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In Support of Mod Authors


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"attacking mod authors" by disagreeing with opinions about copyright, IP and Nexus policies is not the same thing as posting direct derogatory comments about specific users. One is against the ToS of the forums and the other is not.


If you can point to an example where one of the posts here makes remarks about a specific person (other than Zanderat's "troll" comment, which I'm surprised is still here) then you may have an argument. Otherwise, removing comments like "what do you expect from person x" seems like perfectly valid moderating.


Anyway, I probably shouldn't even be commenting this here since discussing moderation is generally not allowed. Plus, I'm kind of responding to someone I blocked months ago due to them being quoted by someone else.

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"attacking mod authors" by disagreeing with opinions about copyright, IP and Nexus policies is not the same thing as posting direct derogatory comments about specific users. One is against the ToS of the forums and the other is not.


If you can point to an example where one of the posts here makes remarks about a specific person (other than Zanderat's "troll" comment, which I'm surprised is still here) then you may have an argument. Otherwise, removing comments like "what do you expect from person x" seems like perfectly valid moderating.


Anyway, I probably shouldn't even be commenting this here since discussing moderation is generally not allowed. Plus, I'm kind of responding to someone I blocked months ago due to them being quoted by someone else.

It's best to ignore them to be perfectly honest. There was a point where I was about to respond to them as well, but I ended up just deleting what I was going to say because to be frank, it's a waste of time. He only ever wants to cause trouble, and never seems to offer any sort of meaningful discussion. You can easily tell this simply because his comments never actually include anything related to the topic and is just always him pointing fingers or throwing shade at someone else he doesn't agree with.


Also, his claim "Nope, they left all the negative posts towards mod authors intact, and removed the others." isn't even true. Even his own comments are still around. Suppose I should also point out, there are no negative posts about mod authors either as far as I am aware.

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