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Modders, I for one understand your choice .. as creators, it is your choice to make and I so much appreciate that you did share during the time that you did. Life existed before Nexus .. it will afterwards too. Much love to our modders, where ever you end up.

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I do not take sides in this conflict and my own opinion how this site should handle copyright is not contained in following post. I hope that following thoughts however will cool down some heads from both sides and direct their minds in more constructive way of thinking.


There are two things that people should remember:


Firstly, Nexus is a private site, where rules are established by the owner. None, but the owner is entitled to keep or change the rules as they see fit.

Secondly, following rules is an agreement made between site owner and site user (and here both mod authors and mod consumers are users, neither has any special status in this regard) that is perquisite to use this privately owned space. Rules follow laws, but might contain further restrictions, for example law might grant everyone freedom of speech, but I as a house owner will prohibit anyone from criticizing a political ideology X at my house, if I consider it necessary.

Thirdly, there is change. Time goes by and everything changes - society, world, landscape behind the window. Laws, rules and terms of service of a website is no exception. I believe most of you has at least once received a demand from Apple, Microsoft, Google or any other service provider to agree to their change of EULA or cease using the product immediately.


To sum up, since this website is a private space, it's owner has full authority over it's rules. Terms of service can be changed and option to disagree with these rules and opt out has been provided in form of declining the new EULA and leaving. Site owner can have a partial or full relinquishing of copyright as part of EULA and authors have their lawful right to decline/not accept new EULA and not use this website anymore if they so decide.


Anything beyond that are but opinions and hurt feelings.

Edited by TairaNoritsune
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I do not take sides in this conflict and my own opinion how this site should handle copyright is not contained in following post. I hope that following thoughts however will cool down some heads from both sides and direct their minds in more constructive way of thinking.


There are two things that people should remember:


Firstly, Nexus is a private site, where rules are established by the owner. None, but the owner is entitled to keep or change the rules as they see fit.

Secondly, following rules is an agreement made between site owner and site user (and here both mod authors and mod consumers are users, neither has any special status in this regard) that is perquisite to use this privately owned space. Rules follow laws, but might contain further restrictions, for example law might grant everyone freedom of speech, but I as a house owner will prohibit anyone from criticizing a political ideology X at my house, if I consider it necessary.

Thirdly, there is change. Time goes by and everything changes - society, world, landscape behind the window. Laws, rules and terms of service of a website is no exception. I believe most of you has at least once received a demand from Apple, Microsoft, Google or any other service provider to agree to their change of EULA or cease using the product immediately.


To sum up, since this website is a private space, it's owner has full authority over it's rules. Terms of service can be changed and option to disagree with these rules and opt out has been provided in form of declining the new EULA and leaving. Site owner can have a partial or full relinquishing of copyright as part of EULA and authors have their lawful right to decline/not accept new EULA and not use this website anymore if they so decide.


Anything beyond that are but opinions and hurt feelings.

Your personal opinions won't change anything! You obviously didn't understand the point of view of many mod authors.

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I do not take sides in this conflict and my own opinion how this site should handle copyright is not contained in following post. I hope that following thoughts however will cool down some heads from both sides and direct their minds in more constructive way of thinking.


There are two things that people should remember:


Firstly, Nexus is a private site, where rules are established by the owner. None, but the owner is entitled to keep or change the rules as they see fit.

Secondly, following rules is an agreement made between site owner and site user (and here both mod authors and mod consumers are users, neither has any special status in this regard) that is perquisite to use this privately owned space. Rules follow laws, but might contain further restrictions, for example law might grant everyone freedom of speech, but I as a house owner will prohibit anyone from criticizing a political ideology X at my house, if I consider it necessary.

Thirdly, there is change. Time goes by and everything changes - society, world, landscape behind the window. Laws, rules and terms of service of a website is no exception. I believe most of you has at least once received a demand from Apple, Microsoft, Google or any other service provider to agree to their change of EULA or cease using the product immediately.


To sum up, since this website is a private space, it's owner has full authority over it's rules. Terms of service can be changed and option to disagree with these rules and opt out has been provided in form of declining the new EULA and leaving. Site owner can have a partial or full relinquishing of copyright as part of EULA and authors have their lawful right to decline/not accept new EULA and not use this website anymore if they so decide.


Anything beyond that are but opinions and hurt feelings.

This added nothing.

Lets play your ideology.

1) private site : Why yes it is. It is a website that is allowing users world wide access and add to a list of mods that people agreed to let the website host to release it. That same website then changed the TOS "licensing" to go "our system needs your content forever and you cant say no after X date". They did this then a week later went "here is the NEWS and the NEW future for us".


2) following the TOS. The TOS that was changed before it was announced a week later they will own all works forever after X date? That is the equivalent of you agree to rent an apartment. you moving in on the ground you dont own the home. Then the apartment then goes "by the way anything inside this home is now our property regardless if you purchased/made it else where then put it inside this apartment. your just renting it now. we updated the contract as it says we can add this is we want to without telling you we changed anything"


Cause that is what NEXUS is doing.


3) Changes happen..

Why yes. yes they do. Normally you dont salt and burn the fields the folks who helped build your "kingdom" put in so they can survive on the land. You would inform and talk and see where things can lie. heck work with the people. Not some of them not those that already agree with you or are part of your squad. Those who helped build and have thoughts that weren "yes sir. Right away sir" No one needs a amy of yes men if they are truely for the people.


Your BS of logic and philosophical pretense is as smelly as an outhouse in summer mate.

They are/have stolen content the moment they back door updated the system to archive all files. Folks asking for deletion are seeing "archiving" before deletion from there account. NEXUS is going to be holding/using/selling mods essentially when the new collection kicks in as it only fully works for paying profiles. Anyone else is going to be doing what they did before. Nothing is changing for them. Dont pay dont get to use the new "better" system.


yes there is laws and right now none of us know if he is following/breaking/bending any right now cause EU/UK/USA/International laws are all different. At this point those who do know may just be waiting for them to offically go "we own these now" before filing against them. Who knows. But we all know you dont know jack as no TOS update was present or offered. No DO you agree? was offered. It was "THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN" not will or can. But GOING TO. Join or leave.


Edited by maxmanatarms
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This added nothing.

Lets play your ideology.

1) private site : Why yes it is. It is a website that is allowing users world wide access and add to a list of mods that people agreed to let the website host to release it. That same website then changed the TOS "licensing" to go "our system needs your content forever and you cant say no after X date". They did this then a week later went "here is the NEWS and the NEW future for us".


If you think such change infringes your rights, you can sue them. To me however it looks no different from demands to accept new EULA that Microsoft, Google or Apple send their users with only options to accept or cease using their platforms immediately.




2) following the TOS. The TOS that was changed before it was announced a week later they will own all works forever after X date? That is the equivalent of you agree to rent an apartment. you moving in on the ground you dont own the home. Then the apartment then goes "by the way anything inside this home is now our property regardless if you purchased/made it else where then put it inside this apartment. your just renting it now. we updated the contract as it says we can add this is we want to without telling you we changed anything"


Cause that is what NEXUS is doing.


Nexusmods website rules state following (2020 redaction, so you can't say it was added yesterday):


We reserve the right to change this document, as well as our various policies and guidelines, at any time. By continuing to use the service, you automatically agree to any revisions of these terms. We encourage you to review these documents periodically at our Help Center. Nexus Mods reserves the right to reconfigure its offerings and organisation and may choose to do so at any time. This includes but is not limited to our services, website designs, membership pricing and offerings, advertising programs and partnerships, as well as staff related and/or administrative restructuring.

Terms of Service - Nexus Mods Site Help


Thus following logic thou, kind sir, have provided, if apartment rent contract would have had similar clause in it, owner might even be able to do what thy example said, unless laws of state explicitly prohibits him to. (I wouldn't have signed a contract like that if apartment rent would had been in question, but that's me).



3) Changes happen..

Why yes. yes they do. Normally you dont salt and burn the fields the folks who helped build your "kingdom" put in so they can survive on the land. You would inform and talk and see where things can lie. heck work with the people. Not some of them not those that already agree with you or are part of your squad. Those who helped build and have thoughts that weren "yes sir. Right away sir" No one needs a amy of yes men if they are truely for the people.



This is all Thy personal opinion. While working with people is great and probably would have lead to a compromise, BUT owner hath no obligation to do so and people have no right to demand owner to do so if owner decides he does not want compromise. Again, this site is a private space and not some democracy.





Your BS of logic and philosophical pretense is as smelly as an outhouse in summer mate.


Watch your tone sir. Going emotional and speaking like this to person thou met for the first time shows thee and through obviously bad upbringing all thy lineage in a very bad light. If thou do not care for thy own reputation, then at least have mercy on thy parents.


They are/have stolen content the moment they back door updated the system to archive all files. Folks asking for deletion are seeing "archiving" before deletion from there account. NEXUS is going to be holding/using/selling mods essentially when the new collection kicks in as it only fully works for paying profiles. Anyone else is going to be doing what they did before. Nothing is changing for them. Dont pay dont get to use the new "better" system.


yes there is laws and right now none of us know if he is following/breaking/bending any right now cause EU/UK/USA/International laws are all different. At this point those who do know may just be waiting for them to offically go "we own these now" before filing against them. Who knows. But we all know you dont know jack as no TOS update was present or offered. No DO you agree? was offered. It was "THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN" not will or can. But GOING TO. Join or leave.


Well, they said it a month before any changes will be applied. If thou decide to disagree with EULA and leave, delete all thy content and it will still remain accessible to users of this site before the one month period this site's owner gave everyone, then it definitely would be a problem. But something tells me, if that happened, then thou would have mentioned it in thy post already, since it would directly prove thy point that this website has wronged thee already.


And again, your (and I am speaking about everyone not just the person I was replying to until now) frustration is understandable, your comfort zone has been destroyed and this much is obvious. But let's converse in a civil and mature way. I am not affiliated with this site's staff in any way and again, I am not taking sides in regard whom the IP should belong to by justice. I might or might not like the old rules more I will not state my stance towards whether it is a good change or not, so I might as well actually be of same opinion as you all who got frustrated, who knows.


BUT I certainly claim is that site owner can change rules when and however they see fit and all of us agreed to that when we signed up to be this website's users. This is pure common sense and objective reality.

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Guest deleted34304850
a lot of words that we've all seen before and read before and nothing original.

thanks for all that. out of interest when did you qualify as a copyright lawyer?

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I am not affiliated with this site's staff in any way and again, I am not taking sides in regard whom the IP should belong to by justice. I might or might not like the old rules more I will not state my stance towards whether it is a good change or not, so I might as well actually be of same opinion as you all who got frustrated, who knows.

Why do you lose yourself? You have taken party. More than once. Neutrality looks different. This whole nonsense of you, pours only more oil into the fire

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Seems we are slowly attracting more TexMex folks in and TairaNoritsune is the newest one. another for the ignore list.

You want to use some logic going "they are acting perfectly on what they have had folks agree to" Anyone one with a "using this means you agree" when they did a complete 180 in ideology isnt being fair isnt being right.
They did the new change. then told folks a week later. The new system they are implementing is already in effect and the 1 month grace is a token and nothing more. you have chosen a side and you have decided the rights of the few can be stepped on for the rights of the many.

Those big names you used EULA that Microsoft, Google or Apple go "here is the new terms" you have to agree to them or not. We are given an OPTION. Here we weren't. you must clearly see the difference in that cause it does ask. it does request. It doesn't DEMAND you to accept it without giving the option to agree or disagree.

I haven't met you before but viewing your profile blur and your posts show you have taken a side. And its not the side of those being stepped on. its the side doing the stepping. But then again those that dont want to risk anything will watch horrors to benefit from them and feel safe.
The owner can change the rule. but when it goes all previous agreements are null and void that isnt just a change in rules. that's literally going "We can do anything" and that isn't right.

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I am not affiliated with this site's staff in any way and again, I am not taking sides in regard whom the IP should belong to by justice. I might or might not like the old rules more I will not state my stance towards whether it is a good change or not, so I might as well actually be of same opinion as you all who got frustrated, who knows.

Why do you lose yourself? You have taken party. More than once. Neutrality looks different. This whole nonsense of you, pours only more oil into the fire


Nonsense s pretty magical word. Very useful to show that thou do not want discussion and do not respect any opinion other than thy own regardless of how correct or incorrect it is.


For clarification, I was talking about not taking sides in question "Is the change in copyright policy of this side good or bad?".

But as for question "Can site owner change rules 180 degrees if they want" - answer is clearly "yes" because such right was established by existing rules since basically this site's founding. This is not taking sides, it's acknowledging the objective reality.

This site had and has policies that I hate from the bottom of my heart (these changes we are talking about might or might not be one of those), but I always considered and consider it only be right to keep calm, civil, not take my frustration out publicly and play by the rules, like them or not. Flipping tables and throwing tantrums like I see people now doing is a sign of gross immaturity and what I said I said to help them to overcome this and get better.

If a certain functionality of this website is governed by policy I hate, I just do not use such functionality and thus am not a subject to that policy instead of demanding site owners to do what I want, throwing tantrums, insulting people who's opinion I do not like or any other despicable actions.


Taking out frustration on me of all things will not help thee (or anyone, really) in any way. Hatred/anger never helped anyone, no matter how motivated or not.

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Actually, from what I have personally seen, they started archiving as soon as January 2021. I don't know of instances prior to that but it has been discussed by staff that they did archive prior for a time unseen by mod authors and then later deleted. Whether or not those older archives were actually deleted is speculation. This only came to light in the last month due to a mod author on the mod author discord noticing and saying....where the heck is the delete button?!

I am actually a mod author who pulled all 39 of my mods due to this.
Did I do it in a fit of emotional anger? Absolutely not. I did because the rights that I have over my own work, Nexus wants to revoke. I worked many hours on my creations and will reserve the right to make them available at my discretion.

I had no intention of ever leaving Nexus prior to this. They have crossed the line not I.

But but didn't I make my mods for the community? Why would I want to take them away?! No, I made my mods for my own game. I knew I had a good idea and that others would indeed like them. So I decided to share. And they all are currently available on Beth for pc and Xbox. A place that recognizes my copyright to my intellectual property.

If you don't know me, that's fine. I am the mod author of the Clean and Simple series for Fallout 4. The series was very popular and well liked. I am still available on my Discord server. A link is provided on my Nexus profile page.


Edit: for grammar

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