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Fallout 4 Cutting Room Floor Mod. Is it really possible in 2021


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I was wondering if it was actually possible to create a Cutting Room Floor Mod for Fallout like the Mod Authors did for Skyrim? Because Fallout 4 seems WAY TOO EMPTY and there are bits and pieces of things and settlements that were left behind like for example near Spectacle Island. Things that would be implemented into the game that were still there if the files and everything was still intact and not corrupted. I also kbow from Watching YouTube videos that The Glowing Sea was supposed to have a lot more to explore and a few Bioshock inspired things too. It has been almost 10 years since Fallout 4 was released andcould it be possible to make the mod for BOTH PC AND XBOX. Playstation players reading this: This Isn't possible because Sony Banned Third-party Assets back in 2014.
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If there hasn't been a mod to restore the cut content in the six years since FO4 released, chances are there isn't enough material to work with to to make it worthwhile.


For Skyrim's Cutting Room Floor mod they had a fair amount of assets, including recorded dialogue, for the things they brought back. Other things, like the arena in Windhelm, just don't have enough to work with to make it feasible.

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I think it is mostly because for fallout 4 , editing vanilla things is a bit more complicated.

For example: Editing the "commonwealth worldspace" requires you to regenerate precombined visibility and geometry.

That would make a mod that edits one area incompatible with any other mod that edits that area in the worldspace.



Or the "loose ends" that are in the game are just a bit too loose.

"Restoring" something requires you to have an objctive understanding of what it is supposed to be like, and lots of thing would require lots of additional creativity (and you couldn't call it "restoring something" if you brought your own ideas into it, right?)

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I checked extensively on the "Bioshock inspired thing" which would be the under-water vault 120 for the cut "20 leagues under the sea" quest.

There just isn't enough info, assets and gameplay (underwater fighting, sea creatures) to re-create what it was supposed to be.


All you can do is create 'something similar' and call it a mod for that cut part, but it wouldn't be even close to what it was really supposed to be / look like. (& you need a team for such effort)



& I'm still a bit sad they didn't even turn it into a DLC, which might also be an indication towards the feasibility to make it even work with the current state of the game(engine).

Edited by RoNin1971
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I checked extensively on the "Bioshock inspired thing" which would be the under-water vault 120 for the cut "20 leagues under the sea" quest.

There just isn't enough info, assets and gameplay (underwater fighting, sea creatures) to re-create what it was supposed to be.


All you can do is create 'something similar' and call it a mod for that cut part, but it wouldn't be even close to what it was really supposed to be / look like. (& you need a team for such effort)



& I'm still a bit sad they didn't even turn it into a DLC, which might also be an indication towards the feasibility to make it even work with the current state of the game(engine).

Beth hasn't had underwater combat since Morrowind...... :)

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Actually I feel the opposite way:

The small worldspace of the "commonwealth" is too "cluttered" with settlements, ...

You walk a minute and you are already at a safe place.


It just doesn't feel like a "wasteland" ...


If the map was 10 times bigger and had the same amount of settlements, but lots of dangerous places in between, then it would feel much more plausible ...


But that is just my opinion ...



And I know you mean "empty" as in "no things to do if you want to ignore the main quest, because all the faction quests are tied into the main quest"

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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