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I hope we backed up any mods by Neanka, and I hope we're backing up any other core mods.


Should Core Mods be Protected by Nexus Staff? (We're not talking about small mods. we're talking about big mods such as AAF, Def_UI, Hud Framework, MCM, ETC)  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Core Mods be protected by Nexus Staff?

    • Yes, I believe Core Mods should be protected by the Nexus Staff.
    • No, I believe Core Mod Developers should be allowed to hide their mods.

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Hello Visitor.


before we start, I know this is a controversial topic I'm talking about here. this topic wasnt created specifically to target Neanka, its just his recent actions this month is what caushed me to make this topic. we're not here to hate or scream at each other or even threaten each other. we're here just to vote and peacefully discuss about whether Core Mods should be protected by Nexus Mod Staff or Not.









So recently Neanka has hopped on the band waggon of crazy mod developers getting salty with the Nexus staff and has set all of his mods to hidden.


you may not know but, Neanka is the developer of Def_UI (I belive, im not sure. cant check since he hid it) lol, so now we're missing a significant core mod used by a good portion of hud mods.


Neanka helped with the creation of the highly used and highly praised Mod Configuration Menu. and as a perfect example of how selfish this individual is, he had set it to hidden. and I assume he did it without the knowledge of the other developers as he tried to bury this in his profile's activity page by adding dozens of people as friends to bury the activity. The reason I assume this is because Neanka went from adding a whomping 6 friends through the year of 2021 to adding more than 30 friends a day right after hiding MCM and EDI for several days straight. I assume they only recently got set to visible after reasonable backlash or by the demands of the other developers. or maybe he realized how detrimental this was to the modding community. or maybe im completely wrong about this.


But whatever happened, it happened. I just hope we can learn from this. I personally believe mod developers should have the right to hide their mods or delete it, but core mods such as MCM, Def_UI, AAF, and any other core mod should be removed from the custody of their developer(s) and established as essential to the community and be protected by the Nexus Staff. yes, I know the modders made the mod, but they choose to host it on this website. I personally believe that this should've been the case from the very beginning, and I know its a very unpopular opinion.


The Nexus Staff only wants to establish a reliable place to find and use mods for plenty of games ranging from Skyrim to games like The Witcher. and recently they've made collections which has made modding so much easier. you can easily download hundreds of mods with ease from a pre-made mod list by people with plenty of experience with making stable modlists and mod loads.


I personally believe that the deletation/hiding of core mods should be determined by a 2/3 vote which is established by The Modder, The Staff, and The Community. as i believe the Modders generally dont care about the interests of the community when they pull stunts like this to extort the Nexus Staff or disrupt the community..


when I go to download a core mod, I should even have to think about whether or not if its been hidden or not.


but I dont know, I personally want to know what everyone else here thinks about stuff like this? Should core mods be protected by the Nexus Staff? or should core mod developers hold the ability to hide their mods for what ever reason whether it be to extort the staff or to disrupt the modding community?

And yes, I know how the law works. but theres nothing that TOS cant fix (Probably)

Edited by MythicalTwinkies
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I notice the examples you give of why mods might be hidden assume bad intent on the part of the author. What about good reasons?


There are plenty of good reasons to hide a mod, such as if theres a dispute between the author and another author over potentially stolen assests. or if its a controversial mod. or another good example is if the mod author recently got hacked and the hacker swithced their mod out for something malicious. but we're talking about Core Mods here. typically if its a good reason than both the Modder and the Nexus staff can agree that it should be set to hidden than thats good. but for instance, if the Modder wants to take their core mod down because they had a disagreement with a staff member than thats where the community comes in. the community would be the deciding factor on whether or not taking a core mod down because the mod author had beef with the staff is a good idea or not (Which usually its not)






heres a good example that I briefly mentioned early. lets say one of the MCM authors got hacked and now someone has replaced the current version of MCM with malicious software. obviously the Mod author(s) and the Nexus team can agree its a good idea to take it down even if the community wants it to stay up (assuming they dont understand why).

Lets say Nexus decided to add a new system to completely screw mod authors over, that both the Community and Mod authors can agree is bad, than the Community and Mod Authors can put it to a 2/3 vote to take their mods down to force Nexus to reconsider.

2 Mod authors are having a dispute over stolen assests and who stole what and neither of the want to take their mod down. well the Community and The Nexus Staff team can put it to a 2/3 vote to take both down till its determined by both the Mod Authors and Nexus Staff on who stole what.


I'm once again going to use Neanka as an example. Neanka took down Def_UI and its respective addons over some personally beef he has with the staff. thats obviously not in the best interest for both the Community and the Staff as now the Community doesnt have access to a mod that a good portion of mods depend on. if we had this system in place, we would be able to put it to take a vote. this is where the community would say if the beef is honestly worth taking an essential mod down for a most likely unjust reason. perhaps there was a good reason he took it town. but I persoanlly believe his reason wasnt justifiable.




Perhaps a new framework came out and the Staff wants to replace the older framework for the new one. well the Author and the Community can put it to a 2/3 vote in the case they dont want to replace it but would rather have the 2 frameworks exist so modders wouldnt have to change their mods to work with the new framework.

or maybe the new framework is alot easier for modders to work with and older mods wouldnt need a rework to work with the new framework (In some magical world of fanatsy). well, the Author and Nexus Staff can put it to a 2/3 vote to replace the framework

Another example is perhaps a framework is extremely old and needs to be replaced as a new one had rolled out that works alot better and most modders switched to this one already. well the Community and Nexus can put it to a 2/3 vote to replace the framework.





the reason I'm talking mostly negatives is because thats what this system would be for. it would be for preventing mod authors from taking down their mods for unjust reasons.

imagine the chaos we'd be in if Valdacil suddenly decided to take Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource down because some beef started between them and some Nexus Staff member. obviously there are plenty of another places to download AWKCR but thats not in the best interest of the Nexus Staff. and now you'd have to download the mod from a different website which may not be in the interest of the Community. I personally believe theres alot of mod authors out there who honestly dont care about the community and they only make the mods for the DP so they can convert it to money.


obviously my system has flaws, but nothing is perfect on the first go. something like this would need tons of preperation and legal consulting. im just a guy whos kinda salty one of the core mods atm has been hidden because the author has a personal beef with staff.

Edited by MythicalTwinkies
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Guest deleted34304850

you as a user of mods don't get a say in how a mod author does what they do with THEIR property.

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Hoovering up free stuff grants no ENTITLEMENT to perpetual use rights (like paid for software).


Expecting or claiming such an entitlement is rather uneducated or ignorant.

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Okay, I think I kind of get where you're coming from. If someone creates a mod that is specifically designed to allow other authors to create extensions for it and then that mod is pulled it *feels* unfair to the extension authors. Like, imagine if SKSE just got pulled without warning? But, that's just part of a development environment where everyone owns their own work. The extension authors had to be aware of that before they began work.


And then there are insurmountable practical problems. What defines a core mod? Who makes the decision? And how do you justify some authors having more rights than others based on that decision? And, of course, how would you avoid having authors shy away from making mods that might be declared core mods and costing them those rights?


It's just not a good idea on any level.

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and I assume he did it without the knowledge of the other developers as he tried to bury this in his profile's activity page by adding dozens of people as friends to bury the activity. The reason I assume this is because Neanka went from adding a whomping 6 friends through the year of 2021 to adding more than 30 friends a day right after hiding MCM and EDI for several days straight. I assume they only recently got set to visible after reasonable backlash or by the demands of the other developers


3 fakes in a row. You better keep shut up if u dont know anything about the situation. this post incites hatred based solely on your guesses

it's strange why this post hasn't been deleted yet. I reported it a half day ago. and your offensive DM, too.


here are the proofs of the first and third fake



as for second fake

maybe, people are adding me as a friend because they supported my decision? Let's ask all of em?

Edited by Neanka
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Guest deleted34304850

i reported this post too, as it calls out a person directly which is a flagrant breach of forum etiquette. the fact its still here amazes me.


also the OP is wildly wrong - there is no such thing as a "core mod" a mod may be popular and used extensively, but its not "core" in the context of it being required for a game to function. its a popular mod - but it could go away at any time. that's life. deal with it.

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