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Papyrus ini settings are invalid?


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This setting shouldn't have to be applied to any new Steam install of Skyrim.



I don't understand what you're trying to say there. If you're saying that people shouldn't be changing that value you're right.


Skyrim's default value for bInvalidateOlderFiles is 1. Lately there have been many people reporting problems because their INI files have a value of 0. I was told that Mod Organizer has added an entry with the zero and that there's at least one guide that says to set it to zero. That guide is very wrong in its explanation of what the setting does and Mod Organizer's choice is unfortunate because it completely reverses the game's normal way of handling resource files.


The safest scheme is to just leave that line out of the INI file completely, but if it is present it should be set to 1. (I just tested and your blank value is also equivalent to 1.)


I believe Mod Organizer is setting it to zero as part of its resource file management feature, but for it to work correctly the user has to explicitly load resources in exactly the right order. And with a value of 0, the right order is precisely the opposite of the ESP load order!

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Try this, type these commands into the console in-game:


getinisetting "iMinMemoryPageSize:Papyrus"

getinisetting "iMaxMemoryPageSize:Papyrus"

getinisetting "iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes:Papyrus"


If any of those return a 0 or a negative number then it is indeed a ini issue if they don't then for some reason your SKYUI is reporting a false error.

I know this is an old thread, but if I did the above correctly and got, in order values of >200, >500, >2.4mil then it should be a false error? Which means I can ignore it or...?

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I know this is an old thread, but if I did the above correctly and got, in order values of >200, >500, >2.4mil then it should be a false error? Which means I can ignore it or...?

If you are getting a value in the millions for iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes then you have a technically valid but very wrong setting. Go find the Papyrus section of your INI file and delete it. You can safely change the log/debug/trace settings and you can raise the setting with PostLoad in its name (which simply makes each of your load screens last longer so the scripting system has more time to get everything in the loading cells set up correctly). Raising any other value in that section is an extremely bad idea.

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I know this is an old thread, but if I did the above correctly and got, in order values of >200, >500, >2.4mil then it should be a false error? Which means I can ignore it or...?

If you are getting a value in the millions for iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes then you have a technically valid but very wrong setting. Go find the Papyrus section of your INI file and delete it. You can safely change the log/debug/trace settings and you can raise the setting with PostLoad in its name (which simply makes each of your load screens last longer so the scripting system has more time to get everything in the loading cells set up correctly). Raising any other value in that section is an extremely bad idea.


I just want to be clear on what you are saying to delete/raise. Here is my papyrus section in my skyrim.ini under mydocs/mygames/skyrim:

fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 2000.0
bEnableLogging = 0
bEnableTrace = 0
bLoadDebugInformation = 0
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 2457600
iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
fUpdateBudgetMS = 800.0
fExtraTaskletBudgetMS = 800.0
iMinMemoryPageSize = 256
Are you saying to delete the value of maxallocatedbytes and it will readjust itself and that I can change the three 0 values without risk and if so, what should the allocated bytes read, approx and to what should I change the others to give a reasonable time for loading? It's already a little heavy thanks to the mods I am running and, so far, I've had one crash, during loading which resulted in the load screen sitting without seeming to progress(wisps of smoke and sounds were running but it was 'not responding' according to task manager though no telling if it went unresponsive in response to alt-tab-delete). It has yet to actually crash and close on me so I assume my scripts are getting ample time to load in most situations, thus far.


This is on an Asus GamRepublic comp with i7 8c and 12 gram and some silly mid-high gpu with dedram that I'm not looking up for this, suffice to say, I should be having no issue hardware wise.

Pic of what mods I'm running

Also, as I try to catch up on the latest posts, I noticed the discussion about invalidateolderfiles and saw mine was at 0. I changed it to 1 per CDCooley as I understood his stance. Please let me know if I misunderstood that. I would assume it shouldn't have an ill effect on my current mods being loaded and might even(given that I am assuming its relevance to this thread) help to end this SkyUI error?
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I didn't read back to previous pages, instead reading only page 12 and not seeing a solution there and so posting.


So for those like me that assume that if no solution is posted on the last page of a still breathing thread that the problem is still prevalent, let me tell you that it seems(per page 11) that when you open your skyrim.ini under user/mydocs/mygames/skyrim that, despite the SkyUI error talking about the Papyrus section,


the issue may well lie under the [Archive] section of the .ini

Under [Archive] find the bininvalidateolderfiles= and if it is set to 0, changing it to 1 may well solve the MCM and error issue.

It did for several others and seems to have resolved it for me as well.

You can check you min/max memorypagesize under Papyrus along with maxallocatedbytes and, as I understand, if they are not at or below 0 they are 'valid'.


So, to recap,

if you just jumped to the last page and this post is on that page,

here's a pic of what I am talking about that should explain the fix well enough

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It has yet to actually crash and close on me so I assume my scripts are getting ample time to load in most situations, thus far.


Lack of time or space for scripts to run will not ever crash the game. Raising any of these values makes crashes more likely not less likely. The scripts not having enough time or memory just results in things not updating when you expect them to and in extreme cases certain events to never trigger correctly. (But events not triggering correctly can also result if the scripting system gets to use too much time or memory!)


Most players should not have the Papyrus section in their INI file. Delete it entirely and the game will use its defaults and those are right 99.999% of the time. Never add any Papyrus settings just to prevent a possible problem. Only add them to correct specific observed problems.


fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 2000.0

Freezing load screens can't be fixed by changing any of the Papyrus settings, but this setting is useful if you can watch weapons move from the floor back to their position on weapon racks as you enter your house. Unless you're noticing things like that as you enter new locations you don't need it. And if you do include it you're forcing every load screen to last longer so I would first try a value of 1000 (which is twice the default) before jumping all the way to 2000. (Mannequins are buggy even at the best of times, so watching them stroll around the house isn't a good excuse for changing this setting.)


bEnableLogging = 0
bEnableTrace = 0
bLoadDebugInformation = 0

Setting these to 1 might generate useful information but it also slows down your game, so unless you're trying to debug a specific problem leave them at 0 or delete them entirely. (And the slowdown is caused by the disk activity, so it doesn't matter how fast your CPU is.)


iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
iMinMemoryPageSize = 256

That max is the default and the min is twice the default. Raising the max value would decrease system performance. Raising the min value can potentially give a slight increase in performance but will also waste memory which means you're more likely to hit the system memory limit and have the game crash. That doesn't seem like a good trade-off to me. Just delete them.


iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 2457600
fUpdateBudgetMS = 800.0
fExtraTaskletBudgetMS = 800.0

These values for these three settings are insane. They completely remove the limits that are supposed to keep the Papyrus scripting engine from consuming all of your system resources. Using these effectively gives the scripting system priority over all other parts of the game. And if a script malfunctions (or is just poorly written) it can freeze or crash the game.


High values for iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes can cause stack buffer overflows (resulting in loss of game data), intermittent game stuttering, erratic game behavior and CTDs. You should delete that memory setting and not even think about putting it back unless you know of a specific reason to raise it (and some random performance tweaking guide's recommendation doesn't count). If I were to consider raising it the absolute largest value I would use would be 115200.


The fUpdateBudgetMS and fExtraTaskletBudgetMS settings are 1.2 by default. If (after raising fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS) you notice that scripted events aren't happening reasonably fast you can try changing these by small amounts. For example, if you're collecting ingredients for Ingun and the message doesn't appear in about 2 seconds after picking one of the flowers then you can try changing these to 1.4 and see if that helps. You might even try 1.6 or even 2.4 but a value of 800 is crazy. If you can't see a difference between 1.2 and 1.4 then it's very unlikely that raising the value more will help. And the higher you raise this value the lower your FPS will be when the scripting system decides it wants to use its full allotment of time. In the worst case the scripting system will use so much time that other parts of the game that need to send information back to it won't have time to calculate that information and the result is a game freeze or crash.


This is on an Asus GamRepublic comp with i7 8c and 12 gram and some silly mid-high gpu with dedram that I'm not looking up for this, suffice to say, I should be having no issue hardware wise.


The more powerful your computer the smaller the time values you should need! Remember that the game settings were originally set to support a small number of mods on a fairly low-end machine. So a higher-end machine should be able to run even more scripts from mods using those same time settings. For the memory settings remember that the game only supports 4GB of memory no matter how much system memory you have so any extra memory you allocate to scripts is that much less for all of the other parts of the game. The values the developers chose will work the same on a system with 4 GB and one with 24 GB. The original game works on 2 GB of memory (for the consoles) so some people have used that fact to justify an increase in memory values, but if you use any HD texture packs the extra RAM available on the PC is already being used. So raising the Papyrus memory settings only makes sense if you aren't using HD textures.



Also, as I try to catch up on the latest posts, I noticed the discussion about invalidateolderfiles and saw mine was at 0. I changed it to 1 per CDCooley as I understood his stance. Please let me know if I misunderstood that. I would assume it shouldn't have an ill effect on my current mods being loaded and might even(given that I am assuming its relevance to this thread) help to end this SkyUI error?

Yes, bInvalidateOlderFiles=0 can prevent the game from loading the SKSE scripts that SkyUI needs. Like the entire Papyrus section it's a setting that should not be in your INI file.

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Thanks for the walk through, CDCooley. Let it be known, these settings are all 'default' to mean that I installed Skyrim and dlc, then mods, et cetera, then looked at it and these are the values I was given. I never screw with any config or .ini. files unless there is a specifically stated line/value to change for a reason I specifically need. I'll go through and, after making a copy on the desktop(just in case) kill what you suggested and see what happens. I really haven't had any actual issues but given what you said about the issues some of those values can create, it can't hurt to follow your advice, especially if I do experience another freeze/crash.


Here's what I did:

fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 500.0
bEnableLogging = 0
bEnableTrace = 0
bLoadDebugInformation = 0
fUpdateBudgetMS = 1.4
fExtraTaskletBudgetMS = 1.4
I know you said to just delete most of this, et cetera, but I am loathe to delete anything when I am having no to minimal issues. I did delete the imaxallocatedbytes line as per your suggestion but everything else I put at or near default. Again, thanks for taking the time to be concise. It really helped and, in case someone else has some issues like mine, maybe this will save them some frustration, lol.
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