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Bookshelves with, you know, BOOKS


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I get that settlers are illiterate, or they'd have read up on things like carpentry, planting crops, or, you know, hygiene. Still, you'd think one of these huge, massive decoration or clutter mods would have created bookshelves that actually have books on them.


I know I saw one once, but I went through every furniture and decoration menu in my game last night and I couldn't find it. I tried one of those DIY clutter mods, found that the books don't actually fit on bookshelves.


Now, I get that most furniture/decoration mods don't actually introduce anything new into the game. They just allow you to build things that are already in the game files but weren't included by Bethesda in the buildables lists. That's why you find so many duplicates between mods. But surely someone, somewhere has assembled bookshelves with books on them.


So, does anyone know of a mod with filled bookshelves (filled with books, not clothing)? If not could someone make one?



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