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Dead cows can kill you


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Hello. There are some dead cows at settlements, whose color has changed a lot, because the blood has left them and the skin has a bad color. Great care. Do not touch them, not even as an attempt to get over them. Immediately, the character dies. It's something I remembered happening and I just wanted to inform, especially the new players in the game. That's all. Thanks.

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I have had this game since it came out and have never once seen or experienced something like this - would you mind giving more detail please? Thank you!

I suspect it is mod related, or game difficulty level related. Playing on survival, I can see how corpses might harbor disease that can shorten your life. :)

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I have had this game since it came out and have never once seen or experienced something like this - would you mind giving more detail please? Thank you!

I suspect it is mod related, or game difficulty level related. Playing on survival, I can see how corpses might harbor disease that can shorten your life. :smile:


OH! now that makes sense - in a way! ... other than the instant death, unless some heavy heavy rads were involved.

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Physics glitch? Hit them wrong and the game thinks a thousand pound object just ran into you at ninety miles an hour. There was a car in FO3 that would kill you if you bumped into it for a similar reason.


Edit: Might have been FO4, actually.

I frequently 'bump' into cars, and they move a LOT more than one would think they should..... I even had one blow up because I bumped/moved it.... That was a surprise. :D

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