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Pausing doesn't pause, GPU used?!


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Consider these two scenarios:


1) I press escape and the menu appears.


2) I alt-tab into another windows application.


How come 1) causes 100% GPU usage, often higher than actually playing the game, but 2) causes 0% GPU usage? What is the game doing when the menu is displayed, all NPCs have stopped, nothing is happening, at all, anywhere in the game? You know, just like when I've popped into my email program? How can a programmer be so monumentally stupid?

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Seems like a smart programmer would have the game do literally everything it can possibly do (updating NPC locations, quest data, weather data, etc.) while you are on the pause menu in order to make the actual game run as smoothly as possible.


I've seen no evidence if smoothness after a long pause, and I've never seen it finish what it's doing on pause.


Anyway, since nothing can change during pause, what can it be thinking about?

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Seems like a smart programmer would have the game do literally everything it can possibly do (updating NPC locations, quest data, weather data, etc.) while you are on the pause menu in order to make the actual game run as smoothly as possible.


I've seen no evidence if smoothness after a long pause, and I've never seen it finish what it's doing on pause.


Anyway, since nothing can change during pause, what can it be thinking about?


Beth is using your video card to do bitcoin mining while the game is paused. :D

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Hello. Try to play the game at a window and not at full screen and then move the mouse to the desktop, when your PC have this problem. That's all. Thanks.


Already pretty much doing that, since I have 5 monitors. The game is only on the centre one. It's "fullscreen" - but only to that monitor. If I click (not just move) the mouse to the desktop, then it does stop the usage.

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