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Rules on Profile Picture Question


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As an American I am well aware that multiple jurisdictions have declared the Confederate Flag to be a symbol of White Supremacy and Antisemitism. I am also aware that some jurisdictions have banned the public display of the the Confederate Flag and declared its display to qualify as "Hate Speech". I am equally aware that the US Department of Defense has banned the display of the Confederate Flag on all military installations, going so for as to discipline troops for getting a Confederate Flag tattoo. I have even seen where the Confederate Flag has been used as evidence that a crime was racially motivated and the crime qualified under Hate Crime statutes.


But, with that said, it is not likely that those outside the United States would know the meaning of that flag, or be offended by its display. We cannot press American sensitivities and values onto the rest of the world, for that way leads to us once more being labeled "The Ugly Americans".

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Well the account in question is American, so they know the symbolism of the flag. I just wasn't sure what the rules are since Black Tree Gaming is based in the UK.

I'm going to report the account anyway, since it is a hateful symbol here in the US.

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Update, the profile picture has been removed after I reported it. So... I guess this is a win for the Union boys!

I personally see it as a win for real Americans.

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