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SkyrimSE with Vortex versus SKSE64 (can't be detected)


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Hello together,

I am trying now for days (!) to install some Mods for Skyrim SE with Vortex. Everytime I want to add a mod which needs SKSE64, I get an error from Vortex which is said: *mod* requires "Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE 64)".


Why does Vortex isn't detecting it? I didn't understand it anymore...



  • Windows 10 pro
  • All programms have admin rights (Skyrim, Vortex, SKSE64)



  • Skyrim SE 1.5.97
  • SKSE 64 2.0.20
  • Vortex 1.4.16


  • Game installation by Steam with depotDownloader on cmd to install the localized german version 1.5.97 cause of not working mods on v1.6.x
  • The correct versions of Skyrim and SKSE64 will be shown in the main menu.


What I have tried:

  • I can start the game with SKSE64 without Vortex.
  • I can also start the game with Vortex and SKSE64 as standard programm.
  • Completly new installation of Skyrim, SKSE64 and Vortex
  • SKSE64, copied the 3 files to main folder and zipped "data\scrips" + "src" together and load it with Vortex. Game will load, but a mod like SkyUI or Racemenu is missing SKSE64.

So, what can I do, that Vortex do detect SKSE64?



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Uninstall SKSE that you installed manually.


Drag the archive for SKSE to Vortex and drop in the "Drop File(s)" box at the bottom of the "mods" tab. Let Vortex install SKSE.

I can't drop a rar, 7zip, zip or even the folder. Any other mod can't moved there also. Don't know why it exists, if it's not working. I get only a symbol that shows "not allowed" like Ø but in black with white border.


If I use "install file" at the orange bar at top, the SKSE64 is activated and I can install SkyUI without an error. But in the game, there is no more SKSE version shown at the main menu of Skyrim and I got an error of SkyUI after loading the game. So I think, Vortex is doing some mistake within the installation process. Is there any debug mode I can activate to post a log file?

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I can't drop a rar, 7zip, zip or even the folder. Any other mod can't moved there also. Don't know why it exists, if it's not working. I get only a symbol that shows "not allowed" like Ø but in black with white border.


If I use "install file" at the orange bar at top, the SKSE64 is activated and I can install SkyUI without an error. But in the game, there is no more SKSE version shown at the main menu of Skyrim and I got an error of SkyUI after loading the game. So I think, Vortex is doing some mistake within the installation process. Is there any debug mode I can activate to post a log file?



You need to make sure that SKSE64 is PRIMARY in the dashboard.

Click on the three vertical dots on the SKSE64 Dashboard entry and select "MAKE PRIMARY", it should have a small white banner on it after that.





Also, go to SETTINGS---->MODS, and check to make sure that your DEPLOY method is HARDLINK




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  1. Check your antivirus. It might be interfering with the install.
  2. I wonder, if the SKSE 7z archive is already in your Vortex downloads folder, is that possibly why you're getting the "not allowed" message? Can't copy it to itself? Is that a possibility?


  1. Checked before. I added both, Vortex and SKSE as exception for Windows defender. Also, I have my complete C:\Games\ as a folder exception cause of some trainers in use. ;-)
  2. No, before I had started with modding, the folder was empty. Had checked it again after the last install/ deinstall tries. There is no 7z into. I get this symbol with every mod I want to add.



  • You need to make sure that SKSE64 is PRIMARY in the dashboard.
  • Also, go to SETTINGS---->MODS, and check to make sure that your DEPLOY method is HARDLINK


  • Both were done before.


Yesterday evening I saw, that no one of the mods were really activated by Vortex. That's confusing me completly. I downloaded then MO2 and the mods are working fine. SKSE64 was found within the start, but also here SKSE64 isn't working with SkyUI. That's a shame.

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I tried SkyUI without any other mod on MO2 and it's working. The widescreen fix causes the error. Had downloaded it again and now it's working. Wtf...


With Vortex it isn't working again. Don't know why, but MO2 is working fine. So I use this now.


Thanks for the help.

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