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Vortex/Nexus Webmaster Dev needs to LEARN TO CODE!


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Dear Nexus!

This is such a novice mistake in code I cannot even believe you let people touch this website! Why are we paying for this complete novice mistake that has wasted so many days as to why I cannot login to this website? I would like the last several days of MY LIFE BACK PLEASE!!!

God forbid you guys should give a person a free several months of FREE VORTEX for finding bugs in YOUR LOGIN CODE!!! Holy cow!

Do you guys realize that a troubleshooter from Silicon Valley (former resident) would charge you over $150 to find a bug like this if you hired them?


This is a rookie first week in code class mistake, please fire this person and replace them with a competent individual!

(see image1.png below this line)

what happens when you ADD an extra space to the code you may ask???
Perpetual OATH errors nonstop and a supremely FRUSTRATED login user!!!
Seriously, it took me THREE days or cursing Vortex, their pets, their neighbors, the random guy down the street to find this. SHAMEFUL!

(see image2.png below this line)

What happens when you REMOVE this superfluous extra space in the login box code? OH, LOOKY a login screen shows up!
I should charge you nincompoops $150 for this discovery! Shame on you!

(see image3.png below this line)

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While I definitely don't approve of your conduct here, I won't completely dismiss this as you may have found a minor bug.


Can you confirm which browser you use? I have verified that this character exists but does not cause any problem is most modern browsers. I don't recognise the UI from your screenshot so I can only assume you're using some kind of niche browser that cannot resolve the URL properly because of the extra character? If it is a common browser, you may be having the problem because of browser addons: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/113-troubleshooting-website-issues


You can also submit a bug report (preferably without the attitude) here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/web-issues/issues/new/choose

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Why are you posting this on the Vortex forums though?

Why would you curse Vortex?

Vortex is our desktop application, it has nothing to do with what you're describing.


It's also already free and open-source so feel free to take as many months free Vortex as you like as a reward for your finding... :P

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"I would like the last several days of MY LIFE BACK PLEASE!!!"


Yes your life liberty and freedom was inconvenienced by not being able to log into a game modding service.

Consider that rather than going outside to enjoy all the beauty of the world and spend time with people you care about you instead chose to spend it looking through code. The only person who wasted your time was you.

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