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Ukrainian War: Prelude to Worse?


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what is as worse as the still ongoing ukraine slaughter ? i tell you: if american society supports and protects an 18 year old (and also younger) by law with more and more weapons to let them slaughter even children and repeat to tell the stupid nra story of more weapons means more security. not funny but u.s. and especially republican reality.

Erm, What??? I am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say here.


Mentally insane people use weapons to commit massacres

NRA sell weapons to insane people

so NRA free sale of weapons no bring security: you get it?^^

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what is as worse as the still ongoing ukraine slaughter ? i tell you: if american society supports and protects an 18 year old (and also younger) by law with more and more weapons to let them slaughter even children and repeat to tell the stupid nra story of more weapons means more security. not funny but u.s. and especially republican reality.

Erm, What??? I am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say here.




See how easy it is to inflict impression ?


what bout this


We all do it every day .


If even 1 day a month you visit the internet.

You are subject to wat then does make the internet

But of course the laws of physics still apply .

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what is as worse as the still ongoing ukraine slaughter ? i tell you: if american society supports and protects an 18 year old (and also younger) by law with more and more weapons to let them slaughter even children and repeat to tell the stupid nra story of more weapons means more security. not funny but u.s. and especially republican reality.


But to speak to waht you were trying to derail to . That was not your normal mass shooting / school or otherwise .

As sick as that is to say there is a normalcy about it :sick:


I hesitate to say what I think happended ... rather just wait for more details. I'm totally with ya about no conspiracy shism .

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an 18 year old (and also younger) by law with more and more weapons


Okies sorry ... I want to derail onto a subject addressing this statement. I know this is near religious territory : \


Guns and rights there of .


So do you know that this 18 year old was not breaking any of the current laws for possessing guns ? But ya I know ... needs to be something done on the manufacture end.

Which if we can all agree ... even the responsible gun owner crowd. That if there were in fact half the weapons available in this country. It would not even Affect them As a Law abiding citizen.

Maybe gun ownership should be more niche ... not going to buy a guitar/amp/music stuff . For the purposes of playing it in public anyways.

And I think is obviously the toxicity in society leading to the shootings. Which covieniently enough talking about gun control happens to be one of the big toxic cess pools.

Yet much easier to fix than the rest of the cess pool subjects.

Take both extreme positions ... and make them agree there is something known as a responsible gun owner ... then open the discussion to what that looks like. Maybe at least each side could draw a picture :laugh:

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what is as worse as the still ongoing ukraine slaughter ? i tell you: if american society supports and protects an 18 year old (and also younger) by law with more and more weapons to let them slaughter even children and repeat to tell the stupid nra story of more weapons means more security. not funny but u.s. and especially republican reality.

Erm, What??? I am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say here.


i can ease your trouble but only if you understand that. it is a clear statement.

if american society is not able to at least force politics to release a nationalwide background check this society and its politcians simply lie and fail if they claim they love their children.

it is pathetic and inhuman to watch this without consequences as a result. it is a huge national problem of a society and politics which permanently fails to solve their true and obvious weaknesses and instead supports a uniquely short sighted and block headed weapon lobby. i can not see that anything of this is better than watching the slaughter of families in the ukraine on their own ground without doing anything. i have nothing to add.

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what is as worse as the still ongoing ukraine slaughter ? i tell you: if american society supports and protects an 18 year old (and also younger) by law with more and more weapons to let them slaughter even children and repeat to tell the stupid nra story of more weapons means more security. not funny but u.s. and especially republican reality.

Erm, What??? I am having trouble understanding what you are trying to say here.


i can ease your trouble but only if you understand that. it is a clear statement.

if american society is not able to at least force politics to release a nationalwide background check this society and its politcians simply lie and fail if they claim they love their children.

it is pathetic and inhuman to watch this without consequences as a result. it is a huge national problem of a society and politics which permanently fails to solve their true and obvious weaknesses and instead supports a uniquely short sighted and block headed weapon lobby. i can not see that anything of this is better than watching the slaughter of families in the ukraine on their own ground without doing anything. i have nothing to add.


Erm, a background check IS required for the purchase of a firearm...... even at gun shows. No matter how much the left would have you believe otherwise, the vendors at gun shows, that are actual businesses, do background checks ON THE SPOT before selling someone a weapon. It is a REQUIREMENT for ANY vendor at the show. Now, private citizens selling weapons to each other in the parking lot, is a completely different story. Sure, you could pass some law that would require a private citizen to do a background check before selling someone a weapon, however, it would be impossible to enforce.


The NRA doesn't sell weapons, doesn't make weapons, or ammo. They are essentially a 'gun club', or, more accurately, a 'gun owners club'. Do they have a lobbying element? You bet.

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i don`t argue with you about nra and the related problems anymore. we all know the facts and the too obvious problems. how ever you and many americans try to turn this facts pro more weapons while claiming you/they love their children. how short sighted in my opinion! do you really think this 200 year old "buy weapons it your right and our tradition" experiment in ths us will work out in the end ? how many shoodings do you need to understand why this problem exists all over the world but on a much lower level in the rest of the civilized world ?


correct would be: you all us americans love your weapons and your (in the meantime) crude cowboy traditions and obviously mostly forget also about the security of your children and life at all and the value of lives reating them with a much too low priority. it is obvious and that simple. even bloody shootings seem not change that. so nothing to argue. Just be happy.

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i don`t argue with you about nra and the related problems anymore. we all know the facts and the too obvious problems. how ever you and many americans try to turn this facts pro more weapons while claiming you/they love their children. how short sighted in my opinion! do you really think this 200 year old "buy weapons it your right and our tradition" experiment in ths us will work out in the end ? how many shoodings do you need to understand why this problem exists all over the world but on a much lower level in the rest of the civilized world ?


correct would be: you all us americans love your weapons and your (in the meantime) crude cowboy traditions and obviously mostly forget also about the security of your children and life at all and the value of lives reating them with a much too low priority. it is obvious and that simple. even bloody shootings seem not change that. so nothing to argue. Just be happy.

As he spews on about gun control..... Hhhhmmmm.....


I am not going to engage any further here. This thread is NOT about gun control in the US, it's about the war in Ukraine. Think you can stick to the topic?

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I'm making a mod ... where you throw guns in a caldron ... resource gathering . Corpses too ... but that's separate for what counts .


There is only one way to out law guns in America ... start talking about how to separate the ideologies.

that would at least change the conversation,


And ... then you coul d scare the peeps into realizing who they are in bed with

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Guns are simply a tool, nothing more.

The US government itself has spent 40 BILLION plus on buying guns for people to use in Ukraine, as well as countless billions of $$$ from other countries for the same purpose = To protect themselves from others - Where is your outrage over that?


Where were the calls to outlaw SUV's when a racist terrorist rammed his through a local Christmas Parade (comprising of and being watched by hundreds of children)?


The problem is not the guns, or any other weapon, they are just a tools, and neither are the laws that govern their distribution. The problem is the culture, society, and governments that create people who WANT to commit these crimes, whether it be a school shooting, or invading another country.




Instead, you engage in divisive rhetoric, malign an entire country of people with no factual basis, and parrot false claims and provably failed ideologies.

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