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Apocrypha Deployment Downtime Musings


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Heard about that..... will reconfirm myself, but there has been disaster at this end. I had got to 45% when the laptop went into hibernation. On return the download started again, but while trying to close an information box, I managed to cancel the entire download!


I am thoroughly depressed. The thing is giving me >8 hour estimate again. Have re-set the power management scheme and will now hopefully go to sleep. Will probably now log into Eve after 19 to 20 hours i.e. after work tomorrow.

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Downloaded the patch in about 36 minutes for each of my 2 installs - both installed and updated fine.


But who designs their graphics updates?!?! Only a colourblind cave fish could have come up with the new POS shield graphics and called it an improvement :verymad:


The constant swirly flashing flickering is nauseating and inducing motion sickness :confused:

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Is that another negative against POS warfare then? :P


Scanning is more interesting now. Takes far far far less time to scan stuff down, but it actually requires you to be at the PC rather than reading a book/watching porn a movie!

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It only took half an hour to download on mine - this is with a connection which is not only hopelessly slow to begin with, but which also throttles all downloads - so HA :D


I'm liking the new sound effects, but CCP seem to have turned the volume of everything right down - I've got all sliders on max, but can still barely hear most things.


I LOVE the new fitting screen, it is a massive improvement over the old one.


As for the pos shield effect - I'm not gonna say its an improvement, but it's no worse either - it certainly looks cool, but is a bit distracting.


And, in a stroke of luck, all 3 corps who had declared war on us retracted right before the patch, meaning we are now completely at peace :D Now I just need to get together the isk for a covops, and I'll be off to try out this new scanning system :)

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Hey- the thing had downloaded when I woke up. Came home early from work, and am cranking it up now :)









Edit 2:


I did not get a chance to play a lot but I love the skill training queue. Am SO glad that this has come in when I still have loads of skills at level 1 or below. Am currently training 17 skills overs the next 24 hours :)

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So my alliance was lucky enough to have a wormhole right in our home system out in 0.0, and I got a chance to play around in wormhole space! There's a lot of new amazing graphics out there, and I've only seen one system!


Sleepers are tough, they have a lot of warp-scramming/webbing frigates, and their battleships focus fire and do immense damage. We had an active tanked dominix killed in 1 volley from 3 sleeper battleships.


The frigates, on the other hand aren't quite so tough, but when working together, and with bigger support, things can get messy.



For those of you who like exploration there's a lot of it out there, We found 4 Ladar sites (Gas clouds) 3 Magnetometric (Archaeology) sites, and 2 Gravimetric (Asteroid) sites. The Gas clouds are one of the components for the T3 ship production, and the ones we found were only guarded by a few frigates.


The Gravimetric sites had some slightly better sleepers, mostly frigates still but we got a cruiser as well. And the Magnetometric sites were guarded by battleships, and we just didn't have the numbers to take them down and see what was inside, unfortunately!


But, the sleepers drop a lot of loot, and good salvage, and the tough fights the sleepers give make it an exciting time! I'd recommend going and checking it out if you get the chance, but bring something you're not afraid to lose if you do!


If our wormhole is still up, when I get back online I'll go and get some screenshots, I totaly spaced it earlier!


in parting, I think it's important to have one ship in your gang (Or an alt) set up for a variety of support roles, I'm thinkin some gas harvesters, a salvager, and an archaeology module on a battlecruiser, that way you can limit the amount of ships you have coming and going through the wormhole. And if you're serious about getting into the exploration, gas harvesting is maybe going to be the easiest way to get your fingers into the t3 pie. So train up your gas harvesting and your archaelogy and get some friends together to visit sleeper space!

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I had a go at exploration today - and am loving it. I still need a lot of skill training to be able to make use of a lot of the things I find, such as a magnetometric site I found in Ishishomo, but that will come along in time.


I have to say, now is probably the worst time to try exploring though - only one of the sites I found (including 2 wormholes :D) didn't already have anyone there, which was a bit irritating, especially combined with the fact that half the eve cluster seemed to be completely shutting down due to the number of people online :P But once things have calmed down a bit, it should be brilliant - I'm looking forward to exploring an actual wormhole.


Also, I am now a Recruitment Officer for E-uni - so if anyones interested in joining, I'm the guy to ask :cool:


A director in my corp posted a load of screenshots of the inside of a wormhole he found in Nuken, and it looked pretty awesome - a lot of sleepers, and a lot of valuable ores etc :P

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Confirming asteroids look like giant floating turds now.

I am not a miner- and I do not spend a lot of time looking at asteroids, but from what little I have seen most rocks in space look pretty natural. Overall I think they are more realistic than before, and I think this is a definite improvement.







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