble shooting. What you want to do is, first and foremost, and easiest way I know of to trouble shoot in Vortex, is create a new profile. Name it test. Only run some mods to start with. YUP and patches, Robert's Males, Extra Special, weightless mods. Maybe a couple more. But the less is better. Get out the door from Doc Mitchell. Save. Exit game, and add in, one by one, each mod you want to use. Only exception to the one mod rule is patches. You want to install those when you need to. Then run the game. Once you are in, moving around, etc., exit, without saving, the game. Add another. Keep doing this until it doesn't work. Once you find the mod that stops your game, then you decide whether you want to keep it, or not. And move on.
  9. âI am not sure this would be doable. However, I would like to have under the books part of the inventory, somehow added, a letters and notes catergory. We have books, recipes, and spell tomes. And yet, we don't have letters/notes? Either that, or add a letter/note prefix or suffix, so it can be sorted that way.
  10. ​What are you using for your mod manager? And how are you sorting your mods? LOOT is the one tool I use to check the mods. Xedit is another tool to use. There are guides on how to use Xedit in a number of locations.
  11. Let me see here. You all are complaining that you have to choose where to download from, as well as whether to remain a free user or become a premium one? It is really a choice you need to make for yourself, and not complain about. Either stay free, or become premium. Premium does have a few perks to it, like no ads, faster, and uncapped, downloads, and you are supporting not just the site, but also the mod authors. The money that the site generates on ads alone keeps the site running. You paying for a premium membership does a bit more. You could try elsewhere for some of the mods here, but I do know that a lot of other sites are either as "bad" or even worse than Nexus. So, the choice is yours, either put up with what's going on, and just keep doing things, or start paying for premium. I know which way I chose, and I have had no complaints about the speed, or ads. As to site design, well, let's just say I like the old Nexus layout better than the new. But hey, I'm not complaining, just stating what I like, and leaving it go at that.
  12. I am in the process of working with Bodyslide, and CBBE for Fallout New Vegas. I am delighted to say that some of my stuff is working, at least in Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. I have, yet, to try it in game. It is challenging, and fun. I am hoping to have a few mods converted over fairly soon. If you are a mod author, and want to convert to Bodyslide, and CBBE, I do recommend looking around, especially on youtube, on how to convert your mods over. Might be easier than you think. As some of you lot may know, I use Mod Organizer 2 for Bethesda games. I will state I prefer Mod Organizer for those games. It does have a bit of a learning curve, but once you get used to it, it can be easy to use. I do recommend using it for Fallout New Vegas, as it can make trouble shooting mods a lot easier. And you can clean things up almost just as easily. One last thing, I find between youtube and a couple other sources, that Fallout New Vegas, even with it's limitations, is still a good game.
  13. An easier way to do this is to watch Cal/Dirty Weasel Media's Fallout New Vegas Mod Organizer series. It's not hard to follow along most of it. It includes installing MCM, Project Nevada, and a few other mods. You can switch to MO2 to install mods with. I recommend getting it either from the Nexus, or even discord channel.
  14. Also, you might want to run Mod Organizer 2 over manually installing the mods. The latest version is available, I think, in SSE section on Nexus.
  15. There is a few mods, not sure where, that you can use to modify bodies, and what not. What comes to mind are Body and Race morph mods. There is an experimental CBBE/Bodyslide mod available, but not on Nexus. You may want to do a bit of google searching for it. I do recommend reading about these mods first, before trying to use them. While the game engine itself can handle some modification to the body, I believe that since Fallout 3 and New Vegas became more of an FPS with RPG elements, that there are limits to things in these games. However, if you want to, check out the cbbe and bodyslide project, elsewhere, and try to get it to work, and even help out, if you can.
  16. While Vortex is the spiritual successor to NMM, I do find it's a bit better, and some what easier to use than NMM. No more searching for games when I start it up, and wanting to add in Bethesda games that I use MO2 on. And I get MO2 from discord, not on the nexus. I do like that it does, somewhat, work for games, however, it doesn't work for all games. Allow me to further explain. I play the old KotOR and KotOR II games, Knights of the Old Republic and The Sith Lords. It has handled a few headaches I had when I originally modded, and played the game. I would say, that Vortex needs to add a step before deploying mods, if they contain an .exe. That is, Vortex detects that there is an .exe, and asks if you want to install it. And along with other people, I say add in drag and drop mod ordering, rather than "automatic" sorting. While automatic sorting is a good thing, it can cause some problems. Anyway, I do like Vortex, to a point, and I will use it for other games than what I use Mod Organizer for. I would like to see a bit further development of Vortex.
  17. I haven't scrapped anything. I just got to Sanctuary Hills, and the gaps were there. I have 2 profiles I am using, and both the same. I'll take a look at some of my mods, and double check things. And see what may do that. I haven't been feeling well lately, so I don't have current screen shots. I will probably get those in a day, or so. I am updating mods, as well. One thing to note, it is only Sanctuary Hills that this has happened to. And only Sanctuary Hills. I have a sneaky suspicion it's one of the Sanctuary mods.
  18. I recommend joining the Mod Organizer 2 development discord They can help you out. Without a whole lot to go on, for the moment, here is what I suggest you try. Go into Mod Organizer, click on the tools icon, and go to the Nexus tab and enter your credentials in there. Make sure automatically sign in is checked. Then ok. After that, close down MO2, then restart. It should be good to go. I do recommend the videos that both Gopher and Dirty Weasel Media has made for Mod Organizer. While it is Mod Organizer, and not MO2, it still holds true.
  19. Check your system through Can you run it? which is through system requirement labs. I was running the game with, and still running, an AMD FX-8320 and a GTX 750/750TI. Currently running it on the same cpu, but the graphics is now a GTX 980. I believe the 750 is a 2 gig card, the 750 TI is 3, maybe. I can't remember. However, I would recommend checking your system first. And see if can run it at all.
  20. Somewhere in my load order, I have spots in Sanctuary Hills that I can see right through to the under layer of the game. Typically, the only way to see these things is to no clip through the ground, and look around. I am afraid one of my mods is doing this. I doubt it is any of my body, armor, or even weapon mods. I do believe, however, it is one of my settlement mods. I can state categorically that it is not Sim Settlements. I have one play through with it active, another that it is not. I am posting my mod order below, in the spoiler. If someone could, please let me know what mods might be causing things. I can provide photos later on, and will post some soon enough. And before I am asked, I have my set up the way it is because using Loot royally screws everything up. And this works about the best for me.
  21. Okay, I have a solution. Not a full solution, but a solution. Go to where you installed MO2. Right click on MO2.exe, go to Properties. It will be the very bottom. Once the new window opens, click on Compatibility. Check Run as Admin. Then go to mods\Bodyslide, and do the same for Bodyslide.exe, and Bodyslidex64.exe. Use Bodyslidex64.exe to make your changes to stuff, and then you should be good to go. You might need a body, but you can use the vanilla CBBE body. Modify a body, then save it as a body itself, but do change the name by adding a one at the end. After that, batch build the outfits to the body. You should be good to go, after that.
  22. Loot is okay. However, with my set up, I get problems using loot to sort my load order. That aside, BladeRunin, I would like to make a request, and ask a couple questions, if I may. The request is next time to please place your load order under the spoiler tags. Start with [ spoiler ] and end with [ /spoiler ]. Hopefully that shows up when I post, and I will edit if it does work. Now, my questions, what mod manager are you using? Second, have you downloaded Loot, and run it? You should run a search, if need be, for Loot, and download it from github. One thing you may want to do is go over every mod, and read the descriptions, again, and see where in the load order it should be placed. One method of altering load order, aside from Loot is to go into your mod manager, note where it set up profile information, etc., then go there. In there, look for something like LoadOrder.txt. Make a copy of it. Then carefully edit it. I mean carefully edit the original. However, that is only after you tried with Loot.
  23. Okay, maybe related, maybe not. Try two things, if possible. One, readjust your mod order. Second, locate sksee.ini. Should be in Data\SKSE\Plugins. Edit the file, and change this line: bEnableFaceOverlays=1
  24. This sis a problem with Racemenu. You need to edit the ini that comes with Racemenu. Should be in Data\SKSE\Plugins. It''s sksee64.ini. This is the line you will need to change: bEnableFaceOverlays=1. Change it to 0. I do believe this is being worked on, and will have an update soon.
  25. Okay, first things first. The absolute first thing to do is triple check that you are getting SKSE64, not just SKSE. That can be one, and major, problem. The next thing is to run your launcher, and let it set things up. Third, always, and always, run the skse64 launcher. One word of warning. Do NOT download skse64 through a mod manager, nor open it through a mod manager. That is the compressed file. Always use something to decompress it, and then copy what you need out. After extracting, rerun the launcher. Then run, outside of mod managers, the skse64 launcher. All to set things up, and to make sure things are functioning.
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