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Artmoor removing Mods because... Nexus won't allow them to Delete their mods in the future? What the hell?


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Okey, just wanted to ask, please don't beging a hate throwing thread.

I just received the notice that Artmoor, one of the greatest modders that have dealt with our customer s#*! for fraking years, have been removing their mods because.. Nexus will enact an new rule that disallow modders to delete their mods in the future?
What the hell?
I'm not a mod maker, i'm only a user. A user that is on this forum since Oblivion and Fallout 3 release era.
I've seen this forum on the brink of death and turned it back around. By listening to the freaking users. Modmakers and normal users alike.
Now, what the heck is happening?
Why enact an rule that is so against the good will and shareware nature of mods?! It's just, abusive!
Okey, the Collection stuff will break if a mod is deleted? So reach a compromise with any modder that will be added into a collection.
Instead of making the site a complete f*ckfest on the rights of the modder over their own work, and just separating and breaking the community appart, why don't the folks in charge go and try to find a common ground?
Modders are not liking this, the site need modders to stay alive, is this a prolonged self death plan for the site?!

Serious Nexus, what the heck is happening, and why are yah folks actively working against the mod makers? This is just ridiculus and again, will only break the community appart.

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Okey, just wanted to ask, please don't beging a hate throwing thread.


I just received the notice that Artmoor, one of the greatest modders that have dealt with our customer s*** for fraking years, have been removing their mods because.. Nexus will enact an new rule that disallow modders to delete their mods in the future?

What the hell?

I'm not a mod maker, i'm only a user. A user that is on this forum since Oblivion and Fallout 3 release era.

I've seen this forum on the brink of death and turned it back around. By listening to the freaking users. Modmakers and normal users alike.

Now, what the heck is happening?

Why enact an rule that is so against the good will and shareware nature of mods?! It's just, abusive!

Okey, the Collection stuff will break if a mod is deleted? So reach a compromise with any modder that will be added into a collection.

Instead of making the site a complete f*ckfest on the rights of the modder over their own work, and just separating and breaking the community appart, why don't the folks in charge go and try to find a common ground?

Modders are not liking this, the site need modders to stay alive, is this a prolonged self death plan for the site?!


Serious Nexus, what the heck is happening, and why are yah folks actively working against the mod makers? This is just ridiculus and again, will only break the community appart.

It seems that most folks already know the consequences of Nexus decision, just seems that Nexus isn't all that concerned about it.


Main reason being.... Money. Collections that don't break will generate income. That is what it is all about. Seems that profit is more important than modders rights.

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You're a bit late on this one. The modders got their 30 days to decide what to do and that ran out on 3rd of this month.


It is, as they say, a done deal.



Edit: yeah and saw this today



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yes, seems you are a little late. thanks for the condolences. for modders with more mediocre or sh***y mods like me the impact of this change is not as ground breaking as for modders like arthmoor or some with other dependencies, based on the old tos and treatment, who seem to be screwed and now in a trap if they do not pull their content in time. it is sad and will surely have consequences and impact but nexusmods seems to be prepared and accompanied by tough supporters of this action and by designated mod collection curators. so life goes on...

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You're a bit late on this one. The modders got their 30 days to decide what to do and that ran out on 3rd of this month.

It is, as they say, a done deal.

Edit: yeah and saw this today


Yeah, actually a friend of mine sent me a DM yesterday showing a GamesRadar and i got aware of what's happening.
I've beeing away from the site for some about half a year, maybe a little more because irl stuff ;\
But gods be dammed, hope modders manage to create a new heaven for their work, and that be a place thar fracking respect their works...

Edited by SetArk
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At his (Arthmoor) website he has his parlor and can manage it just fine.


There are so many who treat this place like a cathedral, when it really is a parlor for bankers who put pictures up on their walls of all the people that are a success, even just support them buy opening an account, sponsor them by sharing a monthly stipend, buy premium.


Anyone who mods still has their mod at home on their computers. I hope they all do.


Can they still share their mods elsewhere? Is Robin Scott's team locking their mods up here so they have no rights to share their mods elsewhere?

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Is Robin Scott's team locking their mods up here so they have no rights to share their mods elsewhere?

Seriously? No. Look, I am not in favor of this move, either. But really, paranoia and baseless speculation won't help at all.


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i do not like this parlor and cathedral discussion. it is a theoretical black and and white discussion and nothing more! i do not like to give up my ownership as a modder and i do know my rights as a mod owner - even if i'm from now on unable to apply them on nexusmods regarding file deletions, yes. but I´m not a parlor fan boy or an artist at all. i just want to have control and the last decision over my mods, not less and not more. not interested in earning money but if someone is happy and like to donate by downloading or endorsing my stuff - yes, i'm happy. the parlor cathedral discussion is not relevant for me and just a matter to artificially split the community.

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The whole parlor/cathedral thing wouldn't really be an issue if it weren't for some very vocal people trying to force everyone to be cathedral.

You like controlling your own work? Great! The law says you own it and the copyright on it.

You want your work to be added to other modders work to make a glorious new vision? Great! Release your mod to public domain or under a cc or similar license.

It's mostly as far as I can tell people wanting to exploit a "parlor" modder's work without permission who are the most vocal. They need to get over it. If they want something like parlor modder's Mod X (whatever it may be) to be in the public domain so much they should make their own version (from scratch, not just swiping the assets and slapping their name on it) and release it to the public domain.

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