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Creation Kit info

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It looks like Creation Kit is coming in 2024, which isn't terrible. Skyrim was 4 months and Fallout 4 was 6 months. I appreciate what the mod developers are doing now but once the CC hits its going to be nuts. Here is the english article, https://www.polygon.com/23867916/starfield-mod-support-creation-kit-2024, and the japanese one, https://www.famitsu.com/news/202309/06315728.html

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  • 3 months later...

Even if the state of Skyrim was terrible in 2011 and 2012, will loads of crashes and problems, they did release the CK anyway. I do not recall that Oblivion nor Morrowind was as terible as Skyrim was, nor Daggerfall. But as demanding as this game is now, it will not get less demanding and crash less when we add more mods to it. 😄  Honestly the time it took to get Skyrim to work nice, I bet it will take 2-3 more years until this game works better and crash less. I do look forward to CK anyway as there is so much I wanna do to make life easier and funnier in game.  😉  Shape it in any way I want to.

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  • 4 months later...

Time for the CK to drop.  We are getting less and less mods, and many of them are just recycled versions of things that were made ages ago.  We're even seeing the return of BAT file mods, which had mostly died out.

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