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Mod Authors Forum Access.


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@HeyYou @euph
At this point neither of you meet the criteria to be in the mod author group. HeyYou, you only have one published mod uploaded under your account and it has <1,000 unique downloads. Euph, you currently have 0 published mods.



I tried to access my tracked mods for Valheim and it told me I didn't have permission to access the page.

That has nothing to do with your mod author status. However, we've had to log out all users recently, so you probably just clicked the link to the tracking centre when you got logged out. Please try again and let me know if it works now.


I have had access to the Mod Authors forum for the better part of the last ten years, or more.... It was granted when I was added as author to Advanced Magecraft for Oblivion. Now, today, that no longer qualifies????


Looks like it. My mods are either archived or hidden and I lost access.



Mine are neither hidden, nor archived..... Apparently, someone unchecked a little tickbox that grants access to GMAD for those are are merely responsible for mods, but, not the original author.....


More like they ticked a box that says "Only people with a PUBLISHED AND VISIBLE mod with more than 1000 downloads can access the GMAD."


They are, in effect, removing access to the GMAD to anyone who doesn't publish mods at a consistent rate, with consistent downloads. I'll keep my opinion to myself...



Real curious what their motivation for that change was..... Though I do have my suspicions.


I have a pretty good idea too. As I said, keeping it to myself.

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@HeyYou, if you were member for ten years, then your are definitely owed a better explanation than BB just gave you. My opinion.

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@HeyYou, if you were member for ten years, then your are definitely owed a better explanation than BB just gave you. My opinion.

Wholeheartedly concur. Given Nexus behavior of late though, I am not going to hold my breath.

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Not a member of GMAD, but it is not hard to do the math.

Wonder how many folks just lost access.... Can't say I think this is a confidence inspiring move......


Quite a few, I imagine. Things should be interesting later today, when more people realize what's going on.

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It's not some weird conspiracy. Due to handling more deletions recently we've noticed a lot of users, including plenty from before the recent announcement, who have had access to the private mod author forums (and the other perks) but who no longer meet the criteria. The criteria being published mods that total 1,000 downloads or more.


We've updated our scripts today, which likely were out of date as far back as when we launched the DP system (perhaps even further back than that, but that was the last time we completely changed how we store file stats so that's a likely culprit). Thus, there were plenty of users who had access who shouldn't, and now don't.


Not a conspiracy, simply doing spring cleaning on the mod author group to ensure those who are in the group are actually mod authors who meet the criteria for access, which was made more apparent while handling removal requests over the weekend. Nothing more, nothing less.

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It's not some weird conspiracy. Due to handling more deletions recently we've noticed a lot of users, including plenty from before the recent announcement, who have had access to the private mod author forums (and the other perks) but who no longer meet the criteria. The criteria being published mods that total 1,000 downloads or more.


We've updated our scripts today, which likely were out of date as far back as when we launched the DP system (perhaps even further back than that, but that was the last time we completely changed how we store file stats so that's a likely culprit). Thus, there were plenty of users who had access who shouldn't, and now don't.


Not a conspiracy, simply doing spring cleaning on the mod author group to ensure those who are in the group are actually mod authors who meet the criteria for access. Nothing more, nothing less.

You do you.


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It's not some weird conspiracy. Due to handling more deletions recently we've noticed a lot of users, including plenty from before the recent announcement, who have had access to the private mod author forums (and the other perks) but who no longer meet the criteria. The criteria being published mods that total 1,000 downloads or more.


We've updated our scripts today, which likely were out of date as far back as when we launched the DP system (perhaps even further back than that, but that was the last time we completely changed how we store file stats so that's a likely culprit). Thus, there were plenty of users who had access who shouldn't, and now don't.


Not a conspiracy, simply doing spring cleaning on the mod author group to ensure those who are in the group are actually mod authors who meet the criteria for access, which was made more apparent while handling removal requests over the weekend. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yeah. Ok. So, a system that has been in place for better than ten years, suddenly gets an update? You will pardon me if I find the timing of that somewhat suspicious. I have seen a LOT of changes coming about here in the last couple weeks, and none of them seem to be in line with what was once the stated goal of NexusMods, protecting mod authors rights. That seems to have fallen by the wayside recently, and suddenly, a fair few folks that have had access to the GMAD forum, now suddenly don't. Coincidence? I hardly think so.


So, for those of us that are responsible for mods, (and in some cases, the ONLY person looking after them) that have contributed to those mods, and supported them for years, now no longer qualify as "Mod Authors" in Nexus view??

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Yeah. Ok. So, a system that has been in place for better than ten years, suddenly gets an update?



I literally just explained how it got noticed and how the previous script was out-of-date meaning plenty of users had the mod author perks despite no longer meeting the criteria. We were already updating the script to remove the perks for those users leaving us after the latest announcement and thus, anyone who shouldn't have had the perks before has now been removed as part of the update to the script which is removing the authors who recently left.



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